General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen to pick Earth spirit?

When to pick Earth spirit? in General Discussion

    Should i first pick him or wait for my teammates to pick?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      You can first pick him alright


        so should i continue spamming earth spirit? i think that i can play him decently since most of the time i have the highest assists in my team or i'm better off spamming other heroes?

        Rogue Knight

          If you can ,then yes


            i usually wait for my team to pick a position 5 before i pick a roamer. "our support doesnt buy wards, i told you im picking a jungler"

            if youre good on es, go for him every game! i think hes great

            Story Time

              47% winrate on ES, so why spam this hero? He seems to be hard for you


                It was 55% before, but i lost all my recent games as earth spirit because of my carries, and it took many games for me to learn his mechanics, thats why the win rate became so low, 71-78 record i think but i dont even feed, and tried my best to gank and help my team to get an early advantage over the enemies every game.


                  why blame your carries if you are expecting them to carry you? better carry them instead.