General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is Rasta not picked enough?

Why is Rasta not picked enough? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Its been a while that ive seen rasta. Why is he not picked enough? I do personally think hes one of the most versatile support in the game with all the disables, nukes and TD breaking skillz he has.



      Probably because he relies too much on having competent team mates, which in pubs is complete rng. The amount of times I have seen a rasta go in and shackle just to be left for dead by fellow team mates is ridiculous. At least this is the case in potato tier.


        hes awful against any duo/aggro tri scenario which are fairly common with the popular offlaners.


          Hes mainly good in early push-to-win scenarios. Like together with Death Prophet, Chen, Drow and 1 tanky hero.

          But that requires high organised team.


            Someone in your team picks Ursa => pick SS => ez win.

            waku waku

              too squishy and his spells have too short range so he needs blink, you know the rest

              Giff me Wingman

                his mobility is very meh.

                The fact that he has to stand still to hold someone is a pain in the ass.


                  Back when he used to be a thing in Dota 1, people played him mid and it was quite sucessfull. :D

                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                    I main supports and yeah i think the posters above cover most of the shaman's issues: mediocre mobility therefore dependent on blink to make up for his lack of cast range, channeling disable (lion and cm are so much safer), cant sufficiently protect lane partner against an aggro duo/tri lane, etc.

                    One thing I'd add is that his ult, while an effective weapon in push lineups, doesnt contribute much in team fights beyond zoning. Short of a refresher ult, the snake damage falls off very quickly, especially if the enemy team builds a pipe.

                    Check out Tobiwan's original DISASTAH:

                    Sansheng's serpents did little damage against the mek and pipe of Navi. Actually, it couldnt entirely block off the rosh pit entrance either, so putting the wards there instead of in the middle of the Navi heroes in the pit, probably not the best idea.

                    plz do

                      "One thing I'd add is that his ult, while an effective weapon in push lineups, doesnt contribute much in team fights beyond zoning. Short of a refresher ult, the snake damage falls off very quickly, especially if the enemy team builds a pipe."

                      physical dmg inc. go build crimson edge pls .


                        ^Crimson guard will not help you (besides extra hp).

                        Autism is great

                          in my eyes he was always meh in big team fights his 3rd skill is extremely dangerous to use in them

                          Dire Wolf

                            He's a kind of greedy support imo, he is good in lane early but then drops off hard until he gets his items, aghs, blink/force staff, whatever. I think that's the issue, you don't want this guy as a 5th position. Plus his strength is pushing around his ult and most pubs won't coordinate pushes.


                              What about Euls then trap hero in wards combo? Or is that so Dota1?



                                Not great in teamfights which is what dota is all about now. Great in spread out game.


                                  Actually Pipe would help more cuz splash damage from snakes is magical.


                                    Shackles range is a little too short and requires teamate coordination.
                                    Wards offer great push potential though

                                    gameplay booster

                                      bc he is dogshit hero that can't win game alone


                                        No, hero is good, but his usual itembuild is bad. Glimmer Cape must be core item. It has ~same duration with Shackle, so it allows you to use this skill in teamfights (just like Bane or CM ults). Also BKB is worth consideration for same reasons.

                                        P.S. Lets wait when some pro players alter their itembuilds for SS, and you will spam topics all around Dotabuff about how ridiculously OP this hero is.

                                        plz do

                                          ^pls get on my level of trolling. i meant every word like i typed it.


                                            Wew shamb winrate still 52.30% & 55th hero popularity he got nice nukes and hex disable pushing ability btw shaman is in my least pick trlol

                                              Bad Intentions

                                                ^lion is good, but personally? id rather have a SS's building destroying ability.

                                                Serpent wards is more versatile for me.

                                                Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                                                  im not sure but i think you mean rhasta

                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    ^yep Shadow Shaman lol

                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                      Yeah the shaman is definitely a greedy support - works better as a position 4 than 5, but even so, you could take other safer (as in less vulnerable and provides more options) support heroes in the 4 position, like earthshaker, wyvern, or even witch doctor.

                                                      Not that the shaman is useless, it's just that his skill set requires better coordination, timing and positioning from the player to become effective, and thus there is a lower margin for error compared to the likes of say, lion.

                                                      In other words, the shaman is probably a situational pick.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        Lion is much better if you don't do team pushes around serpents.