General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is my MMR?

What is my MMR? in General Discussion

    People often ask on dotabuff for someone to determine their unranked MMR. It is not always possible to do this. But if you know a little more about your match history you may be able to take a reasonable guess.

    Keep in mind that your current MMR is not really a measure of how good you are at dota so much as it is a measure of how difficult the games you played recently are. For instance I have been in Very High Skill games for almost 3 years, but my ranked solo MMR was as low as 2350 just 9 months ago. This can be confusing because there are 4 MMR scores.

    My solo ranked MMR is currently 3807 and party ranked is at 3522. These scores you can find in the dota 2 client by checking your recent games, or you can set them to dsiplay with your name. Dotabuff can also display them on your personal overview page if you do attach them to your name in the game. There is a little delay in the updating so they may be a few games off.

    But there are also solo and party unranked scores. These scores are established before you go through the ranked calibration process and give you a starting point for the ranked scores. Once you complete calibration they can move up and down independant of each other.

    How do I know what my unranked scores are? In my case I have won 172/308 unranked games in Very High Skill. This means that I gained a net +36 games worth of MMR above the cut-off for very high which is 3750. If those games were all worth 25 points I have +900 MMR above that point. Some games were solo, and some were party. Dotabuff does not know, because Valve does not record, which ones are which. If the points were evenly distributed I would have an average of 4200 MMR unranked.

    But I know from my match history that my unranked solo has dropped down close to the bottom of Very High because I have been in High Skill games on it a few times. This means that my unranked solo is probably around 3800 MMR and my unranked party score is around 4600 MMR.


      how do u manage to explain very simple things in so many words, and with language which makes it even harder to understand what u mean, oh god

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Good for you.

        < blank >

          If I have to write some essay etc. I'll get back to you Relentless


            i'm taking notes


              :facepalm: stop :facepalm: bumping :facepalm: relentless :facepalm: threads :facepalm:


                  I guess he is just trolling.


                    it requires too much time investment and gives too few lulz as output, so its not trolling, i guess.


                      He gets many replies etc.

                      Dunno whats wrong with him. Maybe too many dudes here bullied him too hard. He is not like Hanter or Zeroremorse. I imagine him beeing relativly smart, while zeroremorse seems to be just plain dumb, and hanter has some serious mental issues.

                      My fav dotabuff dude is still zeroremorse though. I like this guy. Everytime I see him posting something, I appreciate my life even more. At least I am not him.

                      Relentless is close though. I do not rly read his posts tl;dr. But the answers are always funny. This forum would be worse without him. Relentless just thinks alot about dota, but he seems to lack some talent. At least he tries hard etc.
