General Discussion

General Discussioni tank games, do you?

i tank games, do you? in General Discussion

    usually when i solo queue and the other four are talking in their native language and not playing at all, then i do the same and just practice my last hits.

    also there are times when a particular player is just too damn annoying and makes the game unplayable then i just fake farm and watch them and sometimes feed the enemy so that we could lose faster.

    i usually do this in normal cause in normal lobby there is nothing wrong to play how i like to play. hahaha.
    i seldom do this in ranks since i want to help my team win and not just be the burden.

      i'm not tank the game but sometimes i do support
      because SEA server is sucks lot of player who want play mid and carry but fail a lot


        dear diary


          > Normal Skill Stories


            acting like a pro... kiddy detected

            poopkid 420

              "I feed and lose on purpose but its ok because people speak a different language than me, right?"


                Would you like a mmmm~ BANANA?


                  I played Earth Spirit in my friends low priority match yesterday, it didnt last long because the Pudge on our team left. So I stayed till level 6.
                  I played Invoker for the Lols the other night too. We were trolling that game as a 4stack with the Pudge. We thought our Phoenix raged but he just dc'd so he got an abandonment LMAO.
                  Techies same reason as Earth Spirit, in a low pri match.


                    I have had the honor of visiting the LP Realm a few times over the past 2 years and I noticed something: LP Dwellers are a strange bunch. You get the occasional dude who fell there due to bad internetz, but mostly you get people who quit under the slightest bit of stress. I wonder is there is such a thing as perma-LP.


                      quoting dragonfist

                      "Peruvians should all be nuked!" (the white supremacist, usually a guy who favors the use of voice chat ingame to call out the most insignificant actions he will partake in)

                      me, government hooker

                        I do that too, I do whatever the fuck I want so im in normal skill :)

                        THICC BABY SHUM

                          holy shit, you should stop playing brood

                          THICC BABY SHUM

                            Tiesto, do you perilously get high kda then try to lose?

                            THICC BABY SHUM

                              and how do u have 11 games 0% winrate with this guy?

                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                also why are u cheating to get loses?


                                  i win games , do you?

                                  bum farto

                                    I detest people that talk over the mic all game
                                    I detest people who will sit in a bracket they belong in shit talking team mates
                                    I detest people in Normal/High skill games complaining about retards
                                    I detest people who think they're good but are still below even mid 4K's
                                    I detest people who feel that race or language has anything to do with skill

                                    Here's my word of advice and given by how utterly stupid 80% of this forum is I wouldn't expect many of you to take it, but if you're not half dumb you would be wise to listen to someone who has played a hell of a lot more Dota2 and has dealt with all of this.

                                    1. Why is language an issue, after 6000+ games it doesn't bother me so why should it you?
                                    2. Peoples race has nothing to do with skill.
                                    3. Games can turn and if you choose to be a little shit in your game cause you got your panties in a twist over someone dying then that's your fucking issue. Grow the fuck up you self-important wad.

                                    Lets touch on this by looking through something like this

                                    What went wrong:
                                    > Ogre/Spectre Fed
                                    > Tinker was decent but gave away shit cause some bad decisions.
                                    > Doom abandoned the offlane from minute 1 and farmed midas slowly in the jungle.
                                    > Everyone (IMO) were always out of position.

                                    What went right:
                                    > Spectre got some farm after forcing fights all early game.
                                    > Ogre realized that he was on tilt and I was playing better so took over hard support allowing me to get items.
                                    > Tinker started communicating with better pings and calls
                                    > Doom sadly didn't stop being dumb but at least doomed the right targets
                                    > Despite losing early raxes the team didn't go "afk" and we won.

                                    It wasn't even that much hard work and it was just better play, and the funny thing is there treant was being a negative shit and that pulls your team down. There was a much greater chance that they could have won if all their players were pulling their damn weight.

                                    What I learnt:
                                    > Ogre was higher rated than all of us, shit happens, it doesn't make him bad or an account buyer. We all have bad days.
                                    > Tinker was a smurf account and was a little bit "I'm 5K listen to me" but calmed down as the game went on. Not all smurfs are bad.
                                    > Spectre started making calls and while I usually am better at calling/positioning I played along and some of them were decent calls on his part.


                                    You can't write off games cause someone is feeding or playing bad. People are so fucking stupid its hilarious, and the funniest part about QQ posts like this is people forget that to actually win the game it requires work. If you don't work you probably won't win. Yes, it sucks when not all your team is playing well or trying but if you don't try then you've lost anyways and it's as much your fault as it is theirs and you can complain like you're some kind of 6K player who just so happens to be confined to normal/high brackets.

                                    You're there cause you're garbage, you're there because you aren't any better to go anywhere else. You want to succeed in the world, you study, you work hard, you make the right choices from day to day. The same fucking principles apply to Dota2, if you work hard and learn you will get results.

                                    SWAG DRAGON

                                      mute them, stick together, use pings = win!