General Discussion

General Discussion7.06c

7.06c in General Discussion

    "Bloodseeker: Base damage increased by 4"


    "Zeus: Movement Speed increased from 295 to 300"

    I like it.

    doc joferlyn simp


      * Blademail: Damage return is no longer increased by Spell Amplification
      * Solar Crest: Evasion reduced from 25% to 20%
      * Solar Crest: Chance for true strike mechanic is now renamed to Accuracy
      * Solar Crest: Accuracy increased from 25% to 35%
      * Ancient Apparition: Cold Feet stun duration rescaled from 1.25/2/2.75/3.5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5
      * Bloodseeker: Base damage increased by 4
      * Clinkz: Skeleton Walk movement speed increased from 11/22/33/44 to 15/25/35/45%
      * Clinkz: Death Pact health gain increased from 50/65/80% to 50/70/90%
      * Clinkz: Death Pact damage gain increased from 5/6.5/8% to 5/7/9%
      * Crystal Maiden: Base movement speed reduced from 280 to 275
      * Doom: Infernal Blade stun duration increased from 0.4 to 0.6
      * Ember Spirit: Level 10 Spell Amplification reduced from 10% to 8%
      * Ember Spirit: Level 10 Attack Damage increased from +25 to +30
      * Gyrocopter: Flak Cannon radius increased from 1000 to 1250
      * Gyrocopter: Homing Missile stun duration from 2.2/2.4/2.6/2.8 to 2.25/2.5/2.75/3.0
      * Io: Overcharge Health/Mana drain from 4.5% to 6%
      * Lich: Sacrifice cooldown reduced from 60/48/36/24 to 60/46/32/18
      * Lone Druid: Spirit Bear base attack time improved from 1.75/1.65/1.55/1.45 to 1.65/1.55/1.45/1.35
      * Mirana: Leap movement speed from 4/8/12/16% to 8/12/16/20%
      * Monkey King: Tree Dance cooldown reduced from 1.4 to 1.2
      * Monkey King: Base HP regen increased from 0.75 to 1.5
      * Monkey King: Level 10 Talent from +5 Armor to +10% Evasion
      * Necrophos: Ghost Shroud AoE increased from 600 to 750
      * Nyx Assassin: Impale cooldown increased from 13 to 14 (Scepter is unaffected, still 7)
      * Oracle: False Promise duration increased from 7/8/9 to 8/9/10
      * Pugna: Life Drain break range from 900 to 1000
      * Pugna: Level 20 Talent from +0.5 Netherward Damage to +0.75
      * Shadow Demon: Level 10 Talent from +10 MS to +20
      * Shadow Demon: Level 10 Talent from +6 Strength to +10
      * Shadow Demon: Level 15 Talent from +6% Spell Amp to +8%
      * Shadow Demon: Level 20 Talent from +10% Magic Resistance to +15%
      * Shadow Demon: Shadow Poison cast point improved from 0.3 to 0.25
      * Skywrath Mage: Arcane Bolt cast range increased from 800 to 875
      * Skywrath Mage: Level 20 Talent from +20 Movement Speed to +40
      * Skywrath Mage: Level 20 Talent from +15% Magic Resistance to +20%
      * Treant Protector: Movement Speed reduced from 290 to 280
      * Troll Warlord: Battle Trance cooldown increased from 30 to 35
      * Underlord: Firestorm Max Health damage from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3% to 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2%
      * Venomancer: Poison Sting damage per second increased from 6/12/18/24 to 6/14/22/30
      * Venomancer: Agility gain increased from 2.6 to 2.8
      * Viper: Level 15 Talent from +10 Strength to +15
      * Warlock: Chaotic Offering manacost increased from 250/350/450 to 250/375/500
      * Warlock: Chaotic Offering cooldown increased from 165 to 170
      * Winter Wyvern: Arctic Burn flight duration from 6 to 8 seconds
      * Zeus: Movement Speed increased from 295 to 300


        this is actually disguisting.

        doc joferlyn simp

          They killed Treant and buffed little green skeleton man


            If we use solar crest on windranger using wind run there is 35% to hit her?

            doc joferlyn simp

              Pugna's problem is that he was squishy af but I think he'd do well with a team around him


                AA 2 second stun???

                Dude thats insane.

                Time to ruin some pubs with my favourite trilane hero! :thinking:

                Nvm people in normal skill never trilane gg wp


                  look at all those arc warden buffs and fixes

                  so much, i can't handle it


                    aw is fine

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "* Crystal Maiden: Base movement speed reduced from 280 to 275"

                      we techies now, guys

                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                        AA on the streak buff D:
                        My Skywrath Mage with so few buffs
                        Even a Phoenix is better than Sky as support

                        Potato Marshal

                          Someone at IceFrog must really hate the magic Ember build.

                          Rogue Knight

                            Can someone explain me the blademail update thanks


                              Troll Warlord: Battle Trance cooldown increased from 30 to 35 wtf


                                Makunouchi Ippo
                                It means that blade mail return damage will not be multiplied or increased by the spell amplification %( in case of ember - the return damage will not increase by 8% )
                                Hope you understand

                                Rogue Knight

                                  Wow thanks (Commended)


                                    WOW that Troll nerf, how could valve do this !!!! Killed the hero in every way, literally unplayable


                                      Shadow demon finally playable.... loved that hero....
                                      skywrath more cancer.....veno more buffs.... more lich buffs to sacrifice good luck getting that lvl 6 now mr.offlaner


                                        lol. it's a fucked up nerf. battletrance cd was what was nice about troll.

                                        might as well turn him into enigma now


                                          sacrifice only got buffed towards the end of the game...

                                          BSJ. LGD

                                            solar crest isnt even that good lmao it just builds well


                                              Maybe it's worth getting a second point into sacrifice in lane? (Situationally)

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                @Piesang. Hey man have you met Diox? Something tells me you're gonna be great friends

                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                  If you're into gay TF2 soft porn, that is


                                                    I dont think 5 sec longer cd on troll ulti is that big of a nerf

                                                    Time to spam some bs and zeus maybe but both are not game winners like troll imo. Troll can do everything from team fights to disabling, pushing and destroying towers. Also fast rosh killer

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      lol. it's a fucked up nerf. battletrance cd was what was nice about troll.
                                                      might as well turn him into enigma now

                                                      its fine people already jungle him in NS


                                                        How big is it? (The size of the update)

                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                          46 mb

                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                            48.2 MB
                                                            Nothing significant except Veno and the items, Magic Ember is still good.




                                                                Like it's actually stupid how miniscule a buff this is for bloodseeker.

                                                                He didn't get picked at all in the Kiev Major finals. One of only a handful to not get picked. Got picked 3 times in the qualifiers where he was run as a support and lost each game.

                                                                So Icefrog buffs his bloodrite for the third time since 6.86. The level 1 cooldown is now shorter than the the level 1 cooldown when I spammed him to 70% winrate (he's down at 61% atm because I've lost basically every game I've tried on him since the bloodthirst nerf which destroyed him). Oh and the cast point was reduced by 0.1 second so the total delay is now 2.9 seconds even though they still say 3 seconds in the tool tip....

                                                                What was the effect of that most recent bloodrite buff? Not getting picked a single time at the Manila Masters. One of only 7 heroes to not get picked.

                                                                So what is Icefrog's grand plan to get him back into a position to even be picked at least once competitively? Give him 4 extra damage in the early game. Like what do you even say to that. It's just so mind bogglingly stupid. Especially when you consider some of the actual buffs which he could give to make bloodseeker more effective in any number of ways. Eg:

                                                                Bloodrage - incoming damage amplification reduced by X%, remove cast point, undo heal amount nerf or increase the amount at maximum levels, make bloodrage heal off illusions, increase duration.

                                                                Bloodrite - increase area, reduce (more than 0.1 fucking second) the delay time, bloodrite automatically heals bloodseeker with the same values as bloodrage for any units killed by bloodrite/or a percentage of the damage dealt by the bloodrite, make the silence cancel tps or add a ministun effect.

                                                                Thirst - change it to an aura with effects halved or whatever (if Icefraud insists on continuing this retarded 'support bloodseeker' path), change the scaling just back to 100-0, increase the vision threshold again like back to 50 so it can be an invis/slark counter, increase the damage amounts eg to 20/30/40/50, add an increased attack speed component, ruptured enemies killed provide the full thirst bonus for 12 seconds or whatever (these 2 second bonus damage/agility buffs which bloodseeker and PL get are the stupidest shit ever).

                                                                Rupture - re-add the deals damage on cast a flat amount is okay but dealing 25% of current HP so that any movement from the hero actually results in bloodseeker getting extra damage would be better, reduce the mana cost, reduce cooldown, change his aghs from a shitty 2 charges on 40 second cooldown (it was rated as tier 4 - consistently weak by Dotabuff - to something decent like idk changing his thirst values from 75-25 to 100-25 instead.


                                                                  bs is in a good position right now

                                                                  base dmg isnt miniscule


                                                                    Base damage buff is one of the biggest buffs a carry hero can get imo, your early game is better than most other pos 1 carries, hit harder than Void, has +3 agi growth, and last hit more easy than before. Makes him come online faster, all the better for BS...

                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      this moron wont calm down until bs has 9999 base damage


                                                                        He has insane agi growth


                                                                          I don't understand how they end up with 50 lines of useless patch notes that won't change a hero by one bit and other times do shit like giving Sven 40 strength or changing Axe's spins damage type from physical to pure while making Blade Mail OP for him.

                                                                          * Underlord: Firestorm Max Health damage from 0.75/1.5/2.25/3% to 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2%
                                                                          This shit is just gold.

                                                                          Why do they even bother?

                                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                            Can you just stop crying about Bloodseeker every single time?


                                                                              i'm sure they have like data scientist to track the stats. those minor shit is not meant to be noticeable, just balancing stuff. those bigg stuff is to move the meta according to how ice frogs wants.


                                                                                Can you just stop crying about Bloodseeker every single time?

                                                                                yes please just let this hero remain dead.


                                                                                  Pls change BS heal scaling to

                                                                                  *Crystal Maiden: Base movement speed reduced from 280 to 275
                                                                                  Fast as the wolves of Ice.....kappa

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    Pls change BS heal scaling to

                                                                                    die pls


                                                                                      just tested Wyvern. 8 seconds Q feels good

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        Why do they even bother?

                                                                                        because icefrog wants to balance heroes with frequent patches that tweak heroes a bit until they're played again or get out of 1st pick/ban in tournaments

                                                                                        they arent noticeable on their own but they add up, and this patch in fact had quite a few big changes - aa, ember, necro, troll, ww
                                                                                        the only mystery for me is why does icefrog do this to heroes that arent in such a bad spot while ignoring heroes like pl which are beyond garbage

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          If you think small buffs don't matter just look at crystal fucking maiden, that hero received nothing but buffs for 2 years straight until it became 57% a winrate support.


                                                                                            So now cm with boots notes slower than pugna without boots? Where's the justice?

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              cm is not a trash tier hero

                                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                the justice is you never win pugna , you always win with CM


                                                                                                  cm is so fucking slow lmao
                                                                                                  how r u supposed to land frostbite when they see a snail crawling at them? like its not that bad but its just so funny.
                                                                                                  I'm liking the ld change to bear only I cant micro for dogshit sooooo
                                                                                                  the most I can do is visage birds, but barely. like dogshit at micro.


                                                                                                    This BS guy rofl. I'd be overjoyed if my favorite hero got tons of small buffs over time and still never got picked by pros, because that's what signals that the hero will get nerfed.

                                                                                                    Which happened to Weaver, who I will always pick regularly, but I definitely notice how people know how to deal with him better now.

                                                                                                    Also, fuck poison sting buff.