General Discussion

General DiscussionWraith King Builds?

Wraith King Builds? in General Discussion
MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

    I just played a few limited heroes games to try out a new build. What do you think of phase->drum->refresher->bkb->rapier?
    It seemed to work but maybe requires too much farm.


        blink + whatever

        Dire Wolf

          Uh well refresher sounds pretty bad. But smileys builds don't seem that conventional, I'm not so sure about a radiance on wk.

          And how can his core build not include bkb or ac?

          I usually go treads, armlet, bkb, ac, basher into abyssal. It will work like 80% of the time. Only issues will be against extremely mobile teams if your team has nothing to disable them with. You can throw a wand in there to pop for ult if you find yourself using all your mana.

          A lot of people bash armlet but wk has built in lifesteal so you can keep it toggled and what elses gives you those kind of offensive stats for 2700g? It gives you 65 dmg and 25 IAS when active, that is nuts, that's close to desolator amount of dmg for 2/3rds the price.

          Blink can be good, if you want to play him like an initiator/ganker. I think blink sven is a little better though due to aoe on his stun. Deso is also pretty damn good on him.


            I said: etcetc, meaning there's a lot more builds I'm aware of, but too lazy to write them down.

            Mask of Madness + Blademail is something nobody really does, but can be very effective vs. a team that doesn't build bkbs and are naturally squishy. Radiancerush was a thing long time ago, not seen anymore.
            However that's more effective than the shit he listed. :p


              blademail radiance shivas

              but if you are going for carry just go PT -> maelstrom -> blademail -> mjollnir -> basher


                Blink/Shadow Blade

                Situational: Soul Ring for jackass mana burner

                I have a friend who is 2.8k MMR, and with this build he has 85+ winrate on WK and 5.5 KDA

                Dire Wolf

                  I like it except I'd go bkb before abyssal unless opposing team literally had zero disables.

                  Blade mail seems situational. If you're fighting ursa, pa, clinkz or some other high burst dmg hero who has trouble turning it off then yes. If you're fighting someone with aoe they can't control like tinker or razor then yes. Otherwise I don't like it that much.


                    @ s m i l e y

                    be nice or get banned


                      I don't really recommend phase-boots on wk.


                        powers => drum => blademail => maelstrom => mjollnir => radiance=> refresher => boots of travel (sell powers) => S&Y (sell drum) => buybacks + wards/dust/smoke (for a support to hold on to)

                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                          why s+y? I guess I could see it early, but once you have all those other items why bother? I'm not a fan of s+y to begin with, but it is a midgame item


                            Its mostly just so you are harder to kite, but it also gives you back some of the attack speed that you lost when you sold your PTs. If one of your supports hasn't bought a drum by that point you could just buy another drum recipes to refresh the charges instead, but otherwise S&Y is a strict upgrade.


                              Core: Power Treads and Armlet. If there are mana drainers in enemy team, switching treads can help in having just enough mana for reincarnation.

                              1. Magic Wand or Soul Ring: Invoker is the most common reason I buy Soul Ring. He completely drains mana early game and I pop Soul Ring to survive with ulti.
                              2. Blademail: For pesky low health high damage dealers like Clinkz, Riki and Sniper.
                              3. Black King Bar: Buy only if you are getting disabled a lot. Please don't buy without need since it is very costly item. Most enemies don't focus on disabling WK in teamfights because of his ulti.

                              1. Heaven's Halb: Gives you evasion and disarms dangerous right click heroes like Ursa and Dragon Knight.
                              3. Maelstrom into Mjolnir: Gives you much needed attack speed.
                              4. Assault Cuirass: The mother of all armors!


                                I've always wanted to try Radiance rush on WK, but I never feel greedy enough. Merlini's build is pretty nice though.


                                Bot (Passive)

                                  midas treads blink mjo abyssal tends to work

                                  bkb game situational


                                    Personally I think the safest build is Treads > Armlet > S&Y/Blink > AC > Desolator > Abyssal > Whatever


                                      Why not use Hailrake's build?

                                      He climbed like 2000 MMR using the same build every game.


                                        Ummm that sand king has 3 battle furies



                                          BFury is core on SK.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            I don't think bkb is very situational, I think it's core. Treads, armlet, bkb. Then whatever you want, it doesn't matter much after than.

                                            S&y is quite underrated. Gives you nice hp, dmg, IAS and move speed for not a lot of dough. Only danger is if you go treads, bkb, armlet core plus a tp, that only leaves 2 slots. S&y is not very expensive, then you get an ac or mjollnirs? 6-slotted pretty quickly. I think ac + abyssal or mjollnir + abyssal is a scarier 6 slot than s&y. You can always go travel boots though and free up your tp slot.


                                              Why is BKB a core? Who would focus on WK first during teamfight given his ulti?


                                                /\ 55.98% of the pubbers would

                                                MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                  I get it because by the time I refresh (3rd life, or 4th with aegis), the rest of my team may be dead and if I only have one life left, not getting stunned is key, especially while carrying rapier(s)

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    It's not about focus, it's about not getting disabled. WK easy to kite if you have a few disables, they'll wipe your team then toy with you.


                                                      ^^never pick up the aegis on WK (unless no one else is around) its way too likely to expire or get wasted in the situation u just described.
                                                      please don't build a rapier, except as a last ditch effort to come back from a game that you otherwise have no chance of winning, even then its only likely to actually help if you are playing some one like medusa or gyro.


                                                        why refresher? does WK has enough mana..,which doesnt privade dps,compared with other items.

                                                        MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                          Its kind of just a pubstomp build. Run in 1v5, they stack disables terribly and burn one life, then you kill all of them. Building rapiers in low level pubs is fine, especially if you have good positioning. I have rapier in ~6% of games, and have never dropped a rapier, except in this game:, in which I dropped 4.


                                                            If it wins you games, it wins you games, but win enough games and you wont be in low level pubs any more. Once it starts loosing you games stop doing it. Have fun with your 2,500 damage crits while you still can.

                                                            MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                              For the record, you are too. Your games are 'normal' skill. Most of mine are normal skill, but I get the occasional high skill game.

                                                              MLG Quickscoper 420 Kushlord

                                                                Haha. a reasonable amount of hate for this idea, but w/e. I don't play him anyway.


                                                                  Hailrake build is the best.