General Discussion

General DiscussionAm i noob?

Am i noob? in General Discussion
bitch syndrome

    Rate my dotabuff and give some feedback :)

    -apm 400 player


      King of Low Prio

        yes, your stats are really low even on your top heroes. I cant give feedback based on stats alone unless I watch matches

        bitch syndrome

          So what are "good" stats for support heroes? I really want to improve my gameplay.


            hard life of a support: you never have good stats.

            King of Low Prio

              even supports should be above 3 kda because it factors assists into your stats as well.

              bitch syndrome

                What if enemy team focuses me and kills first? We win but i mostly have low KDA. I'm not complaining about my hard life, but it kinda sucks when someone calls you a noob according only to your stats.


                  well i have horrible stats on my zapports too, dw

                  King of Low Prio

                    @Enterprise that will happen BUT it also should not happen all the time. If it does it is due to poor positioning and awareness. Just think of it like this if your team wins 1 team fight you get 5 points added to your KDA. Alot of the time supports are not high priority targets BUT supports that position themselves poorly become easy targets

                    bitch syndrome

                      I don't have enough good positioning and i have a bit slow reaction. I think it will come up with some time.
                      For example enemy team was focusing me, they killed me, but i got my carry rampaged. I think it is okay (for noob).
                      So am i noob?
                      Btw thank you for your feedback guys. :)


                        You can't really position yourself so that you'll not die in a teamfight with a hero like crystal maiden or else. Most of the time poor CM will die.
                        She simply spams all 3 of her spells, she needs to be in the centre to make it work well, and then others will finish her work, I often see pros feeding with rubick and CM.

                        King of Low Prio

                          if your carry can take out the whole team solo then you should not be dieing just sit back and watch the fireworks

                          King of Low Prio

                            name a pro support player that feeds commonly in both kills and assists in a a won match

                            bitch syndrome

                              He couldn't do that solo. So

                              King of Low Prio

                                you ended with a 4.8 kda

                                your usual kda is around 2 which is low

                                bitch syndrome

                                  :( so sad.

                                  bitch syndrome

                                    Is 3.20 enough for support?

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      there is nothing wrong with being a 'noob' everyone starts somewhere as long as you see there is room for improvement you will get better. Most people plateau because they get it in their head that 'I did all that I could'

                                      bitch syndrome

                                        Do i have future :3

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          the higher the better but yes around 3 is average. Players like Fluff and Akke get 4-5 kda as supports but they are on the high end :P


                                            "name a pro support player that feeds commonly in both kills and assists in a won match"


                                            Quick maffs

                                              Man i have sick KDA and i am bad as fuck ......

                                              I dont think is that important ..... for example i cant play support because i feed like hell.


                                                Guys, this guy is just another player that wants to be praised. Just ignore this thread- he says he wants to improve, but actually he just wants to hear the good stuff.