General Discussion

General DiscussionGot Rekt by 6ks

Got Rekt by 6ks in General Discussion
The Interstellar Potato

    Hey guys I am a low mar player and I am not that good at dota and I just played a game with a bunch of 6ks (I was void on the safe lane) and they absolutely destroyed me so if anyone can look at my last match (you don't even need to watch the full replay just look at a few of the fights or my item build or something) and tell me where I messed up then it could really help me improve. As. mentioned earlier I was void safelane against an es solo off and I tried keeping in mind creep equilibrium, support rotations etc but I still kinda got rekt in lane (I know I could work on my last hitting a little more), during the mid game I felt like my farm was super lacking and I felt like I could not really clear waves and camps as efficiently as possible, I fucked up one chrono big time and I blame that one on lag but aside from that it was all good/decent chronos but I could never really output enough damage to get a kill during the chrono and another thing I noticed was my constant deaths during fights and in my jungle while farming. and any tips regarding any of these aspects would be really appreciated

    PS. guys it would be really awesome if you could actually look at the match and tell me how I could have done better more specific to that game instead of generic stuff that can be applied to most games although that would be appreciated too

    Thanks in advance


      Mmr is just a number fam. Also your itemization is really terrible, why would you start with qb on sidelanes? Why didn't you buy wand/raindrop/aquila/oov before your mom? Why did you skill time dilation at level 3 in a 1v1 lane.

      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

        there's only 2 guys who are 6k and the rest are dogshit 4k's. That's ur guides on how to suck less

        also mom on void is fucking awful

        meteor hammer

          i wish there was an ignore function on this forum, or that accounts with sub 50% winrate were flagged so people would know their advice is dogshit

          The Interstellar Potato

            thanks for the response guy and @acc buyer I found out about bsj only today I was on twitch and I saw his stream and also I had a question which he answered live on stream which I thought was really cool and @cutnpaste thanks man your advice helps and I am kinda terrible when it comes to itemization like I have barely any clue aside from the basic builds and some small shit like a glimmer cape is good vs sniper and stuff like that and I got time dilation lvl 3 because I thought we would have more kill potential with the slow which is guaranteed unlike the bash when the supports come in to gank (I don't play fv much in fact I don't play much carry on these higher skilled games I prefer to play position 5 support cuz as a support I atlas feel like I know what to do and when to do what and how to do stuff like ward/deward, tp to countersink, pull, stack, zone offlaner, stand back use multi/whatever skills during fights and hope you don't die but as a carry I am always lost for example I want to farm jungle after clearing a wave but then how do I avoid getting ganged in my own jungle and similar stuff like that confuses me. also @acc buyer someone on my team told me to get mom

            chicken spook,,,,

              Talk less do more
              Making long essays of "I suck" won't do anything
              If you get crushed by them, learn and find out how did they crush you
              Get some high mmr replays to learn from
              Get used to the game, play more, keep learning

              chicken spook,,,,

                MoM is good for farming and solo pickoffs


                  General advice for any hero- don't rush big items blindly, you almost always want to pick up a bunch of small, efficient items before you start farming up bigger ones.

                  chicken spook,,,,
