General Discussion

General Discussion> How to get high MMR.

> How to get high MMR. in General Discussion

    Play Carry/Offlane/Mid.

    Do not play support.

    I finished qualifying, every single game I played with my friend (we never played without each other) Over 100 games, I had a KDA of 3.5 on Veno (Hard Supporting), and he had a KDA of 3.8 on Morphling (Hard Carrying). I didn't do any math on Hero Damage, but he had approximately 50% more than me on average from the games I checked.

    He scored 4660. I scored 4140.

    Pro tip kiddies: Don't play support. Your hero damage is lower than carry, thus you get trash mmr.

    thanks gaben. fuck mmr.

    solo ranking inc

    peace out

    Edit: We just decided to try this all over again, this time I'll play carry and he'll play support. Will be back in a month with new results.


      That's not how it works. It's based off your hidden mmr. But yup insight hatespeech against me. I see how it is.


        I got up to 5k while mostly supporting


          We played every single game together. Actually he played one without me and lost. But just one.



            keep in mind if you get inflated mmr because of picking heroes like Zeus, you'll still drop if that's not your real mmr...
            When you first get a rating, playing the hero won't make you win unless you're good enough to win with that praticular hero.


              I didn't pick Zeus? I was hard supporting every game that was V.High and probably at least half if not all High games. I only used safe pubstompers like NP in Normal and Low High


                If you play support it's simple. Use smokes.

                I know what you're thinking, "Oh but smoke requires coordination and cooperation, we don't have that in the trench."
                Trust me, there's something about being smoked that's just primal in any dota player no matter how bad they are or from whatever nationality they hail from. As soon as it hits them, they start working with you to get kills.

                It's like they just tasted blood for the first time. You can have an afk farming Void in the jungle and as soon as you cover that fucker with a smoke he suddenly turns into a navy seal commando looking for kills.
                Doesn't need any communication, you could have been telling that Void he's shit at dota throughout the whole game. As soon as he's smoked, that motherfucker and the rest of your team are gonna start acting like a pack of wolfs looking for preys. It's like some sort of in-built instinct that every dota player has.

                tl:dr, Stop being bad at support, you're more than a ward bitch not that wards really matter in low tier since everyone is blind.

                Also consider playing Veno as something else than a 5, Veno as a core works very well in the same way that Pugna and Leshrac work well as cores. They can contribute alot to the mid-game with some farm.


                  I was calibrated 3900 when I started (look at my top heroes), while my friend who mostly plays carrys got 3400 when calibrated. So I guess your friend simply plays better than you?


                    We were in every single game together. We were not seperate. This is Party MMR and we only played together.

                    The only variable is that he played Carry and I played Support. If it's HD that determines MMR... why? A carry will always have more HD than a support.

                    Kai no Kiseki

                      isn't it well known that in the calibration phase hero damage matters a lot?



                        I beg to differ.


                        game is bad

                          I play nothing but support and I climbed to 5k.



                            I'm talking about a standard game in v.high.

                            You snowballed. If I told you that Omniknight will always have less HD than, say, Meepo, would you point out one game with a feeder Meepo and a snowballing omniknight and call me a liar?


                            Also, I'm playing veno support, yes, veno can play offlane or even mid too.

                            ALSO I'm sure that if I was 5k quality, I could climb to 5k. What is really disappointing me is that calibration uses hero damage, even when you're playing hard support. At least half of my placement matches I was the only support and couldn't afford arcs or force until 20 minutes, and somehow I'm still supposed to have the highest HD if I want to get a good mmr calibration.

                            They need a better system, or just remove theirs and use W/L only. I'm 70% with Veno total, and 60% in V.High/Ranked and I get 4.2 and my friend gets 4.7? Come on.

                            leave me alone

                              why dont u have a basi in any of ur games

                              takes away the need for arcanes and can replace with point booster

                              anyway for the hd thing im pretty sure its relative to the hero, and since most morph players tend to end up scoring low HD's by either afk farming linkens, if ur friend actually knows how to play the hero and or goes shotgun hes going to do a lot better with that hero. whereas on veno idiots will use their ulti even if it has no use as a suicide mechanism if they get ganked so they end up with more hd than they should.

                              so maybe the answer is picking a hero thats often played really badly in pubs (maybe np? usually see idiots afk farming 20 minutes in the jungle as np) and getting a ton of hero damage by going items like aghs and dagon and stuff like that.


                                I haven't lost a game in over a week where I played carry.

                                People just can't deal with a carry being aggressive early at low-mid range MMRs.

                                (I'm only about 3.6k)



                                  Because without arcs you can't ulti. Regen does nothing for needing to burst mana for a combo.

                                  Good points though, it might be relative.


                                    When you create new account, MM uses HD, TD its uses K/D/A, stun duration, disable, GPM, XPM, everything. In short, your whole performance. Impact of that is very high in first couple of games. As you play more, performance gets less and less impact and in some point MMR gives you stable unranked MMR which grows on wins and drops in losses. And that is OK, in my opinion. I dont see in which other way you could differ new accounts and create new mmr.

                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                      1) buy a mic.
                                      2) use mute.
                                      3) don't let noobs be captain in CM mode.



                                        Lol just because support is the hardest role (imo) doesn't mean you "can't gain MMR" with it, LMAO

                                        I suck on support so I just don't play it in ranked except a couple heroes

                                        The real headache is stacking with my friends 1k+ lower than me and trying to support, Lol
