General Discussion

General DiscussionConfirmed by the ICEFROG himself! 6.85 will be announced next week!

Confirmed by the ICEFROG himself! 6.85 will be announced next week! in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

      you like sum news reporter


        of course im pumped im sick of lesh/blood


          im in for some earth spirit buffs mane

          Quick maffs

            i am pretty sure the patch only comes next week


              Azgalor pls.

              lm ao

                OP calm your tits mane

                Pale Mannie

                  bruno add pot lord alredy xd

                  Pls no lesh nerf
                  I still want to play some angry le balanced goat simulator >:/

                  And i want Doom buffed ✔✔✔👌

                  saving private RTZ

                    I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you are looking for karma, I can tell you I don't have more than one upvote, but what I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long Reddit lurking career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you admit this is a shitpost now that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you, but if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you and I will downvote you.


                      Huh, so I haven't played a single 6.84 match yet and now 6.85 might be out.


                        can I start polishing my TB arcana already

                        > +0.1 str gain


                          Call me weird but I actually got used to and kinda like this patch


                            tb my love will return

                            instant +500 mmr


                              i really like this meta. its much better than troll meta, and lets be honest, there are some op heroes every patch that make games unenjoyable.

                              meow maniac

                                buff nerf spirit and add him to captains mode


                                  all i can say is rip bloodstone

                                  also, hope my boy od gets back in the meta

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    RIP Bloodstone really. People cried too much about it, even when the item isn't viable on more than 10 heroes, while items like Magic Wand and Dagger which most heroes already bought gets buffs.

                                    Quick maffs

                                      Bloodstone is fine really, as in my opinion storm is too


                                        The problem with Storm is his tendency to make the other team pick no reliable stuns or silences even if he was first picked. Volvo, buff players' brains please.

                                        Quick maffs

                                          Yes exactly


                                            Well, bloodstone need one thing:
                                            no longer able to suicide if no ally is to be healed from it.


                                              or disable heal when suicided?


                                                No, that's actually the point of the item. Mb you could do the reverse though, no heal if no suicide.
                                                But what really bugs me, is those bloodstone buyer, just split pushing into suicide if they get caught.


                                                  omg matrice youre in the leaderboard or some shit like that?


                                                    hope to c more matrice tb in 6.85 =)) maybe tb str gain will be buffed?


                                                      Come on guys, you all know TB will be nerfed. He's like a reverse Lina/Windranger ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Reverse Lina? You mean like Inverse Inverse?


                                                          nerf storm
                                                          captains earth
                                                          nerf/buff ember


                                                              @mek you forgot bylatcyka


                                                                "Rumor on Reddit Doto: 6.85 will be announced in the next 18 hours"
                                                                Bad Intentions about 18 hours ago


                                                                  you lied bro

                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                    Okay seems like a false alarm guise 😨 but pls lets wait a couple more hours ok 😨


                                                                      We just have to increase the hours repeatedly and the announcement will come eventually.
                                                                      Jump onto the hype train!


                                                                        Excited for the new meta.


                                                                          so doom buff?

                                                                          lm ao

                                                                            Where is 6.85

                                                                            meow maniac

                                                                              6.85 will be here within the week. icefrog confirmed on the forums

                                                                              Bad Intentions

                                                                                this is it guise!


                                                                                  Buy leshrac dominance
                                                                                  Buy storm pickers
                                                                                  Die bloodseeker

                                                                                  Would be enough for a start.
                                                                                  Actually, I haven't played with/against them this patch, so I don't give a cyka


                                                                                    bye, not buy xD
                                                                                    but yeah, cant wait for same mid heroes to go the fuck away. sick and tired of linas lesh storms mid.


                                                                                      Quote Originally Posted by IceFrog View Post

                                                                                      A new patch will be coming soon, most likely next week, in preparation for the upcoming Major qualifiers. We decided it was better to limit the scope of 6.85 to mostly balance improvements in order to release the update sooner. We'll be aiming to release 6.86 with bigger changes some period after the upcoming Major.

                                                                                      Meh :/

                                                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                                                        ^sooo... no pot lord :(

                                                                                        then i must wait about half a year for 6.86 >:(

                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          Storm is too good cause if you get Orchid, Treads, magic wand AND/OR null Talisman, bottle before 14 mins, you're gonna automatically snow ball, especially at lower MMR's where everyone has shitty positioning. A good player could easily smurf and stomp 1-4K with him.


                                                                                            ^ if you farm all that pre 14 minutes in a lower bracket, then you probably should win, so you can stop being in a low bracket (cuz you belong in one where people know how to farm (as in not 1-3k )).


                                                                                              Storm is too good cause, even if he has an horrible start, he recover from it in grabbing 2 kill (thx new gold formula)
                                                                                              + usually he is drafted against low stun/silence amount, which is pretty common lately.

                                                                                              And ofc, the usual, good laning (not that much, but laning phase is pretty insignificant for him with that gold formula for kill and creep) + able to flash farm (for example the stacks) + able to recover + scale.


                                                                                                They'll probably drop the zeus arcana and then wait another month for 6.85


                                                                                                  small Buff- sniper, dragon knight, chaos knight, death prophet, juggernaut
                                                                                                  Large buff- necrophos, earth, wraith king, elder titan, faceless void, mirana
                                                                                                  small nerf- storm, lina, bounty, tusk
                                                                                                  large nerf- bloodseeker, gyro, leshrac

                                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                    I don't really think gyro needs a nerf. He's nowhere near stupidly op like lesh or bs.


                                                                                                      bs didnt even get buffed that hard and basically all you need to draft against stuns and nukes and he will get rekt. u guys r just pusi

                                                                                                      Bad Intentions
