General Discussion

General DiscussionIf for one day you could ban 5 heroes who would they be?

If for one day you could ban 5 heroes who would they be? in General Discussion
:) Baby Bushkin :)

    I'm really bad at DOTA 2 but I love playing. The only bad thing is DOTA 2 isn't that big in England so every match i play, the 10 players always pick the same heroes. This might not happen to everyone and i might be completely wrong. But if you could ban 5 heroes out for just one day so nobody could pick them, who would they be? and why? i'm just curious :)

    1. Sniper = Just annoying, usually sniper players don't seem to have much skill and all they do is stay in the mid until they can build a Desolator then they can sit back and do what they want.

    2. Bloodseeker = I picked this one because i'm awful against him but its just irritating that he always gets picked.. BORING!

    3. Huskar = Another boring hero where it doesn't require any skill, Huskar players are typical right clickers who wanna try and crush the game in the first 25 minutes without actually doing any serious work on the lane.

    4. Riki = Now i know Riki is popular and that's not why i picked him, i'd ban him out because mostly players on my team who pick him can't play properly with him. Riki constantly has to be babysat and i've played in too many games where Riki has left me or not helped me at all on the lane and wants all the glory for himself and will just turn invisible and leave you to die.

    5. Pudge = I tried not to be a d**k and just pick on Pudge because everybody else does that anyway.. i just dislike players who pick him because they want all the kills and everybody should kiss their ass because Pudge can become tanky as hell and a mother f****r to kill so therefore they should get all the credit for victories, it also annoys me that teams that draft or get Pudge immediately think they've won and then continue to play arrogantly like they've already won.

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      2k MMR heroes.


        You basically listed the most played heroes, but there's way more heroes you could face which would be so much more annoying, because all these heroes are based on you making mistakes or overextending.

        There are heroes who could punish you based on their skill. If void scouts you out and chronos you, it's not because you completely missed him nearby. Same for SB, though you can go back

        :) Baby Bushkin :)

          Lemmy that is actually my point haha i think what i was trying to get at was that most players that i play with in my region always pick heroes within the top 10 most played, i was just curious if this happens everywhere i guess and if it makes playing boring for them. i like being heroes like Razor, Rubick, Enigma, Lich and Lion and i hardly ever see them get picked. Just annoying that nobody is creative with their team picks. But absolutely i get your point with Faceless Void and i could have put Ursa or Phantom Assassin in instead :)


            techies, you have to watch every step...
            void.. takes alot of effort to stop this guy.
            naga... her ultimate is one of the most annoying thing in dota

            :) Baby Bushkin :)

              I admit that i'm a techies hater.. you can always guarantee 3 bombs where the rune is gonna be haha and i actually don't mind faceless void even though he is one of the noob picks. Naga Siren is an interesting choice, she rarely gets picked in my games, i've found people choose Chaos Knight instead of her.

              Midi Prill


                dats it can't think of a 5th


                  "No Friends"
                  nothing more to add


                    Can I just remove Chen for 5 days? Hero is 900% useless.


                      Naga Siren
                      Phantom Lancer

                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                        Total hate going out for Chen i think he gets more hate than Broodmother, but i totally agree he's pretty crap. Oh no i love Pugna you cant ban him haha he's awesome and his ultimate is pretty boss. The Phantom Lancer pick i also totally agree with, i consider him to be a bit like Meepo which makes him even more annoying. I like Silencer though.. it's a shame i can't play with him effectively. I kinda like Clockwerk and Tinker too haha but i don't really use them. I'd be tempted to also say Dazzle considering he gets bullied for the whole game and has to babysit other heroes who will leave his ass for dead in a team fight


                          1. Faceless Void is a poorly-designed hero. Chronosphere essentially doesn't allow interaction, which is extremely bad game design; nearly everything else in the game has counterplay, but if Void (isn't an idiot and) chooses you as his Chronosphere target? You have to just sit there and wait, and there's no alternative.

                          2. Omniknight is flagrantly overpowered in the context of disorganized pub games, and being virtually required to buy a Diffusal Blade to counteract him no matter what hero you are (assuming your moron pub teammates aren't going to do it) is awful.

                          3. Antimage; just to stop my teammates from picking him and think that because they have a Battlefury they're now the hardest carry in the game.

                          4. Tinker, although I'd much rather fix Rearm to make it fun (just don't rearm BoT). There's nothing "wrong" with him in terms of balance, except that he promotes a style of play that's just disinteresting. I don't want my best play as Tinker to almost always be TP home and then TP to an empty lane.

                          5. Who knows, probably Slark just because he's almost always bad on my team and somehow gets fed on the enemy team and Shadow Dance is super-annoying, although at least Slark is actually a lot of fun to play.

                          We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                            1. Faceless Void

                            2. Silencer

                            3. Slark

                            4. Nature Prophet



                              Sand King


                                I want to ban these from my team

                                1. AM, i hate this hero. He should not be aloud to be picked in my trash bracket. He needs free farm for the first 10 min, and tri lanes are worthless in 3k. Then he needs to know how to actually farm fast once he has his BF and no one in 3k knows how to farm.
                                2. techies.
                                3. life stealers who jungle
                                4. LCs who initiate with duel. last week some fuck gave 90 damage to the other teams tiny, not to mention all that gold that tiny must have gotten from those kills.
                                5. NP, because 4v5ing while he doesn't split push and slowly AFK farms our teams jungle is the way to win

                                these should be banned from teams that I am not on
                                1. silencer,
                                2. void
                                3. dusa
                                4. Invoker, but only that build that goes euls+ sun strike + meat ball + blast/cold snap, that shits OP
                                5. Lich. How do you win a lane vs lich? Is there any way to do it?

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Pudge. I hate playing against this guy, you have to be so aware of incoming hooks, I prefer to be lazy. And pudges on my team always suck.

                                  Eathshaker. Again, forces me to go bkb and be aware of him on enemy team and on my team they always suck.

                                  Mirana. Her ult is such garbage. Get out of jail free card.

                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                    Spuuky i agree about Void, he is only a good concept character in fairness and i couldn't agree more for your take on Omniknight, i feel his overall role is just to be there for his ultimate and the rest of the game the team want him to sit back which obviously hinders the player fully contributing. The Number 12, your point on Lifestealer is probably the best way to sum him up, i feel he doesn't actually have a role in the game because they spend the first half of it farming. Also i agree that Techies is just awful haha. Timberwolf i never actually see Miriana get picked even though i believe she is in the top 5 most picked heroes.. I do see her getting a lot of hate though.

                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                      1. VOID
                                      2. Silencer
                                      3. Shadow Shaman
                                      4. Centaur
                                      4. Axe


                                        earth spirit

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          Skywrath Mage
                                          Death Profit


                                            Medusa, eat shit, void , viper and batrider

                                            :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                              Hahaha everybody hates Faceless Void, i see that Silencer isn't too popular either haha. Allison though you've highlighted 2 heroes that i think are pointless especially Earth Spirit... and Panda is never picked by anybody anyway. I won't lie though i kinda like Spectre i just wish she had more of a role to play in team fights and in the early game. Sam Fuckin' Peckinpah.. i'm sorry man but i love being mid with Razor or Treant and Lich was was the first hero i got use too so i can't agree but Skywrath Mage sucks balls haha. Shit i forgot about Batrider.. gotta throw a bit of shade and hate a Batrider


                                                Techies, Viper, Magnus, Brood and Axe


                                                  OP talking about heroes "who require no skill to win the lane and end game quickly so thus should be banned"
                                                  most picked hero is razor

                                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                    Viper is a bit annoying to be fair and to answer your comment. I thought you had to reach level 13 before you could pick all the heroes and thought you had to play limited heroes. That's why Razor is my top pick. You'll also notice that i am a Noob and therefore my choice of hero is irrelevant because i'm bad regardless. For my final point, me playing as Razor has never won the lane quickly or ended the game quickly and the proof is in my stats. Goodbye.

                                                    He's an A-star student, y...

                                                      Earth Spirit


                                                        LG3N t h r o w s f o r d ...
                                                        about 2 hours ago


                                                        OP talking about heroes "who require no skill to win the lane and end game quickly so thus should be banned"
                                                        most picked hero is razor


                                                        And dp 6.


                                                        :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                          Thank god somebody said Meepo.. probably in my top 10 if not top 5 most annoying

                                                          Molly (Trade Knife)
                                                            Game is hard!



                                                              :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                I like Timbersaw, it's a shame that i can't play very well with him :(



                                                                  :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                    Hahaha Miriana is getting so much hate, her and Faceless Void, i seriously need to play as her and figure out what the big deal is


                                                                      death prophet

                                                                      i used to hate pudge but i just counter pick clockwerk mid everytime enemy picks him. ez. lol

                                                                      :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                        I've seen faceless void so many times today haha but Death Prophet i really like, i think if you keep her to her respected role then she can contribute more than most heroes in tower pushing and in team fights.


                                                                          really hard to stop him late game, his ultimate could change the whole fight
                                                                          if you dont have bkb, gg
                                                                          Riki, you could have wards anywhere, mid to late game he is still a problem. You got to try to man fight him unless you going run and give me like double damage
                                                                          fucking like 4 second CD mini stun, can't get close to him in time.
                                                                          just... so hard to track him down. If you not a hero who don't have cleave or get BF most of the time or have a team with alot of AOE... just oh lord.

                                                                          Game is hard!

                                                                            Void, sheep, nuke GG ez pts

                                                                            Invoker, Get bkb, ez pts

                                                                            Riki, gem, ez pts

                                                                            Zeus, gonna give you that one

                                                                            PL, AOE, ez pts.

                                                                            Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                                                                              Razor, Tinker, Doom, Zeus, WD

                                                                              Fucking annoying shit heroes!!

                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                ^I understand Razor and Doom, but why the hate on others? What do they even have to do with OD?


                                                                                    I'd ban the top 5 biggest counters to Anti-Mage. Ez manabreak, ez mana void.

                                                                                    :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                      Y'all need to stop hatin on Razor he's my main man haha from what i've noticed from doing this is that if Miriana and Faceless Void was on the same team people just wouldn't play haha i started of quite good with Zeus but now its bad haha so i would agree there i guess


                                                                                        1. Techies
                                                                                        2. Techies
                                                                                        3. Techies
                                                                                        4. Techies
                                                                                        5. Techies

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          tchies ezy mmr, lol
                                                                                          ban void terbladed medusa, pl morphling, fun games, fuck hard carrys

                                                                                          :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                            I was gutted when i played as Morphling, we won but the victory seemed pretty pointless to me since i couldn't really contribute, i really struggled playing with morphling.

                                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                              You shouldent just rush butterfly, need to have eblade or linkends first


                                                                                                1. Void
                                                                                                2. Techies
                                                                                                3. Phantom lancer
                                                                                                4. Doom
                                                                                                5. Omniknight

                                                                                                :) Baby Bushkin :)

                                                                                                  I actually like DOOM i need to play as him properly though and i've seen well too much hate for Techies and Faceless Void haha

                                                                                                  Airi ♥

                                                                                                    Banning 5 heroes on the enemy team can be tricky, DotA is a game of counters, so if one day i have to ban 5 heroes on MY team, these heroes are:

                                                                                                    1. Earthshaker
                                                                                                    1b. Sand King

                                                                                                    if you have this teammate, they will reason out "rush dagger" then forget to buy any kind of ward/courier/dust/etc the whole game, hence my "forced" 5-support pick.

                                                                                                    3. Queen of Pain

                                                                                                    this weaker version of Storm Spirit always want to gank with you, ping you to death then when she dies, the player will say "if you did support me i wont die i have blink" stupid shit like that.

                                                                                                    4. Naga Siren

                                                                                                    yeah wombo combo here and there then she ults. you know what i mean. combobreaker. Dive for Ravage/OG then she cast Song, big ult wasted. Naga must be in a good player's hands, or on a 5-stack, but to be sure, let's ban her.

                                                                                                    5. Anti-Mage

                                                                                                    most AM players are too cocky, that they feel the game must be long for them to shine. ALL THE TIME. then lose because they farm for vanguard first. so annoying.

                                                                                                    Kamado Kun


                                                                                                      kanye went to uni

                                                                                                        pl, wtf is that shit