General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe dagon

Axe dagon in General Discussion

    Legit 3rd item in some scenarios.


      Not a legit 3rd item
      Usually u go blink blademail then force/bkb/pipe/crimson then a luxury heart/shiva's/aghs
      Nothing abt dagon is needed by axe.

      Riguma Borusu

        It's dogshit. It used to be done sometimes back in the time when helix was physical and axe couldn't use blademail to its full potential. Ever since helix became pure and blademail was changed to be useful with berserker's call, your damage started scaling with the enemy's, and if the enemy deals little damage, you will kill them with the pure helix eventually, anyways.

        Axe's damage output can be really good if with just blink and blademail and then some utility/defensive items, so there's no reason to get a dagon. If you absolutely have to dish out magical damage, even a malestrom/mjollnir is a better choice since you can really make the use of the active, and with the damage talent your right clicks are nothing to scoff at, anyways. You also don't have the mana pool to spam dagon.


          as situational as tide hunter dagon

          Goethe's Shadow

            REAL SHIT NI🅱🅱A


              if you wanna throw and get reported

              주 롄양

                might as well as good as not leveling call at all


                  dagon, yeah right. Go for mek instead

                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                    Oh mai gawd


                      yes because Axe has such a nice big juicy mana pool

                      Optimus Drip

                        honestly id rather have a nice juicy set of second boots

                        Raj Limbasia

                          It's a legit 4th or 5th item


                            ^it is a legit 10th item , dagon is around 7k gold item = heart/bkb + forcestaff , there is no situation ever happened in dota when you play axe and you are like "damn if i just got my dagon ,this fight result will be completely different"

                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              Good thinking,every item might potential be situations good,keep that in mind.

                              Don't get trap in situation that you know 'best build' and still 3K-7K,not even in tier 3 pro screen.

                              Raj Limbasia

                                Could be a solid 3rd item after blink and blademail


                                  lmao dude how is it solid when you have heart/shiva/bkb/forcestaff/shadowblade/euls that you absolutely need to stay relevant thought the game, you sink 7k gold (lets say every cs=50 you just threw 140 cs of the window) to get a half-assed item that literally don't help you do anything as initiator/offlaner


                                    lack of mana, tried a couple of times, rarely works


                                      You need Aether lens too.


                                        No one said you gonna rush lvl 5 dagon,its legit when you counter heroes like pa,slark especially,squishy heroes all around,as someone mentioned also help you with mana pool very important to ulti kill multiple heroes even rampage

                                        死の恐怖 Haseo

                                          greaves axe ? axe need mana and hp . new meta?


                                            a BM does the job for those heroes you mentioned


                                              probably good for solo killing nothing more

                                              buy bloodstone too while youre at it

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                No one said you gonna rush lvl 5 dagon,its legit when you counter heroes like pa,slark especially,squishy heroes all around,as someone mentioned also help you with mana pool very important to ulti kill multiple heroes even rampage

                                                How about no?

                                                Story Time

                                                  why buy blink when u can buy rod of atos and just walk to your enemy xD kappa^2

                                                  Riguma Borusu


                                                    DAGON HELP YOU WITH THE MANA POOL

                                                    YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST GUYS