General Discussion

General DiscussionI need guide to improve myself!

I need guide to improve myself! in General Discussion

    Hi everyone, I am kind of new in Dota. I have played around 640 games in Dota and I love this game soooooooooooo much. I have previously played other MOBA games like vainglory, call of champions. I used to be MMORPG hardcore player before coming to the MOBA genre.
    Anyway, Iam here for advise from you all pros.
    I spend 40% of my dota time watching Pro games, 10% in watching my replays and 10% watching my friends. Rest 40% in playing the game.
    I started playing Dota around December 2016.
    I consider myself an okay player and sometimes very bad. Recently I calibrated my mmr to 1400.
    I suck at playing Slark, drow ranger, arc warden and most of squishy int heroes (except Zeus, Leshrac, Pugna).
    However, I enjoy playing illusion, TAB based heroes. With illusion heroes I can split push and farm simultaneously and that makes my last hits somehow okay-ish.
    Should I stick to heroes in what Iam kind of okay or should I try learning to not suck with heroes I am usually bad with?

    My other question is, how can I improve my gameplay? what points should I care about while playing my next matches?
    I noticed a thing, if enemies start snowballing, I have no answer to defend myself.
    When an enemy start snowballing, I can't farm, I can't win their ganks, I just end up patrolling in base waiting for them to outfarm us and outlevel us more and eventually beat our towers and ancient.
    Every match, where enemies start snowballing at 10 mins, I have terrible gpm xpm KDA in those games.
    How do you guys answer to enemies' snowballing?

    I really wish to improve my gameplay alot. I wish to be atleast capable of reaching 4-5k mmr oneday.
    All kind of tips, advise are welcome.


      Stick to your best heroes
      Read Cookie's 1k-5k boosting guide, covers most basics
      Be disciplined
      Cut waves, try to rat, sneak rosh, or smoke gank when you're behind


        Play with your brain
        Plan out stuffs and make sure every single thing you do have logical backing


          Sometimes in team fights, it's so messy and a bit hard to use all items to it's fullest. And how do you counter snowball?
          Ok I'll check out that guide thanks.


            ppl snowball at 10 min in 1k? lol

            try farming the enemy side of the map, force rotations, then go back to your side of the map.


     If you have any question just ask the guy cuki. Read everythung 1st


                counter snowball by avoiding the enemy and forcing them to tp where u r pushing then u tp out urself. basically rat and force rotations is the easiest method especially in 1k where ppl hear your top tower is under attack and they tp there with their aegis on them to find nothing other than their other lane being pushed by the same guy


                  Thanks all.
                  @Jacked, yes mostly they are smurfs in party. They just snowball so hard, I don't know what to do and how to do with my pub teammates and we all just die or force back to fountain and stay there lol.

                  @Fx thanks. I will check that out now.

                  @Sia, do you have any link for a Guide on safely RAT-ing? That would be awesome.
                  Currently I just push my illusions on 2 lanes, and I farm the jungle.


                    dude i suggest u read all the comments in cookie's thread and skip a lot of them that arent informative. among these 14 pages there are more info including this how to rat safely i believe.

                    short version answer to this particular question tho is to have vision of shrines and enemy paths toward the tower u wanna push. buy wards yourself instead of letting a braindead sup just put it on a high ground or smth. then push till u think they are close abd back out


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