NORMAL SKILL=1MMR TO 3,199 MMR, HIGH SKILL = 3,200 TO 3,699 MMR, VERY high SKILL= 3,700 TO 4,999 MMR
To go up the brackets, you have to consistently play good,
In calibration matches, you can go up +200-500 mmr if you perform well
You can use anyhero to go up brackets, meaning you can play support/carry/offlane/mid and be VHS if you're good
Dont forget, it takes about 120-150 games to play rank,
The longer the game goes, the more exp it gives to lvl up
I'm good at supporting every support I mastered it but they say you'll get a bad stats at supporting and I picked what they suggested (tinker,anti-mage)
Chill dude. First of all, im not your god. So stop calling me that. To improve your skill bracket is to consistently play good every match. Hero spamming is one way to consistently play good. If your good at supporting than play support heroes like dazzle, oracke and etc.
Any type of support.
-Roaming supports like orge, es or bh.
-Healing supports like dazzle,oracle or etc.
Basically just play any hero that your good at.
Just played first of 10 calibration games. I feel i have the most game impact/kda with Mirana but dont take large amounts of farm since i am usually position 3-4 with her
Or i could play more Lycan/drow/Naga as pos 1-2 to go farm heavy but this makes me more team reliant and it doesnt always work
Since winning doesnt matter during calibration, what strategy is better for highest mmr?
Im not your God Wtf
NORMAL SKILL=1MMR TO 3,199 MMR, HIGH SKILL = 3,200 TO 3,699 MMR, VERY high SKILL= 3,700 TO 4,999 MMR
To go up the brackets, you have to consistently play good,
In calibration matches, you can go up +200-500 mmr if you perform well
You can use anyhero to go up brackets, meaning you can play support/carry/offlane/mid and be VHS if you're good
Dont forget, it takes about 120-150 games to play rank,
The longer the game goes, the more exp it gives to lvl up
Can you give me a tip how to get at high skill or vhs
Spam a hero that your good at.
I'm good at supporting every support I mastered it but they say you'll get a bad stats at supporting and I picked what they suggested (tinker,anti-mage)
well, predict mine then!
3.9k for me I think :D
Around 3.8 to 3.9 i guess
@joemama my god plsss...
Jooooooeeeeeemama miyyaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
Chill dude. First of all, im not your god. So stop calling me that. To improve your skill bracket is to consistently play good every match. Hero spamming is one way to consistently play good. If your good at supporting than play support heroes like dazzle, oracke and etc.
The supports that have healing and stuf??????
Any type of support.
-Roaming supports like orge, es or bh.
-Healing supports like dazzle,oracle or etc.
Basically just play any hero that your good at.
@joemama you right im 2,8 mmr so close with your predict 2,7
predict my mmr. ty
@Noob and Desperate
pradik memer plox god joel
Below 3K ;-)
goodstuff joe
whoever has dotabuff+, add me in steam, , would be nice if you help me with one question, people ^^
how can i stay in VHS bracket?
@________________ ../..
Consistently play good
predict my mmr pls
predict me
Predict my mmr, and how can I improve it
Below 2K. If you want to improve try watching replays of your previous games and find out the mistakes you make
@________________ ../..
No problem 👌
^ your mmr is 3.1k
Around 2k
Predict mine plz thx
I'll give it a go, predict my current mmr ;D
Wow 6K bruh good stuff
Predict my mmr please
Predict my mmr please
@Nothing is Promised
@Forever a KillJoy
Predict my mmr please.
Edit: @icetea
Close m8, my current mmr is 3K
@JOEMAMA - Solo mmr or Party?
Predict mine pls.
How to get vhs in the very first game?
Just played first of 10 calibration games. I feel i have the most game impact/kda with Mirana but dont take large amounts of farm since i am usually position 3-4 with her
Or i could play more Lycan/drow/Naga as pos 1-2 to go farm heavy but this makes me more team reliant and it doesnt always work
Since winning doesnt matter during calibration, what strategy is better for highest mmr?
Also please predict. Thx
Around 2.4K
there isnt an exact way you can instantly get VHS in your first game.
playing consistently good is the best strategy. Play the heroes that your comfortable with.
Around 2.5K
Youre good- my first calibration game was ~2300avg
I login through OpenDota and my estimated mmr is 4097 is it true?