General Discussion

General Discussionbest heroes for begginers

best heroes for begginers in General Discussion

    i played most sven but i want to increase my versatility,who do you think is a good hero/es for begginers like me?

    < blank >

      Dragon Knight
      Wraith King
      Phantom Assassin

      chicken spook,,,,

        Only 2 skill

        Rogue Knight

          Juggernaut, good heroes for begginers


            i would advice any new player to learn support first. for the start, try those who have kill potential in lane and strong teamfight ultimates. lich, wd, (warlock), cm, lion
            later on, try every hero in botgames and play what is most fun for you.


              what kind of hero type?

              Rogue Knight

                if supports then yeah, lich, warlock, wd, lion and cm, are good at killing potential

                if you want lockdown and pushing abilities, shadow shaman is the best

                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵


                  Rogue Knight

                    although shaman is an easy prey when you are alone so make sure stick with a team carry so that you can obtain gold

                    Dead Game, Don't Care

                      Invoker, Meepo. Break your limits, fam.


                        Try Viper or try playing in limited heroes mode.


                          DK, PA, Jugg, WK, Sniper. These are some of the most noob friendly heroes there are in dota.



                            It's either carry or support i just wanna learn heroes


                              @dodong bot limited heroes was removed like a year ago

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Only 2 skill


                                  @Melt what really? I didn't know about that.


                                    @dioxgaming i see you everywhere on the thread especially the jacked one player, what happened


                                      Invoker is the easiest so far


                                        you just fragged your topic. gj.

                                        Rogue Knight

                                          Wait is your Spectre profile pic valid to this?


                                            @justSpec I have conflicted feelings at your profile pic.

                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Spectre actually shouldn't be that bad to start off with tbh


                                                @Makunouchi Ippo i just found dis on the net 😜


                                                  spectre needs map awarenes and lane support for at least 5-10min... i dont agree
                                                  if its gonna be another new player starting as carry you should go for heroes, who can solo lane+harass and rotate to the jungle early on. jug, wk, am, pa, even sven and luna are ok
                                                  you are probably gonna play in 5core teams if you do so and people will contest your safelane farm. thats why i sais learn support first


                                                    BB is also good for new players.


                                                      @Dodong Bot hahaha 😄

                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        Ogre, Lich, WK, and Bristleback are simple enough.


                                                          SPIRIT BREAKER !!!

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Nobody gonna agree antimage as a good beginner hero? Come on he only have 2 skills and 1* complexity


                                                              I agree, antimage is very good for newbies


                                                                Yea am for noob
                                                                Done fx?

                                                                feeding weaboo

                                                                  I agree to agree, antimage is an easy hero

                                                                  Rogue Knight

                                                                    Axe ,although is he valid as a simple or begginer hero?

                                                                    Rogue Knight

                                                                      @justSpec i can't even read what Spec says on your profile


                                                                        big problem for my early axe experience was overcommitting when tam already retreats into no followup into all enemy heroes below 50%hp because of blademail but nobody kills them

                                                                        also needs to make sure to get farm in hard lane. i dont wanna tell a new player to go jungle level one.

                                                                        Mask of Maldness

                                                                          Play wraith king, easy to last hit with and only 1 active - also super strong hero with great win rate

                                                                          Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                            I just realized VENOMANCER is the new meta semi carry/support hero
                                                                            He's OP

                                                                            Pls dont play Antimage if you're new
                                                                            He's too greedy and cancerous

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              I wouldn't play am or sniper. They suck without farm and new players don't know how to farm well. You'll have like 25 minute battlefury and hurricane pike and that's it.

                                                                              Wraith king should be good. PA is good. Melee are easier because you can get quelling blade and last hit easily. And those two heroes still do ok if you miss some farm.

                                                                              Lich is a really good new person support, so is crystal maiden, just level aura lol.


                                                                                Wraith King, Lich, Crystal Maiden, Vengeful Spirit


                                                                                  Supports: Lion and CM.

                                                                                  Carries or pos. 1: Anti-Mage (great hero to learn farming paterns, importance of item timing, etc.), Jugg (all around balanced), Sven and Drow (will teach you how to position yourself in a fight).

                                                                                  Offlaners: Tidehunter

                                                                                  Mid: None.

                                                                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                    Play heroes that you like cuz every hero good their unique complexity . There's no such thing as ez hero

                                                                                    Bosnian Blade

                                                                                      riki is the best


                                                                                        Am for begginers xd

                                                                                        I always forced my friends to play warlock as the first hero, then WK and Viper.


                                                                                          @Melt yea sure, new player should start playing with the most diffucult role ingame. My advice will be play every hero ingame and pick one carry that you like

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            honestly normal all pick just random til you find a role and hero you like, or play some all random or single draft. I really miss single draft for chilling out actually. I would play ranked single draft if they had it.


                                                                                              ^You'd enjoy it until you got that "Io, Chen, Meepo" draft.


                                                                                                Find a role you fit and than decide a role. For example I cant play carry - I sux as sven, jugg etc. It is just that my mindset is to be offensive.

                                                                                                I would say the best roles for begginers are position 3-4.

                                                                                                Position 3 - complex role, you need to play often 1x2, learning how to leach only XP and how to shut down safe lane or at least limit his resources. At the same time, you will learn how the position 1 and 5 are played - you will see, what they do wrong and right and can learn from it. And with the switch 70/30 XP you will not be underleveled. Examples? Omni, nyx, timber, tide... Or combo it - silencer+omni, CM+lycan, void+sky..

                                                                                                Position 4 (roam) - you will learn about positioning, movement, how to shut down pos 1-4 enemy heroes. And how not to get shut down. Riki, slardar, if you can learn earth is great.

                                                                                                For enjoyable heroes - I like riki, sky, WD. A lot of fun with those (if I am not mid).