General Discussion

General Discussion[Offtopic] A friend of mine helped develop a promo video

[Offtopic] A friend of mine helped develop a promo video in General Discussion
King of Low Prio

    pretty cool video in preparation for the Kendo world championship next year :)


      pretty cool

      fukcin crazy people though

      Quick maffs

        why they scream like bitches ?

        serious question


          no one cares


            :O Sampson will whack you with his bamboo sword thing :O

            Quick maffs

              hah ......

              If i had to scream like that i would drop it lol

              Quick maffs

                Can you scream something like " fuck you " ? or only the same exact words ?


                  I muted it and enjoyed it quite a bit. Dat speed.


                    dat scream :P it was ok other than that :3


                      If you get hit hard, does it hurt at all? Does it leave bruises or anything?

                      Also how heavy are those swords?

                      King of Low Prio

                        Dont need a stick :) I was a boxer for a long time prior to my surgery and since I am extremely competitive I needed a new combat sport so I transitioned to Kendo 5 years ago

                        You can say whatever u want, one girl told her opponent to 'fuck off' during a match. The judges didnt hear it tho or else it would have prob gotten her a penalty :P


                          i read that as porno video

                          King of Low Prio

                            @ HotSalza


                            it depends on age, sex and if you are using 1 or 2 swords


                            this was my friend the morning after practice :P

                            King of Low Prio


                              yea that is the team Canada captain, I have fought him and his speed is just unreal


                                Cool video.

                                Need more protection on the arms XD

                                King of Low Prio

                                  ^ yea I agree, the gear really only protects the point zones BUT people miss :( my bruised ribs is proof of that :P


                                    Urgh, used to do karate I really miss it. I don't have time to do it with a job and a half and going to kids events like church bible camp, dance class, softball, girl scouts... the list goes on. I love having kids but they drain you of time and money :( I barely get to work out anymore.