General Discussion

General DiscussionArmlet on Necrophos

Armlet on Necrophos in General Discussion

    He can hit like a truck with Armlet and Lvl 10 talent and you don't need to worry those hp draining because you can just press q or r on a weak enemy that need to be killed off and poof! 70+ HP Regen for you. PA jump on you? LOL just press W and she just wasted her attack speed or atos her better to prevent it in the first place or use it on AM so that he can't jump away like a coward and bm in case she got through your timing to teach her a taste of her own medicine. With a powerful right click damage, I invite a motherf*cking Bara to come run at me and I'll run him over like a car on road rage.


      seemsgood it was the build and I'm playing necro now xD

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        You bought it at 32 minute mark and when game is owned though

        I think Meka should be better to get


          blink would be a lot better than armlet


            why so hurry? just let them come at you trying to beat you down then you beat them around like a basketball with superior right click power.





                  for what?

                  Potato Marshal

                    Your match didn't really prove anything since you bought the armlet 2 minutes before the game was over.


                      its legit I'm building it rn
                      Edit: i won


                        You can tank your ass off with Armlet, pack some more punch, and maintaining a steady health while those scrub run away in terror when they saw their health lower than 48%.


                          ^ you can do all that without buying armlet


                            force staff is a lot better than armlet, you can dodge bouldersmash, geomagnetic grip, etc. so what if armlet grants you some tankiness, while force staff or blink can be better


                              ^^ What's wrong with adding more item to make yourself tankier to the point where PA crit damage are laughable and to make those scrub feel hopeless to see that their ideal way to win by spamming PA every game are crushed in front of them?


                                T H I S I S A S H I T P O S T I N G F O R T H O S E W H O A R E T A K I N G T H I S S E R I O U S L Y

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  It's a meme build I won't take it too seriously then

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    B U T W H A T I F I T E L L Y O U I T I S S U P E R L E G I T ?


                                      Wraith band dual null dual bracers into aquila atos VoD xd


                                        ^^ What's wrong with adding more item to make yourself tankier to the point where PA crit damage are laughable and to make those scrub feel hopeless to see that their ideal way to win by spamming PA every game are crushed in front of them?

                                        i think force staffing yourself when pa blinks into you would be better, and also you have ghost shroud, also i think that when you get ganked, you will have more chance of living if you have force staff than armlet(just my opinion though)


                                          Two word: Stifling Dagger


                                            armlet is just a very good item you see I build it on everyhero and I won every single of them
                                            while if I don't build it this will happen

                                            all role player

                                              sound good, doesnt work

                                              all role player