General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best lich dual mid partners

The best lich dual mid partners in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I tried dual laning lich twice now, once with bloodseeker vs puck and once with mirana vs shadow fiend.

    Against puck, we were able to zone him out completely so he got no last hits and with sacrifice our levels kept pace with his. Bs got free farm, but didn't do effective enough of a job using that farm to gank other lanes. Other team was pretty decent and was built for huge early fighting with puck, cm and earthshaker, and kept 5 man pushing middle and we defending 3v5 or 4v5 a lot and were losing early. I made quite a few mistakes that game and my bs missed a ton of gank oppertunities cus he wanted to farm instead of using his silence to kill puck (what a noob!). But the other team pretty much let our weaver free farm bottom while they tried to push so in the end we out carried them late. The mid game didn't go that great in a vacuum, but we were able to keep puck from ganking our hard carry at all.

    Against sf we destroyed him. He couldn't last hit except for using raze, I'd just nuke him to half hp, then mirana jump and arrow. We killed him 3 times I think then just pushed the tower. Our top lane also won with pl and cm so we would've won this game regardless but destroying sf mid turned it into a rout.

    So what other strategies do you guys do with a lich mid? What are some other good partners? My bro wanted to do tiny + lich which seems good, but I prefer to secure farm for a carry rather than snowball tiny (though with early aghs he can be pretty badass). I was thinking luna would be ok, high dmg plus mini stun, but probably not as good as mirana. Also chaos knight. Do a swap stun with lich is pretty much free kills. I think puck would also be interesting, if you snowball enough you can turn into a great side ganking combo.

    When dualing mid is it worth leaving lane to go gank side lanes/jungle with either/both heroes? We didn't do this much, we focused on shutting down their mid, farming for carry and pushing the tower but in both games the other team had junglers (chen and enchantress) so I'm thinking after we pushed mid out we should've gone to gank a few times. But if a gank isn't successful you lose a lot of time farming so I'm not sure. All they need is one ward and to run to base to avoid the gank usually.


      About your last statement...Smoke of Deceit :D


        lich is gay and u are gay for picking him too

        Dire Wolf

          Yes I agree, after our two wins my bro said let's just keep running that back til we lose. My response, no it's too f-ing predictable and boring lol.




              I'd prefer laning lich with a with a ganking oriented hero such as sand king, slardar, brewmaster, centaur to get a quick blink and take control over the map. Leave the farming hero for a sidelane: less exposure to get ganked, not going to have much of a game presence on the sidelanes.

              jess the goat

                What about lich+pudge, lich slows down the hero, pudge either hooks or just runs up and rots.


                  lich + lifestealer. Lich Q allows LS to get into position to open wounds. When the go long lane they can control the equilibrium. LS maxes rage first... Only thing i'm not sure of is if Rage will dispel lich shield.

                  You can really do any lane with lich. He is just really strong.

                  bum farto

                    Axe/Ursa/Tuskarr + Lich

                    Dire Wolf

                      Ursa wouldn't really be able to kill the opposing mid unless they're way out of position or ursa farms blink. The nuke slow doesn't last that long. I like slardar idea, sprint and smash + bashes.


                        Lich + Bristleback


                          Lich + pa best lane ever
                          Ez farm ez kills ez game


                            actually middle, lich win the lane by itself (unless against ta) so if enemy don't move his ass, you can put everysingle dude you want to, spectre, am for example.

                            Personally i've a big love for kunka lich lane, harrassing at it's most -much more than the pl kotl line !!!!-, and since it's middle, the wave come back fast if ever the cleave pushed faster than the deny of lich blocked it.

                            There's only one prob with lich + x mid, it's that usually they don't benefit much from rune. So Considering a hero that can make use of a bottle is mb the best choice with lich middle

                            bum farto

                              I only say this cause it was done to us and sadly worked...


                                just came back to tell op how fag he is


                                  Lich + Kotl + Tiny Tri-lane.
                                  Lich + Wisp + Tiny Tri-lane.
                                  Dirty stuff.

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    It's a very strong move, I don't see how you can counter it, except maybe to gank middle. Try and hope you win the other lanes I guess.


                                      lich + doom,
                                      frost armor, jungle frost armor & shivas = 32 armor


                                        We should ask this question instead:
                                        THE BEST ENEMY HERO FOR LICH DUAL MID


                                          Chaos knight+lich old xpam days gege wepe.


                                            PL kotol


                                              op is fag