General Discussion

General Discussionescaping 1k bracket! tips?

escaping 1k bracket! tips? in General Discussion

    anyone good any tips for escaping 1k bracket, I know i can easily leave it, but what heros should i play.

    i got a 2.4k account and another with a couple of highskill games done (no mmr) so my skill level isn't an issue. its more winning solo.

    i could grind slark and blood out but it get to boring.

    Last picking is 4 pussies

      Dude tell me this is a joke. This is not the forum for this question.

      To escape 1k try reading hero strategy guides or practicing because if your that low that's what you need.

      plz do

        boosting is cheap these days.


          well sorry i got this mmr with a bloody trackpad.


            Git gud dude....its 1k MMR you can pick any hero


              I'm doing fine has anyone bothered to check recents! i just want to know what i can improve on still.

              If im late game i finesh the game off.

              I've risen 200 mmr after not playing for a few months as well

              Livin' Real Good

                Dude if you need Slark and BloodSeeker JUST TO WIN in 1K MMR, you're really, really bad at this game and need to accept it. You said " skill level isn't an issue." Uh, in your case, YES, it DEFINITELY is. I'm not even trying to be mean like a lot of the people on here, cause they get some self satisfaction from putting lower MMR players down, but you sir are delusional, and need to work on improving.
                You should be able to pick any hero and win.


                  why would you play dota with a trackpad, is your addiction that strong


                    no i played it at the start. I've had mouse for a while now

                    Riguma Borusu

                      People can't position for shit in 1-2k, so pick sven, just farm, get some damage items, and then cleave their whole team to shreds and push towers.

                      Also, don't be a retard, know when to retreat, when to farm, when to join your team in a fight, etc. Be mobile.

                      Or play Necrophos and wait for people to die from your aura because 1k retards go terribly greedy with regen and don't gank enough, and when they do, they do it inefficiently and you probably see them.


                        Yeah if you go through alot the games my deaths are generally alot lower than the others, I know when not to fight and when to fight. i like to gank alot which is why i play blood and slark alot those hero pick off the other team which allows for pushing, which is how you win in the bracket. peopel dont know what do to with hero who dont die.

                        sb is amazing as 80% of games is no wards, I get the chance to recover health and go back in and there low in team fights and im back to full health

                        My tower damage is the same even as slark who isnt generally a pusher i get him to 3-5k td 70% of the time

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Slark certainly IS a good pusher if you get 40 stacks of essence shift, and you can do that after a good fight. It's like legion in this aspect - if you win tons of duels, get a moon shard and have + 300 damage from duels or like 120 damage and attack speed from essence shift, you can push really easily.


                            if you're not winning 99% of your games in this bracket then you definitely deserve to stay there.


                              i get up to 60 essence shift xD this is what i mean by durability wins


                                people need to realise how like fucked this mmr is @HotSalza I'm winning now after playing on my other account for about 400 games. you get alot of newbies who dont know what there doing and you might get a couple of smurfs here and there. I've gone from 720 mmr to 1400. i realised i wasnt winning when i decided to support them which is one of my 11 losing streak causes which made me drop this low (i soon left to go on another account). since decideding to take control in the last 3 months I have gotten a 70% winrate. (across all accounts)


                                  In the end it comes down to your ideologies.

                                  If you want to genuinely improve at the game, you should stick it out on one account, learn how to play with 1k players, adjust your playstyle, climb. Hit 2k, then play their style, climb, keep going.

                                  If you simply want to hit the highest mmr you can, smurf all you want, but in the end, you won't have improved in the same way as you would playing on one account. You may hit 3k at best, but you're still a 1k player in the end.

                                  Riguma Borusu

                                    I've come to the situation that my unranked mmr is actually much higher than my ranked mmr. I can't play ranked expecting anybody to do anything right, either opponents or friends, but in unranked people seem more knowledgeable, responsive and more willing to play their position properly. And that's still Normal bracket in both cases.

                                    I find it tiring to play against people @1500 mmr where my ranked rating is, so I just play unranked instead. I just find I can learn more from people who aren't complete shit, in ranked I've had win streaks with fucking crystal maiden because people don't buy detection or bkbs, so glimmer cape and frostbite into freezing field would be an instant win. And all that while still being solo support and wardbitch, because the other team did not have even that much.


                                      @OP play one pub stomp hero and get good at it. wash rinse repeat


                                        Man i never played in 1k mmr that sound hilarious, but i played with a friends 2k account and i stomp 5 games in a row playing dusa jungle so you can pick any shit with some carry potential and win each match and win fast too...

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          You can also win without carries, if you play smart, because people are very good at throwing when they lead. Just make sure to pick supports that can deal tons of AoE damage, like es, sk, cm.


                                            just pick a hero you enjoy and get good at them. any hero can win at 1k in a good player's hands.

                                            if you have an issue with them pushing, spend some gold on a necro book and push yourself.

                                            Bad Intentions

                                              Il make it simple op, youve just to dominate man :] just dominate the game.


                                                Well I find carries that are relatively self sufficient (supports are worthless in the 1k bracket) that can both team fight and split push

                                                I find Lycan works quite well simply because he can take towers very quickly and escape when they TP to catch you...... Co-ordination and communication tend to be abit sub par down here


                                                  Get at least fluent in russian and try to explain your teammates that Putin is not happy when they wonders

                                                  On the other hand, try to learn stopm heroes that doesnt need much time to farm, perfect example is Blyatcyka (BS), QoP, PL (just to rat w.out team). Try to push towers ASAP, and try to sentry ward enemy jungle/ ancients (even as carry - 200 invested = blocked camps for the ward duration as they will not deward it)

                                                  Lastly, try to stay out of the flame wars, there has to be reason why u are in 1k bracket at the first place, always look at your game 1st than judge others.
                                                  Hope it helps


                                                    There is absolutely no point gaining mmr when u are 1.4 k or some.

                                                    1. Create new account
                                                    2. Play normal games until Very High Skill is standard bracket for u.
                                                    3. Calibrate at ~3.5 k mmr
                                                    4. Voila

                                                    Tbh u can even calibrate on 4.2 k if you;re good enough. KDA and Wr seems to be a major factor here, but not sure.


                                             smashed the meepo was the the 2.2k and the average was 1.3k


                                                        ^second that

                                                        with your WR beeing around 50% you would gain around 100-200 MMR overall, by the time you would get TBD on your smurf


                                                          ^LA LA LA

                                                          My wr in ranked is 55%

                                                          U are wrong. Just play unranked untill VHS bracket is constant. Good players are put in VHS already after a couple of games on smurf.

                                                          If u get VHS bracket u will get calibrated around 3k mmr with ease even after 0/10 calibration matches.

                                                          If u cant do that, you;re just bad.


                                                            Tought u allways have to do 200 games in normal, no matter what , than get TBD (where the calibration starts)


                                                              k so im 1k and able to carry game with Shadow Shaman. I GUEESSS IMM 9k!!! HUEHUEHUe


                                                                get gud. ez 1k mmr lol ez mmr. i will boost for 1 immortal for 100 mmr :v


                                                                  Ofc u have to play that 150-200 games untill u can calibrate. But just dont calibrate if your games on unranked are mostly Normal or High Skill at best.

                                                                  If you;re a good player u will quickly reach VHS and calibrate only then.


                                                                    Make a smurf. You'll ruin some 2-3k games but you will learn more in the long run.

                                                                    lm ao

                                                                      Dont lose hope! I used to be in your bracket :D If I get to play everyday 24/7 like these rich brats do, I'll probably be 9K in no time

                                                                      lm ao

                                                                        The ultimate rule in winning low skill bracket is... never dying. It's that EZ

                                                                        Remember you are carrying 4 retards against a team of 5 retards. Basically that's a huge advantage, the only way you'll lose is losing the momentum to the opposing team.

                                                                        lm ao

                                                                          Beyond that, yu'll learn stuff that you only get by experience.

                                                                          Miku Plays

                                                                            look at OPs heroes tab

                                                                            she's so lucky she's a star

                                                                              Try to not play blindfolded?


                                                                                can i comment on ur latest AM game? 182 last hit in a 32 min game??? dude i guess ur skill level is an issue.


                                                                                  If you check my trends everything is going up


                                                                                    i would advice you to play stuff that kills shit instead of farms, that shit is unplayable in sub4k mmr, ive actually lost games in 2k mmr with antimage fuck


                                                                                      weaver offlane is the hero


                                                                                        still, that doesnt change the facts that despite given soo much space, ure unable to get the 10lh/m.

                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          @tohsaka! Quiet you! <333 You won't be boosting anyone !


                                                                                            if you lose with storm with 6 7 3 stats at 1k mmr then i have bad news for ya son