General Discussion

General Discussionhow to reset sleep cycle?

how to reset sleep cycle? in General Discussion

    damn boys i literally feel sleepy no matter how much i sleep, i think its cuz i sometimes go to bed @ 10 pm and sometimes @ 2 am

    dunno how to ever not feel sleepy dotabuff plis help me


      ahhahahahhahahhahahahahahah lol i wish i had ur problems ahaha

      actually, take a cool shower in the morning, and eat chocolate/drink cofee when u feel sleepy.
      dont wake up too late, cz sometimes sleeping too much leads to an opposite result.
      do some kind of exercise to feel tired physically, it really helps a lot.
      spend time outside, on the fresh air. it is basically the same as doing exercise in terms of impact on your state.


        well it sucks honestly, i feel tired 24/7, cant concentrate in school nor in dota, cant fall asleep sometimes etc..

        should i also always go to bed at the same time? & how much is too much sleep? I sleep from like 11 pm to 7 am or sth, idk, don't think that its too much

        the realm's delight

          i sleep like 5 hrs/night and take 1/2/3 hour naps after school.i always feel tired only when i get home. my shitty time management makes me unable of doing anything really. i should fix it somehow but 4Head

          11pm-7am is ok, from what i know a minimum of 8 hrs of sleep / night is recommended


            the quantity of hours of sleep a person needs varies
            for me its ~10 hrs, average is about 8. the point is, if you go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, you feel much better with the same amount of sleep.


              omfg so should i like go to bed at 7 pm? 4Head


                the thing is, no matter how much i sleep, im permanently exhausted and i go out of "battery" really quickly.. I just dunno, never tried takin a nap cuz i have no time 4Head

                the realm's delight

                  how old are you? do you only feel tired physically?


                    Stop masturbating.


                      16, both physically and mentally, i dont want to do a shit and as i said, cant concentrate / dont want to conecntrate properly


                        feeling tired physically helps you to feel better after you sleep, while being mentally exhausted has an opposite effect
                        for the last years im mentally tired literally 24/7 huehuehue fml

                        the realm's delight

                          on the physical part maybe you are growing up, in height or whatever i remember i used to feel like u when i was a bit younger and i grew 10-12 cms in like half a year, and i got those stretch marks on my back ever since.
                          on the mental part there are many factors which can make u feel unable to concentrate..


                            well i doubt that im growing much anymore, im already pretty tall and i got the stretch marks as well - and i'm not able to concentrate because i just feel so exhausted/sleepy


                              also, i actually tried taking cold showers and talking longer walks to school, but it doesnt change much, i'll just be sleepy once i arrive at school. that's why i think that it comes from my sleep cycle being fked up.

                              the realm's delight

                                have u tried skipping classes? it works for me, u cant feel tired at school if u are not at school 4Head MingLee


                                  thats some 3Head shit dude

                                  Dire Wolf

                                    do you wake up during the night? do you fall asleep quickly? what do you do before going to sleep? how much caffeine do you consume and at what times of the day?

                                    the realm's delight

                                      or i go to school and start watching female hearthstone twitch streamers drinking bear out of plastic bottles (the grills not me) and rolling in money during class, makes me forget about my sleepiness and question my life choices

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        "makes me forget about my sleepiness and question my entertainment choices"

                                        fixed that for you

                                        No giggities?

                                          I'm pretty sure it has something to do with your nutrition as well your overall physical condition.

                                          the realm's delight

                                            my entertainment choices fuel my mitochondria with matrix and make me overcome school

                                            at least i pay attention to anatomy classes MingLee



                                              That's how it feels when ur not going to school and when you're going there.


                                                if you feel sleepy, eat an apple, it's been proven that it's more effectiv than coffee


                                                  bananas are also pretty cool afaik


                                                    Drinking a cup of water and eating a fruit in the morning always helps me wake up


                                                      Also showing in the morning as opposed to the night before


                                                        actually if you are not interested in the classes you have, you will feel sleepy no matter what
                                                        just bring a book or some shit like that with you, and do some stuff you like instead of listening to boring crap, unless you need it for some reason.

                                                        plz do

                                                          professional advice: work out. exercise. Like an intense hour of full commitment training. Whatever kind of training suits u best. The lighter option would be refreshing hikes or walks outside - ususally gets me going pretty well if im tired and phlegmatic.
                                                          The thing is that ur battery doesnt charge by doing nothing or just sleeping. Ofc is sleeping very important for ur body. However, ur battery charges after u have excercised ur body, because ur body strives to be stronger/better/healthier than yesterday. Question is how can u stimulate ur body in that way - in a normal physiological body the answer is exercising. Also, any kind of screens(tv, mobiles, computer) messes a lot w ur neurtransmitters in ur brain, so ur brain will make u feel tired always except when in front of a screen. (google dopamine addiciton) If that is so in ur case, you should try a cpl of days w/o a screen and do something else challenging. Do something u are profoundly looking forward to and want to tell others about.

                                                          dunno, mb there was somthing in there, what helps.

                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                            If you're always tired even after sleeping, it could be linked to depression, or lack of motivation (which is also linked depression) maybe you're not happy with your life, maybe it's too routine, I dunno.


                                                              "Stop masturbating."
                                                              I think what Soultrap meant to say here was "Masturbate more."


                                                                as a guy who works shiftwork 24/7 long hours...

                                                                just force yourself to stay awake no matter what it takes then go to bed at the time you want to go to bed, then force yourself to wake up when you are supposed to wake up.

                                                                after the first time of this, you'll be reset to a normal pattern.


                                                                  Yeah, I'm like "no smoking" sign which actually means "smoke here".


                                                                    according to one of the most retarded films ive seen (with Zack, ofc), masturbating is good b4 going to sleep


                                                                        Hold the "Reset" button.

                                                                        Sexo Meister

                                                                          Masturbating reduces your energy kek, dont do it unless u havent for at least 4 days

                                                                          Eat ginger or drink tea every mornin, dont forget to sleep be4 10

                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                            that's bullshit it doesn't reduce your energy, it releases some endorphins or something that make you feel relaxed and thus sleepy but it doesn't make you more tired later.


                                                                              rofl everytime me and spunk talk about something, the topic appears on dotabuff sooner or later

                                                                              bumping for this because i have the same problem, i sleep 8 hours a day and i'm tired as fuck
                                                                              at the weekends it goes up to even 12 hours or more, i feel ..non-sleepy, but still tired


                                                                                i think we shouldn't be staring at the computer screen before going to bed

                                                                                but how are we supposed to play then, hehe


                                                                                  4Head yeah, dunno.. I'm not drinking caffeine before I go to bed, sometimes I fall asleep quickly while at other times it takes hours, i actually do excercise (jogging ~15 km 2x week + 2x 2h school sport)

                                                                                  the realm's delight

                                                                                    here i am in french class watching moonmeander stream


                                                                                      you should probably set a bedtime and stick to it. routine is the best way to train yourself physically and mentally to sleeping


                                                                                        ur prolly waking up at the wrong time in ur sleep cycle, try waking up in intervals of 1:30, for ex if u sleep at 10 u should wake up at either 11:30, 1, 2 30, 4, 5 30, 7, and so on


                                                                                          honestly, you just need a routine. google sleep hygiene. cut out caffeine in the afternoon, get some exercise, don't watch tv/play dota an hour before you go to bed.

                                                                                          for the record, i don't really do any of those and generally get a pretty bad nights sleep :) isn't helped by having a baby though :)

                                                                                          ps to anyone who says that they don't do those things and get a great nights sleep - awesome, good for you - the OP isn't though...

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            I sleep like shit I stay up way too late only getting around 6 hours and I drink monsters all afternoon and then alcohol before bed while watching tv and dota. My body is fucked but after a while you learn to function tired.


                                                                                              Even though youre not conscious during sleep your brain is very active.
                                                                                              It goes through multiple cycles with distinct brainpatterns.
                                                                                              This is very important for your ability to function while you are awake.

                                                                                              You have four main stages of sleep.

                                                                                              Non Rem (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep:

                                                                                              |(Non rem-1 brain produces theta waves and you can get hypnogogic hallucinations for ex:
                                                                                              |(Non rem-2 More theta weaves, and K komplexes. Sleep-spindels . Harder to wake up.
                                                                                              |(Non rem-3 Delta Waves You are dead to the world and could walk or talk in your sleep.

                                                                                              then you get #4
                                                                                              Rem sleep occurs. This is where your paradoxialsleep happens with things like dreams with Non muscle respons.

                                                                                              Now that you have a basic understanding of how your brain works during sleep Lets look at whats called

                                                                                              Circadian Rythms

                                                                                              Just as sleep has syclical stages so does our wakefullnes.
                                                                                              And our transition from wakefullness to sleeping.

                                                                                              This rythm is based on our Biological Internal Clock 24 hours.
                                                                                              The cycles include rizes during the day and takes a breif dip during aaround lunch and Falls during nighttime.

                                                                                              This controlls our body temp, sleepcycel and other things reglating your wakefullness.

                                                                                              Sunlight and or artifical light will effect you. And not to get into how your retinal absorbs light how the chemestry works and effects you its just important to know that:
                                                                                              Light makes you more awake.

                                                                                              This is the basis for "Jet lag" Where light and your internal clock is off.

                                                                                              Theese effects change over time and are different with age.
                                                                                              youngr people tend to be nightowls, and older people tend to go up early and sleep shorter.

                                                                                              On an interesting sidenote Light also effects your gaming reactiontime. More light creates faster reponsiveness. I have messured my eye register light to something as fast as 0.00005 Ms


                                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                                just work out, that will increase your energy levels, I know it's sounds counter productive, but it's really not, that's literally the key besides positive mindset.


                                                                                                  I think (just my assumptions based on personal expirience) the quality of sleep depends on how regular your cycle is (i.e. going to bed and waking up at the SAME TIME EVERY DAY so your body can adjust the cycle or w/e) rather than how many hours you sleep.

                                                                                                  I turned 21 not long ago, I mostly sleep 5 - 6 hours and feel perfectly refreshed/energetic. I woke up at 5:15 today and will go to sleep at 23:00, and it's almost the same every day except for weekends.

                                                                                                  When I was finishing school (15-16 y.o.) I would play WoW every night until like 4 in the morning, the sleep for 3-4 hours, go to school feeling like a piece of shit, come back and sleep for 2 hours. I always felt drowsy and sleepy even if I slept for 10 hours straight because I had a broken schedule.

                                                                                                  Mind Games



                                                                                                      "Counter productive" - I hear this phrase too often. Russian politics love it.


                                                                                                        What works best if you wanna reset (for me at least):
                                                                                                        dont try change cycle slowly, just wake up at the desired time (e.g. 7) and keep doing it, even if you feel tired you're not gonna die lol (i didn't sleep for 30-35 hours sometimes in uni to write big essays)

                                                                                                        don't take naps during the day, and dont sit in front of your computer before falling asleep. Do that for 2-3 days and you're set.
