General Discussion

General DiscussionSelf promotion csgo frags vid.

Self promotion csgo frags vid. in General Discussion

    First csgo vid, I'm MGE tell me ur opinion about it.

    < blank >

      It is currently 2:69am here in Zimbabwe. I traded my last cow for some credit at the local internet cafe. I am currently streaming at 5kb/s on mobile quality and I have Uni tomorrow. Please can you hurry up utube.


        not only about ur video, but an impression of GO in general

        it actually always hiurts me to see how incredibly slow the players in CS:GO are, particularly with awp. What is called fast zoom here, takes so much longer than the "original" fast zoom in 1.6. the average reaction time is goddamn awful, too. the "slide zoom" or w/e it is called looks ridiculous, cz it seems to be shown in a 10x slow motion mode.


          they changed this particular mechanic not long ago to nerf the awp. before that you could pretty much quickscope like in call of duty lmao


            fucking casuals xD

              < blank >

                Nice green

                Livin' Real Good



                    ''song is bad. ''

                    If that song is bad then tell me what kind of music genre you would think would fit in a csgo video


                      nicki minaj

                      < blank >

                        Forsen Cancer Song Vol. 2

                        Giff me Wingman

                          U're not only shit in dota but also on CS, oh lord have mercy.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            Also, my old cs mate (who is currently playiing dota) calibrated a couple of days ago to exacly ur rank and he had roughly 8 years break.

                            Ur editing is so trash noone wants to see it.


                            watch, subscribe and don't ever post shit like that again, ty.

                              Giff me Wingman

                                someone seems upset and it aint me


                                  OP: please refrain from using such foul language. if you disagree, just say so in a simple manner


                                    rofl what a player 4head (u suck bro)

                                    saving private RTZ

                                      I heard MGE is the new Nova now.

                                      I bet my life i don't lose a round against anyone here 1v1 hehe


                                        Blunt, let's be honest.

                                        You literally beg for my attention, you comment on every single thread that I post trying to let me know that you exist when I could not care less about you, I'm legitly so deep inside of you that I don't even have to ask permission before I explode inside of you, hop off the cock.

                                        @Allu ''I Heard''

                                        That's where you went wrong, so because you heard something once means it's true, we have a true 2k here, if I tell you to build diffusal blade on invoker you will definitely think it's good.

                                        saving private RTZ

                                          Did i hear smth?

                                          Seriously I could not care less for you, MGE trash, honestly, you have to have a mental disease to be so bad.

                                          And yes, i have few frienda in the MG-DMG trench and they are shieeet


                                            Go on and build diffusal blade on invoker I told you it's good.


                                              MG-I is the median rank, MGE is a bit better than average, I suppose.
                                              i also just started to play CS after a ~5 year break and calibrated at MGE, and I wouldn't say it is any good, even tho, given the long break I had and different mechanics of GO, I admit that this rank is roughly where I actually belong now.


                                                Dude I tell you, diffusal blade on invoker is good.

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  Wait, deleted me comment, don't want tripple to think i'm bragging again. Kappa

                                                  But anyways, you should be able to get to LE pretty easily nowadays.


                                                    But you have to admit that diffusal blade on invoker is good.

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      Blunt begs for my attention, not yours. O_O

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        But hey, Quas Wex, Cold snap, Alacrity (it got buffed) with diffusal blade sounds so fun.


                                                          u can get to GE pretty easily as well given that, if we insert a parallel to dota, GE is the rank for everyone of 5k and above. the "low" GE is crap.

                                                          to those ones who didnt read about rank-related stuff in go - the titles that you can see in your profike actually represent a wide range of hidden aka-ELO points which work similarly to mmr in dota - you get them by winning rounds, and drop whenever you lose them (rounds, not matches!). so GE is smthng like 5k-9k mmr in dota.

                                                          however, the GO's MM system takes into account your hidden score, and not just your rank, when matching you with teammates/opponents, so its perfectly fine besides the fact that you cant track your progress.

                                                          saving private RTZ

                                                            Hanter you still do the rush B eith P90 or smth?

                                                            Also i heard deagle is a good pistol at your rank

                                                            And yes yorkey is right, LE is so easy to get. My brother friend is LE and he is 14 yrs old. I guess its nice to be worse than a 14 old kid who is also a bit braindead right hanter?

                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                              TripleSteal, CSGO actually use glicko2, an upgraded ELO.

                                                              Problem is, the system makes no difference between low GE( former LEM+ who got there when the VAC wave hit) and good ones.

                                                              Maybe is me just being a hypochrite(damn i have no idea how to spell it and i am too lazy to search it now) because before GE was like 20% good players( LEM + level), 60% cheaters and 10% very good players.
                                                              Now its more like 20 cheaters, 60 good players and 10 very good players. Games are easier now, more stompy

                                                              You can argue tho that this is what it was meant to be, because cheaters filled up the slots other players could've take but then at least make some new ranks or introduce a mmr system. Well, than again, we have dota as an example where high mmrs get paired with significant lower players so that will probably be the case in CS no matter if you change the ranks to MMR


                                                                i know that its an upgraded elo system although apparently its not just glicko and the official announcement was false (on purpose), i read quite a lot bout it
                                                                i read that the mm differentiates low GE and high GE btw, same as for other rankings: you are matched basing on your score, not just your rank. it also sounds reasonable to me.
                                                                my friends told me that when they were about to get an upgrade in rank, they were matched with higher rated players more often, which indirectly proves this statement, too.

                                                                saving private RTZ

                                                                  ^ yes that may be true for lower rankings but once you are GE there are no "better" players and you cannot go any higher.

                                                                  Now its true that games are pretty balanced in the way that there is a relatively equal skill between the teams. But games are not fun because you always have to work hard to carry your team, and most of the games are just a showdown of the 2 most skilled GEs


                                                                    ye, basically same stuff that happens in high ranked dota games


                                                                      lol u all suck i've never played this game im sure i could get silver 2-3 easily


                                                                        silver 2-3 is rather bad, isnt it? smthng like 2k mmr.

                                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                                          Silver 2 is like 1k mmr
                                                                          I'm not sure if you are trolling or you dont know the hierarchy of ranks


                                                                            edit: aight that was not a question to me i guess


                                                                              im kidding, i suck at shooters :p


                                                                                you would be totally honest if you didnt add this "at shooters" shit


                                                                                  MODS ? PLS BAN HIM I FEEL OFFENDED 420Head


                                                                                    its enough to mention you in a conversation to offend you, cz there is literally nothing good to br said about you


                                                                                      its enough to mention me in your conservations to offend me cuz you are plebs and im so awesome?


                                                                                        global elite is shit, only noonbs globals in m,y games


                                                                                          ^ lol go play bf3 i anal u on container map (if u play sniper or shotgun ot rpg i report u)


                                                                                            thye video sucked ass

                                                                                            Giff me Wingman

                                                                                              Look at the upset little kiddo go at me Dx


                                                                                                I'm 19 ''Dx''

                                                                                                Hop off the cock weaboo

                                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                                  I tried to be nice and find a playbuddy for you but i failed :(

                                                                                                  Blunt: u should invite hanter to CS:GO im sure dat shitnap will get rekt Dx
                                                                                                  TripleSteal-: i dont like playing with f4gg0ts
                                                                                                  TripleSteal-: no kappa


                                                                                                    Hop off the cock you dumb weaboo, I play in 3/4/5 stacks 24/7, I don't need trash playcans from dotabuff forums.