General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on spamming heroes

Thoughts on spamming heroes in General Discussion

    I know that a lot of people do this, and I myself do this quite often (Troll > AM > Weaver > Riki). But there are people who say that through playing just a few heroes, you don't really improve and once you play different heroes, you end up losing.

    What are your thoughts on this?

    I think it's wrong, because despite playing a few heroes, I'm able to get better feel of the game and I feel like my impact on whether I play my spam hero is the same as a regular hero. It's just that the heroes I spam pretty much guarantee me a win.

    meteor hammer

      it helps me learn

      maybe it doesnt hepl u, but i know it helps a lot of people

      u dont have to spam a super meta hero. i spammed ww when she was 50 flat winrate and did great.


        It's good
        I stagnated when I play different heroes alot


          its a matter of improving efficiently. it helps to learn the heroes you do spam A LOT faster. you could always move on to difrerent heroes once you felt you've learnt enough for one hero. then u move on to a different role. but spamming just makes it efficient, rather than randoming every game and taking 10000 games to climb 500 mmr.


            you don't have to stick to 3 hero pool. but of course some ppl stick to less heroes because their threshold for practice is way larger. they want to 'perfect' a hero before they learn something new. of course u might end up being completely insane like 10k games on slark. and that scenario you kinda wanna avoid because you might get so used to playing one hero you can't play other heroes.

            Erase Humanity

              I think you should limit yourself to heroes of one position at least. Every role has nearly 30 heroes.


                ^nice name and pic

                死の恐怖 Haseo

                  spam to learn

                  зачем я начал поиск

                    Spam Rubick first pick mid. Ez +25.


                      What most people fail to realize is that when you spam you dont just learn that hero. You infact learn the other 9 heroes better since you dont change.


                        I regret PA.




                            Everyone who's dead-serious about improving should work on lowering their versatility to 5-10 heroes per meta, with occasional picks outside it as hardcounters to enemy drafts.


                              Hello waga nice to see you again. I might spam TA but I hate midland. Illl let you know how safelane Ta works out.


                                i can approve spamming made me learn way faster u can see the results both on this account and


                                  Wow a Waga comment, cool.
                                  You heard it here first, versatility is useless, just stick to 5-10 heroes. (personally I cry, I've always prided myself in being able and open to playing all heroes, and calling out spammers as "fake MMR". Only started spamming recently for the sake of MMR, didn't feel the improvement)

                                  Potato Marshal

                                    Versatility is overrated. Your knowledge gets spread too thin and you get 5K players who either don't even know their hero's skill and item build, or people who follow meta-builds too rigidly and can't adapt to situations.


                                      I was 4k until i started spamming invoker
                                      then I got 5k
                                      but spamming just 1 hero was bad.
                                      (3000+ games same hero sigh)

                                      when i started getting about 5 + Good main heroes.
                                      i gained sick mmr and knowledge about the game.. about 5.5k ish.
                                      when i now spammed a better hero. now with 1000 + games clock i rape in 6k bracket!
                                      It's exactly like waga said.
                                      since dota 2 is to complex you can be so much better with certain heroes. during certain metas.
                                      having played 10 games or 1000 is insanly different Especially even in higher 5.5k+ brackets.
                                      Where one would asume that there would be lesser difference in skill.


                                        I'm a 3 hero pool retard

                                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                          Check IceTea. He spam a lot of Ursa or Lycan but when he got into low prio, where the game mode is single draft, the red days began. XD

                                          Anyway, spamming hero is good but spam only meta hero and also you must be confident that you can play it good.

                                          зачем я начал поиск

                                            Metafags are retarded.
                                            Spam whatever you like playing and win with.

                                            Bristleback is supposedly meta, but the hero is just fucking garbage and I would never play him. He's weak as fuck.

                                            Being proficient on hero X is far more rewarding than mindlessly picking meta crap or counterpicking.

                                            Around 5-6 heroes and 1-2 game roles are well enough to go up.

                                            I swear, if I just played more solo ranked, I'd breach fucking 5k. Will happen soon enough anyway.

                                            Blind counterpicking/metafagging/high-versatility gaming/randoming are euphemisms for loving to lose and suck cock.

