General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do

What to do in General Discussion

    In my last 5 games i had 3 cases where i got dazzle/omni/pugna support in lane.

    intention is good, they want to harrass offlaner.

    but they keep spamming their AoE spells and nuke every wave effectively denying me my farm and helping the offlaner.

    It's so dumb, by minute 5 they leave me alone in lane against an offlaner with 2 levels ahead of me. typical people watching purgegamers guide.

    At this stage im leaving to jungle, support starts to flame me. I tell him to just leave the tower and pressure any other lane. Ofc they stay and die.
    Start crying and blaming me, game becomes a flame show.

    I dont even know what to do anymore, this seriously happens in 8/10 games.


      you've just got to roll with it. its not like you can convince them during the game to stop. of course they will die if you leave them - if they don't understand enough not to push the lane with heal bombs then they are unlikely to know how to play safe. especially as they are probably farming by the river because they have pushed the lane.

      your best bet is to get on the crazy bus and just try and push an early T1.


        ps 3/5 != 8/10 ;)


          its actually 4/5 of my recent matches that supports were absolutely clueless about the game.

          Probably just some interntional ranked cancer.

          btw that pugna that nuked lane creeps, fed at least 3 nether wards to offlaner and called me a noob for failing my lane, then started feeding has a 42% winrate on dotabuff.

          I will stop play international ranked, it attracts very weird people.


            Yes its an int ranked thing

            死の恐怖 Haseo

              int ranked is so much fun . i get to play what i want in every game <3


                mute all chat and never type anything this way they will think u dont speak the language and just flame u a bit instead of making arguments that waste ur time and energy. u also could ask nicely for them not to do it when theres nothing to cs for a sec and see if they continue for the next minute if they do just farm urself up and let them feed but create space for u to get items. just get em fast and splitpush gud


                  one way this loses the lane if u sit back and cry and dont help your brain dead supports to zone the offlaner. and then whine when he gets 2 lvls ahead.

                  if u know thats gonna happen, tell ur supports to leave the lane earlier.


                    This has become standard that I do not care anymore....(I actually started preferring to solo vs the offlaner and usually tend to produce better result) just continue to do your thing and play properly, you can always try explaining it through voice chat once, if they listen GREAT if they don't move on.

                    Story Time

                      do you really think that the things are different in the enemy team? I bet their sup does the same :D i always surprise myself when we win despite of heavy flaming, but then find out in the postgame chat that enemies were flaming even harder xD rofl


                        I know that enemy team
                        does the same.

                        But i play CK a lot, so i need to win early game. I need to do stuff before minute 30 or i will loose late game to some TB/spectre/AM because CK has no wave clear or cleave so he farms slow as hell.

                        probably a bad hero to spam. should spam TB or troll or some other boring shit, ain't doing that thoigh