General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

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    play alch supp?
    well they rage quit


      Looks like you got mega carried by WR, also i dont recomend the double rapier invoker build...


        5 man mega stomp, looks like u and QoP went beast mode ;p

        smol brain

          Diffusal is cute but it doesn't do much really your daedalus burns way more dusa shield so just stack damage next time Imo.


            Ez stomp, even with one abandon lol. Can't say much, well played

            Please comment my match thoroughly, our team is bad, yes. But comment on my performance pls, need suggestion to play better. And, is there any place to asking suggestion about your play? To evaluate etc. I can't found ward pattern etc record on dotabuff, or are you need to go plus? Thank you

            *edit typo*

            Chairman Mao

              As a squishy support vs. a jugg, you generally want items to mitigate ult damage (such as ghost scepter, eul's, etc.) after the core items necessary (since you were an AA, midas and aghs is the general build, though I don't know the timing on those items so I can't exactly point out if you should have necessarily built those at the times you did). Looking at beastmaster's build, I would recommend putting a lot of sentries in areas where he can initiate. If you weren't carrying them during pushes and putting them down along the way, then that's a mistake. However, gem is generally cheaper than sentries after getting core items (depending on scenario of course) so purchasing gem is also an option (I see no gem on either team in a 40 minute game where one team has two heroes that possess invis potential so that's a mistake).

              As for skill build, you need to be patient with your skills. Generally your third ability is upgraded first in order to gain higher kill potential. However, I'm assuming you ran a defensive tri with either the bristle or wr. That was a mistake if you did. You should have ran an aggro tri vs. the jugg. If that's the case, then your third ability is almost always necessary first. I would have ran a wr, aa, tusk lane given the scenario, but you can play around with the heroes in your match; they're fairly versatile.

              Outside of that, I don't have any specifics despite what I inferred (based on the builds I saw, which were atrocious on the other team's part).


                You were incredibly underleved, but then again you were completely counterpicked by Pugna and even if he wasn't, 3 out of 5 heroes in the other team either shrug off your nukes or don't care too much about being silenced.

                Other than that, your team composition is really weird, having pretty awkward roles, and hardly any reliable disable. Anyway, that wasn't a Skymage game.


                    I like the minimalist fighting build you went for. You didn't get greedy and won the game quickly in a stomp, great very-high-skill bracket stuff! Also, way to play wraith king against a mana-burner. That couldn't have been easy.


                      When you have a Meepo/Tuskar/Warlock combining to go 17/10/32 30 min in I'd say you're off to a good start. Looks like the three of you ran roughshod over them, and you managed to reduce the effects of Ember's attempted counterpush (BoT's/Bfury) by just simply finishing the game early. A wise choice as I'm not sure how your lineup fairs if the game goes past the 45-50 min mark.

                      Also, what was with Riki? good gpm and somewhat decent hero damage, but only involved in 9 kills? Good game bruh


                        gr8 meme of a game lol

                        Arya Stark

                          50 minute battlefury incoming on PA


                            gyro not that farmed up even its 52 min already


                              You got rekt and RQ like a baby.

                              smol brain

                                Rekt by old man lewl consider skadi next time.


                                  tough game Ember abandoned. Not sure what you could have done. He was your CK counter. Maybe if you turtled more and hoped for them to slip up. But with their damage and tankyness I don't know how long you could hold them off from going high ground. There was an advantage at 29:00 min I am assuming a team fight went your way. If you could have used that advantage to stay ahead and kite them maybe ratting would have been an option. But obv completely different game if ember doesn't leave. Better luck next game.


                                    Perfect score with zeus, didnt steal kills just got assists and top dmg on the map ofc. Solid game :)

                                    Óðinn H

                                      fucking perfectexecuted carry players With great performance and item decisions. Should go for TI19 definetly. GL, WP!


                                          easy stomp not much to say


                                            carried team well
                                            but your team got fvcked gank by SB

                                            Broken Spirit

                                              ^Sadly, your am is no so impressive :( try to improve your skill dude

                                              smol brain

                                                Nice stomp


                                                  Nice comeback (as far as I can see from the XP chart), but wow that QoP must've had a field day for a good part of the game.


                                                    Im assuming it was a support alchemist? In which case you did fine. WR kinda stomped, but its hard to actually lose a game when enemy team have both a dusa and an AM in their team.

                                                    Hero wise, you guys had doom and disruptor vs AM/Ember, which was nice too. Not much else to say.


                                                      Really nice game as jugg, you carried well beside your storm spirit.


                                                        Dirty AM Picker :P ! Your KDA is 12.7 the other teams KDA is 12.8 combined lolz. I think they should report you for abuse. Nice game. GG WP. What to improve on?, oh yeah, wind ranger had a higher HD and Morph had a higher TD, so maybe work on those next game.


                                                          Oh wow, you got stomped quite hard. I can't say too much, but looking at the XP charts, I would say you flopped hard in abusing your team's midgame power spike and allowed them to just farm and roll over your team once lategame hits.


                                                            typical SEA game kappa, nah jk i dont even know what sea games are like. Looks like you sf and husk were stomping.. COME ON AND SLAM, WELCOME TO THE JAM.

                                                            smol brain

                                                              I wanna learn ta too, mom really?

                                                              Twas a lousy spell anyway

                                                                Looks like your es went ham but your jugg was poor as a church mouse. Very unlikely es will out carry a bkb right-clicker. Decent ww game, but you needed treant to bully alchemist in the jungle and land some pickoffs with slardar.


                                                                  Stomp with Pudge, 18 kills and 30(!) assists. Holy crap man.
                                                                  Not much more to say, just sad to see that their Slark abandoned the game, hopefully that's not what made your team win in the end as the Slark was actually sitting on a fair amount of items.


                                                                    Also a stomp on this one...xp difference was on dire side all game.

                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                      Ez normal skill stomp with WR, Slardar, Doom vs 0-18 Pudge. e fucking z

                                                                      Chairman Mao

                                                                        Good job pressing the farm advantage and holding off mega creeps (divine rapiers on both kunks and ember). I guess it took a little while for you guys to synergize as a team since the advantage didn't start early enough (it makes sense, their team is better in regards to early and mid game ganks). However, it's not very impressive you died so much. With ember, you have all the tools to avoid the other team's ganks; they have no silences and their stuns shouldn't be able to lock you down as much as they probably did (bkb would have easily dealt with a majority of their abilities as well).


                                                                          Looks like their lineup was real aids. Void+WD, to top it off a doom and clockwerk picking off your backlines. You riki really did work for you boys, you seemed to be very good at handling the enemies with your atos and sending them to the spectating area. You had tons of hero healing, combined with that wisp that's probably what kept you in the fight so long. So once you got past their initial chrono, hookshot, and doom, you could keep fighting with riki and tiny and destroy them. looks like you guys had the early game but then started to lose when their lineup hit their stride at around the 25-30 min mark. But once you go past a certain point they lose their extreme strength and you guys had the strong late game (especially with a necro).


                                                                            They threw so hard.. like SO HARD..
                                                                            The stats on your team was so bad too, besides sf doing fine and you farming well.
                                                                            Also what is this almost all melee line up. (do u think solar crest is actually good on slardar? iuno)
                                                                            Well the dire must've f-ed up really hard and got killed w/o buyback.

                                                                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                              You know your Spec, so it seams. Good KDA and farm. QoP was good also, but Juggy and Nyx were feeding. WP still.


                                                                                  Not the best support AA I've seen, your wraith and alchem tried hard, but you got stomped by the SF. Please comment thoroughly on my game, and what I should get better on. Thanks :D


                                                                                    what? we won

                                                                                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                                      Facerolled as Meepo. You should farm more, but it's okay if you get that many kills. Mek is kinda outdated on Meepo, get some form of boots, Aghs, Hex, Dagger, Aegis + HoT/EoS/E-Blade. Manta and Diffu are good as well.


                                                                                        Nice game as TA dude, pretty much a definition of carrying a team :)


                                                                                          Tough lost there. If only Tusk didn't leave things might change.


                                                                                            Your team looks like it was doing well. I guess you guys didn't have enough pushing power?


                                                                                              Played well. Pretty much a stomp, so even though your items are suboptimal, it doesnt matter.


                                                                                                Seemed like a fairly easy match, outfarmed, outleveled everyone. Their centaur and ns were clueless. Too bad it's a smurf. Well done otherwise

                                                                                                Hustlehard Harold

                                                                                                  cant help but feel bad for the enemy pudge, seems like he had a great game and was desperately in need of a partner in crime.

                                                                                                  judging by your KDA im guessing that you had a rough start to the game but started to really make your presence felt after your blink, at which point you had too much money to know how to spend - hence the aghs :P


                                                                                                    Aww no supp in team 😁xD


                                                                                                      Oops wrong post