General Discussion

General DiscussionStorm Spirit - Regen Question

Storm Spirit - Regen Question in General Discussion

    Whats the threshhold of mana regen where storm spirit becomes completely OP.

    From my experience I start to notice him snowballing around 20 mana regen per second. What has everyone elses experience been?

    bum farto

      Keep it to one thread big boy.


        Lol geez, i didn't realize the community was so small here that I should assume everyone looking is familiar with the contents of every thread.

        Like a small town in Tennessee.


          above 50 id say




              Limitless outside of ult: 36
              More than you should probably need: 9

              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                depends on your heroes.


                  stop spamming my forum you trash


                    Benao, i hope you get hit by a truck. Thanks everyone else.


                      This is kinda relevant to the thread, but even if you regen more mana than your ult takes up you can't ult across the map AFAIK.

                      Cagnus Marlsen

                        check my dotabuff, im a legit storm player with 4.6k mmr.
                        i think storm is best when you have a mana regen of.. well.. honestly, the number doesnt matter as long as you get your timing right..
                        let's get it this way
                        1 mana regen per minute.
                        so by 30th minute, you'd want 30 mana regen, that's ussually a good sign,
                        if you can get more, good
                        i generally go PT, orchid, THEN -> BKB/BStone.
                        if game is hard i generally go bkb, and if enemy need abilities with long cool down to kill me, i go Bstone ( ravage, blackhole, global silence) , so when i die, i respawn fast and their skills are still on CD.
                        hope this helps.


                          "This is kinda relevant to the thread, but even if you regen more mana than your ult takes up you can't ult across the map AFAIK. "
                          You can't get enough mana regen for that. You can get close if you just get a value point in the ult instead of maxing it, but close still isn't enough, and you'd be virtually worthless anyways so /shrug