General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen will AM be balanced?

When will AM be balanced? in General Discussion

    5 second cooldown, no way to interrupt, no way to stop it from cooling down. Blink dagger is balanced, it has a medium cooldown, if you get hit, it goes on cooldown again, this is called balance, this stops an item from being overpowered. Anti Mage's blink is basically blink dagger, except its got 50% less cooldown, and can't be interrupted, this is called "overpowered" and "unbalanced".You got to fight Anti Mage, 5 people, you stun him, wail on him, stun off cooldown, he blinks away, you blink towards him, he blinks away again as its already off cooldown, this is called "poor gameplay mechanics". When will this ability be balanced? Who knows, valve hates balance. You could ask, "how would you balance it?" Easy, give it a longer cooldown, 30 seconds, OR, make it so that hitting him puts it on cooldown for 3 seconds, like blink dagger. Simple.

    meteor hammer



        are u serious just pick blood, lc, or ns against that hero and he does nothing. Long stuns are an option too. like faceless void


          am is so trash and gets countered so easily

          Insert C01n

            AM op in 2017 LUL


              early diffusal on any carry just makes him absolute trash because of his mana pool

              one syllable anglo-saxon

                i wouldnt mind the nerf on this hero tbh even though hes one of the more balanced heroes atm

                Insert C01n

                  Nerf to his blink only if qop gets treated the same way. But seriously why do you think magina's op? Before he has his bf/vlad/manta he doesn't anything and you need to babysit his lane or any pressure ruins his early game easily. Honestly he's so much worse than a lot of other carries in the game...


                    There is so many ways to put down Anti Mage's farm LOL


                      and as soon as all those run out, he instantly blinks away, nice balance.
                      So I win the argument, it's an unbalanced ability and no one has any arguments for how it is balanced, glad to know I win.


                        what about queen of pain blink? is that balanced?

                        Friendly player

                          I don't understand why ur so butthurt about am's blink? In my opinion its fairly good and doesn't need an balance. It has a delay before blinking btw. Spirit breaker makes life of am a nightmare. Pretty much anything that has long lockdown makes am's life a hell (axe, legion, sb, sometimes even skywrath)


                            nice bait


                              I have played antimage, it's ludicrously unbalanced, as I said, but hey, I've already won, so I don't need to say anything to you anymore.


                                necro is unbalanced lol not am


                                  and am has good armor but very low hp

                                  registered flex offender



                                      The hero is balanced, most heroes are balanced, its specific abilities that are not balanced, pa's dagger, bristles quills, antimages blink, etc.


                                        hot wasabi what happened to u


                                          I just wanted to try and see if people actually took this seriously. Turns out dotabuffers are even more gullible than I originally thought.

                                          Copy and pasted everything I said from here



                                              too obvious 5/10 bait


                                                you got me


                                                  i got you fam

                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    Lmfao you guys got jebaited so hard, was fun trolling u guys for a couple days on this thread.
                                                    Can't believe none said that this is a troll.


                                                      Damn, I just realized almost everyone in this thread is too new to know about Salza.

                                                      Ez jebait?

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Jokes aside, you counter AM by killing him, the hero's paper.


                                                          I remember awhile ago I said am needed a buff and every person on this site said "are you joking? Am is op. Am is fine."
                                                          Now you say he needs a nerf
                                                          "Are you joking? Am is so shit, ez counter"

                                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                            The only nerf I want for AM is to remove his Mana Break working on his illusion, just like when valve remove the Greevil Greeds on Alchemists illusion.

                                                            The Manta + Abbysal Blade combo is insane. And maybe we'll a see a different approach for AM player when that happens.


                                                              i mean a lot of abilities r broken individually or in combination with other abilities, like fiery soul, or aftershock, or dagger, or overpower
                                                              its not really relevant if its not a balanced ability in and of itself, it matters how the hero functions as a whole with that ability that may be broken and his other 3 abilities.
                                                              am is paper enough to die in the duration of a stun or 2, at least early game, and some heroes can actually chase a hero with a 5 second cd blink, at least long enough to kill them, like lycan, or puck, or bs

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                Remove mana burn on illusions is like deleting the hero entirely.

                                                                And so many people took that "i already win" argument seriously what?


                                                                  I'm surprised people took anything seriously here


                                                                    AM is viable only because of his blink lmao...

                                                                    ONLY STRONG WILL SURVIVE!

                                                                      i dont think its not balanced, there's many heroes that can counter AM, if AM's early game is disturbed then you can win and outplayed AM, this hero just need space to farm then that's when he can carry his team.

                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          the above video


                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            Welcom bek


                                                                              if am dont have any dispel ready silence stuns(especially cold snap) kills him pretty easy.

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                Omae wo shinderu.



                                                                                  he has above 50% wr only in 4-5k bracket, in all others its below, he is far not overpowered.

                                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                    AM is op 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Omae wa MOU shinderu.

                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                        Remove mana burn on illusions is like deleting the hero entirely.

                                                                                        Like what happened recently to Alchemist, right?

                                                                                        Mana Break on his illusion is ridiculous. One blink + Abbysal + Manta and all 1k+ mana of a single hero is gone in an instant. After it, just bink away.


                                                                                          im surprised none said this is troll


                                                                                            Except alch can fight without using his greed with illus, removing his mana burn from illusion makes him burn mana worse than others who buy manta diffu


                                                                                              win early game buy orchid (mid heroes befor he got manta )
                                                                                              gank him befor his battlefury timing (from best 12 min to 24 worst and he will but that eventually )
                                                                                              buy rod of atos on mostly pos 4
                                                                                              Counter pick him
                                                                                              Silence rot-long disable - break into nuke - negative armor (cause low hp pool )-super high phisical dmg -low mana pool -weak early lane

                                                                                              silence suggestion : ( silencer pos 5 and 4 - qop orchid build first and she should win midlane - Bloodseeker - nightstalker - doom - skywrath on teams who will early team fights - Death prophet and she should win mid -pro earth spirit ) Drow ranger and riki

                                                                                              Rot suggestions : ( Meepo easy hard counter - naga siren (she should play support or win early game hard )- oracle (not enough he need a partner -underlord (need partner and he is strong laner too vs him but need to avoid him because of mana burn )
                                                                                              Treant (in a dual lane vs their safelane ) -Rod of atos (on anyone who can farm it quicker than his manta or aghz ) - lone druid(not so strong ) (ex : mid winning lonedroid or safelane who focused on him after 14 min ) and he need partner btw -techies focusing in enemy jungle and ofc a crystal maiden (rot and helping mana pool on early to team )
                                                                                              long disable
                                                                                              Void chorno - pudge ult (he can carry rod of atos too )magnus rp - enigma black hole - LC duel - Earth shaker combo - morphling support - axe call -tide's Ravage - batrider's ult

                                                                                              Negative armor - slardar pos 4 or dual lane 3 - weaver pos 3 or support dual lane offlane - Dazzel -Ta early/mid game - BB mid/late game - Sf mid game (12 till 27 minute mark ) -ck in laning phase (a little stun and negative armor )
                                                                                              Super phisical dmg : again TA - terrorblade super strong vs him - again meepo - again a fed ck or sf -visage mid game -ursa whole game - troll warlord whole game And ofc sven

                                                                                              Mana draining heroes : Lion laning phase - pl mid game - high attack speed heroes with diffusal like WR or ursa or Troll warlord
                                                                                              - invoker is tricky but a quas wex early invoker - nyx support or roam 0 OD pure dmg and mana draining ult
                                                                                              Weak lane against : a razor with draining dmg - a bane with draining dmg - a brewmaster with drunken haze - lich support less xp and
                                                                                              he always have enough mana - vs phonix hard to last hit (spirit ) vs axe hard to lane against
                                                                                              vs pugna support cant deal with ghost
                                                                                              vs solo enchantress when you are dual lane
                                                                                              vs necro in laning phase
                                                                                              Vs Pa laning over all
                                                                                              anoying abilities
                                                                                              rapture - shapeshift - x mark - Replicate (morph ult) -Disruption (shadow demon illu ) wall of replica - flux -
                                                                                              weak vs early miss heroes - tinker especially with aghz - troll warlord - riki - - windrunner - brewmaster - PA - Broodmother - night stalker
                                                                                              so yes Am is so weak and item dependence
                                                                                              with battlefury farm is not a problem
                                                                                              with bots he can escape focusing team to him and split push and cut weaves
                                                                                              with manta single silence or rot is not a problem
                                                                                              with aghz some abilities is not problem like vs a dumb doom or outfarmed lc
                                                                                              with linken the same
                                                                                              with bkb he can team fight vs small disables in team fight like hex or rot or everystun
                                                                                              with abbysal blade he can even burst a bkb target
                                                                                              with monkey king bar miss is not a problem
                                                                                              with bloodthrone single target miss is not problem
                                                                                              with vanguard small harrestment is not problem
                                                                                              with bkb chain rot is not problem like naga and rod of atos or meepo
                                                                                              with early pms laning against range support got more ez



                                                                                                  Haha hehehe

                                                                                                  D-Town Alpha

                                                                                                    @더워요 Salza I agree that he is strong, just increasing the blink cd would just make the hero in shit tier. Its hard to lockdown unless you go for some real hard disables. I personally think they should just probably just mess with his lane as much as u can and ignore him and try to end the game or atleast try to get most of the map control by 20 to 25 mins. He is a weak fighter until then its basically 4v5 just kinda exploit that. His mana break on illus should be reduced its too much sometimes :D


                                                                                                      mfw people still replying even after salza said its a bait


                                                                                                        OP Loses to AM and makes a thread about it telling the hero is overpowered!
