General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    its a high risk play cuz its 2k

    ur team might overcommit or play too scared and just idle and you'll be throwing ur advantage (or be static at best until ur enemy catches up)

    if that happens u wont be happily camping their jungle aynmore :vvvv

    doc joferlyn simp

      Wow imba Alice 2k guru, teach me more mastah


        i mean sure 15 mins in their AM is so fucking starved, u can try to push even though ur team isnt that reliable and cooperative about it, or u could just let em be and do something so the enemy never catches up, what can an AM do if an ember spirit who's farmed af is camping his jungle anyway? its not like 2ks (or anything below blue star really) know how to stage a come back, they'll just camp their base while flaming their mates

        doc joferlyn simp

          Wow with this instead of fighting for farm with a 4 pos 1, and 1 pos 5 lineup it's better to have 3 pos 1, 1 pos 2, and 1 pos 5. I always thought FARM --> FAT --> WIN was the supposed mindset 5k below.

          doc joferlyn simp

            Damn this really changes things.


              yeah u shouldnt expect to play with ur team like ur in 5k, but u should still try to play like one

              doc joferlyn simp

                My eyes have been opened. Now I'm a Timber, Ember, Zeus spammer. Fuck CS. Controlling the tempo is what matters in the game.

                doc joferlyn simp

                  I'm still a bad Timber though. Alice are you gonna play later?


                    You eat all the jungle camps and lane creeps which forces your team to go search for farm on enemy teritories, and when they do you join in with them and starve everyone on the enemy team


                      no i dont play dota except when im at school

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        How do you even play Dota at school?


                          Then once you get sick ass mobility/waveclear your team will get triggered by both radiant and dire camp being clean and they'll start noticing dota is about destroying the enemy ancient

                          doc joferlyn simp

                            Well, Bws, you aren't wrong.


                              i have vacant hours between subjects






                                    Hi my name is fx I spam luna cuz I'm only good at farming haHAA


                                      13-1 void boys


                                            How to git DMG? I make smurf account good KDA cennot reach DMG

                                            casual gamer

                                              GAME WINNING DOTA 2 STRAT: NO WARDS = EZ NETWORTH

                                              casual gamer

                                                round 2 ez gg



                                                  youre in radiant

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    yeah thats the real strat


                                                      how to git radiant?
                                                      rip 3 kda AM 2016-2017 [*]


                                                        RIP smurf acc ?

                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                          CARRY BH WINNING IN 2017 LUL


                                                              So fucking triggered of that game
                                                              2 clowns decided to rice my jungle
                                                              Luckily one of them prevails


                                                                That alch is actually so bad imtriggered gulhspgfuuxiycocickhixu. Gg wp


                                                                  Fuck man im at family dinner. 15ppl only 4 men. Kill me now


                                                                    SF support sucks balls

                                                                    BSJ. LGD

                                                                      yes, lifestealer support is probably simpler.

                                                                      you need to go minus armor aura instead of necromastery and play pos 4 support sf.
                                                                      you are a counter zoner/ganker/+1/lane pressurer.
                                                                      level 1 if you buy blight its -5 armor to whoever tries to kill/zone your offlaner its like trying to fight a venge, -armor hurts.
                                                                      just try to get lvls and +1 with your other support partner/offlaner with your nukes (go boots+windlace).

                                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                                        What about lc support?


                                                                          RIP smurf acc

                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                            So good, can't stop listening, help.


                                                                              fuckin 1gb update for me gg da actual fuck


                                                                                feels good to win lost games by coaching your whole team and making strategies lol

                                                                                look at this shit :

                                                                                am was standing on jug on picking phase and right after they picked blood he picked am ppl got so triggered xd

                                                                                look at that graphz


                                                                                  i heard i triggered u licetea xD

                                                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                    ^You theTA? 😲

                                                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                      and don't SFsupport,really,stop it.
                                                                                      Alchemist semi greedy support is much better,get a fast solar crest and few items then can start give Agh.
                                                                                      Alchemist take 2 creep can buy 3 wards.He is good support

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        Alchemist is good at -Armor
                                                                                        Better at buy ward and support item because same CS more money.and he have small aoe stun,am I smart then turtle?



                                                                                          1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                            ^You took my NC farm at both sides,especially the ancient make my item come alot slower WUAHHHH HUAHAAA~

                                                                                            but you single hand carried game at least,I do nothing much n win,I like it

                                                                                            Edit : At least I did 8.7K heal :smile:

                                                                                            Dotabuff again mark my jungler play as roamer, I WANT 100% JUNGLE SHOW IN MY PAGE @SKIM FIX THIS DOTABUFF WRONG INFO


                                                                                              life stealer probably a better support. can heal teammates too. lol



                                                                                                  i need to farm ancients lol, ta doesnt really do well with junglers unfortunately


                                                                                                    If u jungle for 4 min and roam lanes ur still a roaming player not a jungler
