General Discussion

General DiscussionCentaur's current state

Centaur's current state in General Discussion
Pink anus

    I remember him being picked back after his ulti changed. That said, I can't recall a single patch where Centaur was dominating at least since 6.60.

    Despite his all-time high winrate, I can't see how he's a good pick. All his skills are pretty underwhelming:

    Hoofstorm: too long animation for a stun. You can miss even with Blink since its entirely possible for enemies to just walk out when they see it coming.
    Double Edge: I dont know why Centaur "needs" to be damaged. For god sake, its a melee nuke with a tiny aoe and requires a target.
    Return: after armor reduction, deals like 10 damage.
    Ulti: the only useful skill. Still 60s cd and not at all game-changing.
    Stats: STR a bit higher than treant.

    From this, you can see his role is highly debatable. There's nothing pointing to a core or even pos 3. I can't see where the "tanker" element comes from. Med, BB, WK are way tankier than him. Timber, DK, Brew, Aba, Axe, core Undie, Spec are up there with him if not more.

    Share why you pick Centaur and your favorite build.


      Well I'll tell you this , it sucks playing vs a beefed up centaur if you are void .

      meteor hammer

        there was a recent ish patch where he was pretty good. idk if it was before the last hoofstomp mana nerf though


          Iirc in 7.04 he was nearly broken


            in early 700 his aghs was insanely strong
            also ur basically finding ways to make an excuse of his abilities
            return works well against creeps/farming and against towers, and shit like wr early can kill herself on return
            double edge costs no mana, so it costs health instead, plus it is a super high dmg nuke
            hoof stomp is an aoe stun
            his ulti can basically act as a pseudo blink for ur whole team, basically the ability for them to rapidly reposition themselves
            not to say cent is a god, but he rlly isnt useless
            also having 4.5 ish strength gain makes u pretty damn tanky

            Potato Marshal

              Double edge is so strong, it's a 400 aoe nuke on a 5 second cooldown with 0 mana cost. I really wish people would learn to combo his abilities more, if you have someone helping you gank, it's almost always possible to throw out 2 double edges in a fight in 5 seconds. That's 800 damage at level 7 for 0 mana, for comparison, a level 3 finger of death and laguna blade do 850 damage each.

              Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                Centaur Stampede combined with Mirana Moonlight Shadow makes 5v5 clash annoying as f---

                Pink anus

                  His agha and ulti is definitely strong. But I do think Return needs a lot of help. I find the WR example is just an unusual interaction which reflects nothing on Return as a decent ability.
                  A direct comparation of Hoof Stomp is Slardar's stun which has much better animation and surprisingly, it has larger AOE too (jesus Christ why?). And a MS and AS slow debuff like wtf.
                  I agree I may have been too critical on Double Edge. I forgot how spammable it was.


                    Basically he is naix's favorite food


                      buffing return can make his aura talent broken i think

                      Erase Humanity

                        Centaur is a scaling late game oriented position 3 which works undeniably good in physical metas. Centaur's skill set and stat gain are among the best. Hoof stomp is among the longest aoe stuns in the game with low cool-down. Double edge is among the biggest nukes on low cool-down too. His combo does 650 magical damage. His return does 100 physical damage at level 25 against every shot even without any item and it works on towers. He has second highest strength gain in the game too.

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          The OP have 45%win rate in 1K unknown skill and people are discussing under his questions smh


                            ^IceTea in 2k17 lul
                            Spams AFK jungle, lost a shit ton of games, got reported into low prio, can't win out, even with a stack. Not to mention that beautiful 3-15 in normal skill as the last game. Your 5k means absolutely nothing. IDC if you can "easily make a new account and get it to 5k", you're trash. Not saying I'm not trash, gonna throw that out there before you use it, I know I am. But you're more so.


                              U dumb


                                In the comparison to slardar stun, look how little crush actually stuns in the early game
                                Also return helps pushing towers, u ever see NP's safelane centaur, with heart ac pipe, vg, blink or smth, Aui (back when he was carry) wud just stand under tower and kill it with return lmao


                                  @abyss u forgot pudge

                                  On topic: Speaking from experience, killing a stacked centaur is absolute hell, he just does not die.

                                  Yung Beethoven

                                    Slardars stun at lvl 1 is 1,6.
                                    Centaur stun at lvl 1 is 2,0.
                                    Slardars stun at lvl 4 is 2.5
                                    Cent stun at lvl 4 is 2.75

                                    Cent doesnt need to lvl stun at the early lvls cuz 2 sec is already decent.
                                    compare cents usefulness at the first 10 mins of the game vs Slardars usefulness.

                                    Slardar only get kills when he reaches lvl 6 or if the enemy missplays. Cent can get kills even before lvl 6


                                      Its the ult....he is great in every other aspect the ult is just lackluster when the current offlaners have shit like epicenter and echoslam...also why are we saying that slardar is a good offlaner. ..slardar offlane is boring af...roaming slardar is the shit ....cent needs an ult rework cuz he really falls out in terms of utility when compared to darkseer/batrider/shaker/sandking


                                        Wtf centaur is not weak he is just boring af to play .


                                          Isnt the skill build for cent smth like stun/return then 2 points in stun then max double edge

                                          Dark Hunter

                                            stun -> double edge -> return -> max double edge.

                                            Honestly i love playing centaur. Get a HoD and you take barely any dmg from double edge. After that i get blink and start doing rotations.
                                            I had a game once where wr killed herself on me when using ult. was pretty funny. He's one of the best scaling offlaners i think. Build a heart and you ahve like 4k health at level 18 or so. You blink in, stomp. and just tank whatever comes your way. Its also good against illusions as they they a shitload of dmg from return. And return dmg is based on your str. So it scales amazing aswell. if you need a tanky offlane. Centaur is certainly one of the best heroes to go to.


                                              slardar stun is 2s btw, but he has that total 4s slow (during and after the stun in total).

                                              Cent feels slightly mediocre to slardar mid game to me, maybe because people get tanky enough with items by then for his stuns and stampede to really do anything. He becomes a beast if unchecked late game though, near unkillable with 2 hearts.

                                              It feels iffy if there isn't any mid game heroes to pull you into late game or end it straight after, there's just this gap of weakness where the enemy can kinda snowball over you if they get the initiation first. halp.


                                                cent is pretty good.

                                                he's a natural pipe/crimson builder.

                                                does well in offlane (can go head-to-head with enemy hc ranged or melee), and can fall back to jungle if enemy hc has two supps babysitting.

                                                tanky as f. can help escape or initiate.

                                                farms pretty fast.


                                                  ^^ Cartmen got it

                                                  Basically Cent is an offlaner who can farm much faster then Slar, and go jungle if required.

                                                  Get them T boots, HOD and go farm camps with level 4 double edge. regen super fast and kill more camps until you get your blink
                                                  your teammates in trouble? press R.

                                                  You see an easy kill , press R and go get em

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    For how good he is he is very underplayed in pubs. Solo he can win lane very easily vs melee heroes who can't harass him without getting hurt by return, and his nuke is a ton of dmg, so at 6 he can combo kill almost any safe laner. Supports completely underestimate him in lane.

                                                    Blink stunning is a little hard due to animation but it balances the hero cus everything else on him is quite strong.