General Discussion

General DiscussionSwapping safe lane and offlane

Swapping safe lane and offlane in General Discussion

    When u should run offlaner soloing safe lane and carry with 2 supports trilaning at the offlane?
    Would like to hear some general rule if possible, please

    Afaik it works good when enemy has some afk greedy ass jungler like lc/bs/etc. who wont be able to help early


      when you can't get farm at the safelane, you can go to the offlane instead.

      except when you can't get farm at either lane, then you kick out your support and leech exp solo


        Im talking from the perspective of the offlaner

        In some games Ive seen ppl swapping lanes from the start even tho the enemy offlane wasnt cancerous at all (e.g. solo nyx)


          Better lane match up / aggro tri


            only if it benefits the safelaner, no other reason