General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it harder to get 0 mmr then 4k?

Is it harder to get 0 mmr then 4k? in General Discussion

    im sure once you get to 500 mmr it will be hard to lose games. even using prophet to feed and pulling creeps with treant tomake huge ways of creeps killling towers


      With wisp is a bit easier.


        Disable help, tp cd longer


          Easiest is with chen. Buy bottle, and 2 couriers. Go mid gif enemy midlaner bottle, fb and the chicks, while you keep tping your allies out.


            people below 500 mmr don't know how to disable help, wisp feed is best feed.


              Just play Venge semi serious so you won't get banned and occasionally swap your teammates into the enemy team or "fuck up" and swap enemy Earthshaker/Magnus/Leviathan in the middle of your team. EZ 0 MMR.

              THICC BABY SHUM

                idk if giving bottle to enemy sniper who wil not use it and die tocreeps will do anything, guys 500 mmr we are talking about plaers who die to creeps, and dont know what s rosh. who prob buy wards to drow pinus. or ult creeps with blackhole.


                  ult creeps = ayy lmao


                    I used to ult towers as Disruptor

                    THICC BABY SHUM

                      drum arcanes and poorman shild, you are tryhard, cant compare, drums passive will win game, cant have that


                        dude you just need to leave the games until you get 1 mmr.


                          You realize there are like no players who actually have the skill of 1 mmr right?

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            ther is guy with 0 mmr
                            and leaving game means yr lp

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              sry, was possible, now only 1 mmr is possble. my dream.
                              this guy has 8 mmr
                              steam picture of his dota profile
                     he also has 7% winrate with io.
                              dota buff

                              go kill urself

                                its super easy, just pick kotl and put all ur teammates on a cliff. nobody knows the disablehelp option exists in <1k

                                me, government hooker

                                  1 MMR is my dream too. Best way to throw games is call solo offlane as brood, afk vs thier carry and keep buying couriers and feeding their carry

                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                    go kill urself, that is prob best way, didnt think of that and kill courier

                                    go kill urself

                                      if u have a friend tiny qop toss abusing into trees is viable as well

                                      me, government hooker

                                        bro make new account and show us your game throwing skills. should have a contest

                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                          lol, that reminds of game of my when i had techies and i kept throwing same hero there and we got shit load of kills, that guy never learned

                                          go kill urself

                                            ill do some with a friend honestly ive had enough of matchmaking for a while


                                              tiny + bm hawk is the best shit i believe

                                              Epic Sax Guy

                                                If you are trolling with Nether Swap and such you'll likely be reported and banned before hitting 0. Reaching 0 will be very very difficult because even if you only feed there are good chances on lower skill levels someone on the opposing team will feed even harder (unwillingly even).


                                                  what is ban


                                                    Getting low priority will slow you down quite a bit.


                                                        you don't get LPQ instantly after leaving a game...


                                                          ^Truth, I left games on my smurf account because 1 hr wouldnt cut for 1 game of dota anymore, and I never had to play LPQ games on it so far (3-4 games left).


                                                            u get free abandon once every 10 games or something im not exactly sure.
                                                            for new smurfs u can abandon once (maybe twice... forgot) and get nothing from my experience

                                                             VΞИGΞAИCΞ  

                                                              what a thread. many retard plyer find here lolo

                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                Why can't I delete this post on my thread that's flaming?

                                                                 VΞИGΞAИCΞ  

                                                                  YNIT. nice eng. pls delet dota

                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                    nice eng. pls delet dota, lol did you read what you just wrote?


                                                                      Sometimes throwing fails (because you don't throw hard enough)

                                                                      I think the throw would have been successful if the wisp stays at level 1 to feed 40 kills instead of trying to get to level 6 to relocate suicide teammates.
