General Discussion

General Discussionnp is actually a very powerfull hero if played right

np is actually a very powerfull hero if played right in General Discussion

    if u push a lane around 5-8mins u can get a tower or maybe half and if enemy go to that lane u just tp to other and get free tower and basically around 20mins u will have gotten alot of towers no matter the enemy heroes and even if u feed its okey cause towerkill is more worth then fucking hero kill so guys take my advice and go win


      so is every other hero


        nevermind it sucks

        lebron james jr

          Np was used quite a bit in ti7 he ain't bad


            he is not bad but if enemy has good waveclear like tinker he is uselles

            Dire Wolf

              The problem with np is those trees give the enemy a lot of money. His usefulness is his ability to zip around the map and be anywhere so you can setup ganks, pushes, join team fights that are advantageous to you, plus his global ult. But in pubs they don't coordinate this stuff well enough so it diminishes what np is good at and he ends up just being a ranged right clicker with summons who grant gold.


                hero is broken in right draft/if u are bulldog and dont really care about drafts
                good thing i main sk cuz dem trees gimme all the gold i need


                  It definitely needs to be played long instead of jungle. One mistake I made is always trying to rat with him, when in some situations just pushing with team and casting sprout is stronger.

                  Pushing lanes out is very powerful in this meta as the extra 30-40 seconds to push in saves team from having to buy back, or the threat of a pushed lane really prevents the opponent from taking objectives. When the game turns into turtling a HC until they are god-mode such as sniper or spectre, those games NP really struggles to win.


                    A hero that was first picked shit ton by liquid in ti might be good when played correctly lmao


                      He is great, high base damage since the patch, good treant damage, teleportation.

                      Pushing lanes puts pressure on the enemy team, if they don't respond you will take a tower. If they do respawn they are split and you should start a teamfight, which should be no problem for a hero with a 20sec TP and also tp scrolls.

                      Just don't end up feeding.

                      Not to mention the classic NP ganks, and also the sprout buff, and the sprout itself, forcing enemies to get queling blades and force staves even if it's not best for them.

                      I build battle fury as a Lifestealer when im against Furion, it's also great for counter push.

                      Anyways after talents and a few patches NP is totally back, yes.

                      Pink anus

                        I saw the same logic with NP's aghanim. Simultaneously pushing all lane, created so much space, took all towers, gained lots of gold for you and your team.

                        10 mins later, enemy cores finish all their core items because of the never-ending free farm, push out all the lanes and take all towers which guarantee gold for bb, then straight mid end throne in 5 min. NP's teammates however have nothing besides tower gold and jungle because lane creeps die at enemy base.


                          Go for cheep Stats, medallion, dominate offlane with your high Base dmg and summons, snipe couriers and tp into fights early on - that way he can do alot and enables early pushing lineups while keeping hard carries small
