General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get higher than 500 GPM in my skill bracket (normal)

How to get higher than 500 GPM in my skill bracket (normal) in General Discussion

    Getting a high GPM as a carry without hand of midas


      Quick reminder you pazy bastard that my guide is RIGHT THERE 2 POSTS BELOW

      Dinge Brinking

        can even get 500 gpm on jungling pa, you just have to kill creeps. Killing creeps is the only way to get a better gpm =))

        The Medic Guy

            Killing creeps is the only way to get a high gpm =))

            I hope you never touch pos 1 on your games


              jungle crystal maiden till min 20 then splitpush and drop towers dont join fights


                Farm well, exploit enemies' mistakes, take objectives as soon as you have the chance to do so, die less, teamfight better, eat up enemy resources when possible


                  Currently I feel constant ganking gives you higher GPM than passive farming. Rather, how the fuck your carry doesn't reach 500 gpm ?!!
                  I'm normal too and average gpm for carry is around 600ish

                  The Medic Guy

                    yeah on losing carry might get 550+ gpm, but on winning it suppose to be 600++


                      I guess I'll never get 500+ GPM, I can only get a high XPM by playing Meepo.
                      The reason why I can't get that much GPM is because farming without stacked creep camps will greatly affect me. I should try playing bloodseeker and stack the camps myself. I sometimes encounter supports that always heal me during and after a fight, but most of them don't know how to stack camps or most of the time pick lion and play him as a core

                      The Medic Guy

                        I guess I'll never get 500+ GPM, I can only get a high XPM by playing Meepo.



                          u never need stacks in order to get 500 gpm , u need to utilize your farming patterns, lane creeps give way more gold than neutral ones always remember that when u kill the entire wave of lane creep , go to jungle little bit adn when u saw the lane creeps are coming to your lane go to lane , its just about split pushing and farming the whole map in order to get higher gpm's


                            it has nothing to do with stacking. do u get at worst 60 last hits till min10? if not u r bad at it. do u have at worst 350 last hits till min 30 as a hero like lifestealer that cant farm like an antimage? if not u r bad at it


                              What is the place that you are most unlikely to find an enemy when they are fighting your team? Jungle. They are fighting? Good, go dig their mine and then start messing with their tower until they tp to the tower. Rinse and repeat.


                                Pick Naga and farm the map because it seem only late game exist in lower mmr's, actually can someone care to explain. What's the point in farming extra 20 mins when you can end the game in 10?


                                  I had 700 avg before when I memed with first pick AM

                                  mr. rabbit



                                      If you somehow cornered them to their base and you are looking to go highground but you think you aren't ready yet (I'm not talking about your willing to go and fight, I'm talking about your hero capability.) then you farm their jungle while they could only farm inside their base and once you are ready, go in and put them out of misery.

                                      Dinge Brinking

                                        yes stacking also increases gpm. As a melee carry dont forget to stack camps if you are farming them close to x:55. As a nuker/support - make stacks for a carry and yourself when you are close to the camp at that time. Costs only about 10 seconds. Watch the clock. Dont stack for the enemy team.
                                        And dont listen to idiots, they are thinking you can permagank and have 1k gpm. In each case you still have to farm creeps. Thinking differnt is only useful if you are retarded.

                                        Dinge Brinking

                                          @ DoraBuff
                                          did i say anything about not dying less and not taking towers? Its kind of a prerequisite to finishing a match. Position 1 (offlane? i have no clue what it means. Its probably safe lane carry. Was that some kind of low mmr slang?) has to farm too. Forced to stay under tower at start? Go take jungle camps. They are there for a reason. Stacking helps here as well. A good practice here is also to avoid dying.


                                            U don't even need 2 stack creeps 2 get 500 gpm


                                              U just need map awareness 2 web and where to farm


                                                What I'm saying is that people shouldn't tunnel vision " git high gpm i must hit more creeps!!!"
                                                There are much more aspect to improve other than farming efficiency as a carry and all of them lead to higher stats

                                                Dinge Brinking

                                                  but he isnt asking for that you dummy. He is asking "how to increase gpm and reach 500". Am i arguing with a ferret?


                                                    And hitting more creeps is not the only way to increase GPM
                                                    What's your point?


                                                      Let's say you have 400 lh at min 30 as AM with 0-0-0 score (700 gpm at that point) and you randomly died and fed 1k gold to the enemy team, they snowball your ass and your items are stuck from that point for the next 10 minutes leaving you with 600
                                                      Oooor you can have only 340 lh at min 30 but you've helped your team win teamfights and force rotations by ratting and cutting waves, ending the game 5 mins later with 800 gpm

                                                      Dinge Brinking

                                                        Dora, you are trying this again. Im starting to think you have a screw loose. Tighten it please. He isnt asking how to be a better carry or make less mistakes. Hes is asking about gpm without hand of midas. Simple.

                                                        in and out

                                                          play alche

                                                          in and out

                                                            play alche


                                                              Alright I get your point
                                                              It's just my habit to give complete and detailed answers to help people in the long run


                                                                Get more gpm = get more of anything that gives gold. That's kills farm and objectives while minimizingg gold loss. Why is there an increase in number of retards lately ?


                                                                  Killing creeps is the only way to get a better gpm =))


                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                    Play io


                                                                      I'm training how to TB. Watch my replays and my mistakes.

                                                                      Dead Game, Don't Care

                                                                        Watch my latest match. I lost, had 10 deaths and still got 500 GPM. :)


                                                                          500 gpm is actually so easy to get


                                                                            Dude wtf man you told ppl that you got 500 gpm. I would be really ashamed to get 500 gpm as a carry and in solo q. Also read this


                                                                              farm and kill steal.


                                                                                Watching your own replay is ineffective, I tried it a few times and honestly I didn't learn much or anything from it actually


                                                                                  steal kill from noob players like diox is better, they dont know how to use the farm and just fail in the end


                                                                                    lol I am at 720 avg on my profile right now, need to try harder and get that 800 avg kappa. so much green


                                                                                      24 minutes ago

                                                                                      steal kill from noob players like diox is better, they dont know how to use the farm and just fail in the end

                                                                                      because he is one idiot. can you get a life you maggot

                                                                                      Use chatwhell=mute

                                                                                        Still ez with cm jungle.