General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Road to 8k MMR starts today.

My Road to 8k MMR starts today. in General Discussion

    Everyone also thinks your stupid regardless of you being a troll or not

    bum farto

      You can give me your account and i can boost you to 4k from 1k for about $300 or you can buy a 4.8k account off me for $80


        Don't listen to him, I'll sell you my 4.5k solo smurf for SF arcana. I need it badly. xD

        You're going first, kappa.

        Mr Meow

          Advice: Spam mid with pos2 heroes. Specially:

          Clinkz (VIP)
          Legion Commander

          Spamming them until you play them properly you can be 3k in 3 months.

          With clinkz and drow u have to be defensive while harrasing the opponent with manual cast orb so you dont draw aggro.

          With drow u keep pushing the lane while the other mid ganks other lanes, take the tower and go farm the jungle until u have lvl 11, then u smoke into rosh with a mask (better if its helm of dominator) then u gather ur team and start pushing from there and snowballing.

          With clinkz [Pick always last] when u get level 6-7 and Soul Ring u go eat the hard camp and then go kill opponent mid with Strafe lvl 1. Then just farm opponent heroes while building desolator and maybe orchid, if they group up (after maybe 2,5k mmr) u split push while ur team mates defend and if you are snowballed enough and have BKB u can enter team fights and trade for 2 or 3. U can Roshan solo at level 16 and desolator. (But like drow, keep the maximum distance posible to rosh, shoot from the entrance of the cave so he is not hitting you all the time)

          With legion be very aggresive on the lane hitting enemy with possible and maxing Q first with a bottle. This one is the hardest to pull out but its your option when enemies have Bounty Hunter, Noob Seeker, Spirit Breaker, etc.

          And I know what I am talking about as I reached 3k in 10 months playing thanks to these cheesy tactics. (Lycan jungle works wonders too), From 3k and beyond is more a matter of skill.


            1st smurf:
            2nd smurf:
            3rd smurf:
            4th smurf:

            and i still have 4 more which i'm tired of opening.. well i hope this is proof enough @shred u to bits


              @PGSmeow thanks for the advice... preciate it...

              @Keyboard and mouse player dont be hatin' spread the love... why haven't u been to 1k mmr before?


                @PGSmeow thanks for the advice... preciate it...

                @Keyboard and mouse player dont be hatin' spread the love... why haven't u been to 1k mmr before?



                  Like it's hard to find 4 pics from google, download them, upload them to that page and post them here LMAO

                  OP - till the time you reach 8k mmr, the best players will already have 15k mmr. No Kappa


                    I have to agree with my Slovenian "friend" here

                    This is just sad. xD


                      It's nice to see when old Balkan buddies go along, it just brings nostalgy and tears to my eyes :)


                        Good luck man


                          oh well, can't blame u guys... you just can't accept the truth when it's right in front of your face... :) no hatin' just loving. I'm not here to brag about my smurf's you guys wanted proof so there u go... Now ur giving me some lame excuse of not believing it... can't blame you though. that's why u guys won't make it to 5k mmr. coz you think you're too good but guess what you're not. People like me are out to prove that u can climb out of 1k mmr. this serves as a purpose for all those hopeless 1k mmr players that it is indeed possible... if you guys think it's not. then i feel sorry for you. You're growth in dota ends there coz you can't even believe that it's doable... So @shred u to bits and 1234.. I feel sad for u... You guys are good players but not that good. esp you 1234 with a 57% win rate that which is a smurf account. I bet u started with 1k mmr too! LOL


                            time for math:
                            1k mmr = 40 wins
                            8k mmr = 320 wins
                            conclusion: if your winrate is less than 50% forget about it


                              @EG Secret Safelane Player thanks! @1234 look at EG Secret Safelane Player with a boat load of games played now that's a real account... Yours on the otherhand 1234 is a baby's account... keep climbing u'll get there 1234.. LOL


                                @feeding machine thanks!


                                  Guys I'm 8k MMR. Want proof? Just say it!


                                    ROLF @crazyQuinn Se Asia is fucking horrible, of course you are going to have good players when the entire fucking continent plays the dam game, but everyone else is just fucked. Seriously I just give up when i get pinoys. They've ruined every game i get with them. I had 4.4k pinoy think you dont need to support as undying when there is no one else to support. Seriously I dont understand how fucking retarded you people are! Infact they are so bad i just generally hate asians now


                                      OP - it's a science fiction that a 1k mmr player with 49% winrate on his main account can have 5k mmr on a smurf. I know it's pointless to argue with a scrub like yourself, cause you're probably a deluded young kid, so this is my last post here.

                                      49% winrate starting at 1k mmr will get you where? 8k? :DD you realize that you need above 50% winrate in order to climb right? :D


                                        Guys... There are literally only 2 possible solutions for Crazy.

                                        1) He is trolling all of you. He knows he is garbage and is just trying to fuck with you.

                                        2) He has a mental deficiency.

                                        That's it. Move on.


                                          I calibrate 4670 on my smurf, idno how ur smurfs can be that high. I legitemately wished you good luck, but you seem to be a total retard. Luck doesn't get u far then


                                            CrazyQuinn has a 51% win rate in 1k mmr bracket in the last 6 months.

                                            He thinks he can get +7000mmr in 1 year.

                                            By that logic, with my 54% winrate in 5k mmr bracket in the last 6 months I should be 33,000 MMR by the end of the year.

                                            Wish me luck boys.


                                              Why do people want to get high MMR. I started a smurf wishing I could get around 250 MMR. Wish me luck boys.

                                              Problem is I mostly win, even tho I go 6 faerie fire/mango builds, I don't even know.




                                                  and i'm not kid, 31 y.o with wife and kid... damn dota is so addicting cant get enuf of it LOL!!!!


                                                    if u play at %60 winrate till u get 8k mmr (which is impossible for 1k mmr trash players) u will have to play 3500 games


                                                      if you played 3500 games, and won %60, it would look like this.
                                                      you won 2100 out of 3500.
                                                      the average MMR gain/loss is about 25.
                                                      So, in these 3500 games, you gained 52,500 MMR points and lost 35,000 MMR.
                                                      Continue to do the math and your grand total of MMR gain is 17,500.

                                                      By gawd, im on the road to 17,500!


                                                        hahaha! we all want to get HIGH!!!


                                                          CrazyQuinn has 51% winrate.

                                                          Assuming he can maintain this the ENTIRE time he goes up in MMR (which is impossible)... it will take him 14,000 GAMES.

                                                          (+25mmr for every 50 games * 280)

                                                          good luck doing that in 1 year.

                                                          an average dota game is ~40 minutes. 14,000 games = 9240 hours. That is 385 days. Even if you play non-stop without sleeping, you still will take longer than a year.


                                                            Let the kid dream BibleThump


                                                              I don't understand, why is it "impossible" to maintain a %51 winrate? I do however agree that it most likely will happen.

                                                              BTW, OP, if you aren't dominating the 1k games when you are "Truly a 5k player" then you aren't truly a 5k player. No offense, just speaking truth.

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                It's impossible because if he has 51% wr at shit tier MMR, how can he maintain it higher? When I went back to playing ranked around 2k MMR bellow my realistic MMR, I had 90+ monthly winrate for a while, until I got closer to my actual winrate and now it hovers around 65%.

                                                                If you have 55% winrate in your current bracket, you're going to rise somewhat, and if you keep improving you can maintain that winrate until you hit like 500 or 1000 or 1500 MMR more than your current MMR, and that'd be your limit. If it's, however, 51%, you're actually stagnating, because this means that you get 25 MMR every 100 games, and that's way too freaking slow and you're obviously not improving if that's the case.

                                                                You really have to be improving every game if you want to maintain high winrate and at the same time rise from very low MMR if it actually reflects your skill level.


                                                                  Because as you improve, the games get harder, until you reach your "true" mmr.

                                                                  The lower your winrate is in relation to 50%, the closer you are. Eventually you will freeze at 50% until you get better.


                                                                    Oh. Makes sense, thanks @Oblivion
                                                                    Well, in one month I raised out of the hell hole known as 1k, and am still rising in 2k. My winrate in ranked is %70. And my KDA is outrageous. When I start to plateau I will prob go back to normal matchmaking so I don't just tilt and drop back down to the potato bracket.


                                                                      well thing is i got calibrated 4.5k on those smurfs... but when i first started i got calibrated with this main account of mine at 1.5k... so its kinda hard climbing and carrying the entire team on your own on SOLO MMR... but playing in 4.5k MMR most of the teamates i have are disciplined and know what to do what roles to play... sad thing here in 1k mmr you dont see that too often.., everyone in the team picks fucking carries and no supports... thats why its so hard to climb out of 1k


                                                                        @MARLAN definitely true im going back through time right now... like LUCY using 50% of my brain... waiting to reach 100% capacity of my brain which'll make me immortal...



                                                                          ^ This is a 5k player playing in 2k bracket. Keep in mind I only use this account when I play with brand new friends/people who haven't even dota'd before/etc, plus I do dumb shit half the time.... And I maintain 65% win rate.

                                                                          If I was try-hard solo queueing I guarantee I'd have at least 80% win rate if not higher.

                                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                                            "well thing is i got calibrated 4.5k on those smurfs..."

                                                                            I actually played @3.7k and 4.3k, the first was a few games with 100% ranked winrate and the second was at around 45% winrate, a few dozen games. I can actually win and carry (some of) those games. Even that doesn't mean my true MMR is somewhere between 3.7k and 4.3k but the games are actually easier to communicate in at this MMR.

                                                                            " but when i first started i got calibrated with this main account of mine at 1.5k... so its kinda hard climbing and carrying the entire team on your own on SOLO MMR... "

                                                                            Nope, it's not hard, you just haven't found a way. I got calibrated at 1.2k when I started playing ranked, then I didn't play for a long while, and now I am 2.7k after grinding ranked, mostly hoping to solo win the game even if teamed up with retards. I struggled at first but eventually I found the dos and don'ts of 'how to win very low mmr games' so I got out of 1k and am getting out of 2k.

                                                                            "but playing in 4.5k MMR most of the teamates i have are disciplined and know what to do what roles to play..."

                                                                            Sure, but if you believe you're a 4.5k player, you'll literally be able to solo win 90%+ games <2k mmr, it's the truth. I'm realistically around 3.5k, I think (it's also my hidden MMR with > 54% winrate as well), so once I figured out how to play my favorite hero 1v9 mode, I just ground a ton of MMR in a matter of weeks. Then I got to 2.5k and people are much easier to cooperate with even if I still tend to get retards. Doesn't matter much, sometimes I throw for the sake of it as well (if you go afk jungle for 20 minutes and we are winning, I will make sure you don't get MMR at the expense of my own).

                                                                            "sad thing here in 1k mmr you dont see that too often.., everyone in the team picks fucking carries and no supports... thats why its so hard to climb out of 1k"

                                                                            What you seem to be forgetting is that one team has a 4.5k player and the other team is full of 1k tards. Or is it so? Are you realistically 4.5k? If so, win 90%+ of those games. If not, you're just another scrub. And don' try using the "I can't farm" argument because if you're 4.5k you can just keep killing people and getting money and exp, literally.



                                                                              haha! amazing! imagine reaching 70% winrate! almost there! keep it up! but i can see you slumped down to 55% ... f**k valve


                                                                                @road to oblivion oh so mr. know it all with hidden MMR... thanks for the advise i see u spamming legion commander maybe i'll do that as well... nice explanation though, preciate your response and criticism... keep it up you might reach 5k mmr like me. :)


                                                                                  it can be done, to what extent depends on the player. I calibrated at 1.6k and am currently sitting at 3.4k, which is probably close to where i truly belong


                                                                                    @NotAGoodDotaPlayer how were u able to do it? did u hack ur way through? im curious

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      @NAGP: ^You're going to rise more, your winrate suggests that, at least.


                                                                                        AY LMAO! anyway... which heroes arguably are good to spam from 1-2k??? Legion, Ursa, Sven, Alche, who else???


                                                                                          Death Prophet.
                                                                                          Dont believe me? Just check my games/scores and builds. Ez Life


                                                                                            Every hero is good to stomp 1-2k's with, if you're not shit ofc. If you are and still wanna win easiest you can, i suggest you playing your best heroes and that means Riki, Meepo and SF. I suggest you playing a lot of splitpushers too, cause kids cant counter that - especially not in that shit tier mmr.


                                                                                              but riki has drastically changed in this patch, no more health regen, played him last time against necro and i was just there eating my heart out invisible and i can see necro laughing silently and saying "heartstopper" ... before riki had regen while invisible now, he's just like a damn anime hero who fades out of sight like freaking kenshin himura battousai the slasher. i wished his ulti would be buffed like jugs omni, now that would be pretty awesome!


                                                                                                186 LH in 36 minutes game as SF in 1k, is that even real? I'd probably get 300 just with one hand.


                                                                                                  @OfflandoBloom oh come on! i got 561 last hits as sf oh come on... you prolly saw me getting 186 LH coz it wasn't my day... but on a great day i am a GOD.