General Discussion

General DiscussionThree Questions Regarding Arc Warden

Three Questions Regarding Arc Warden in General Discussion

    1. Which build do you prefer more? (Hex, Butterfly, MKB), (Hex, Bloodthorn, Butterfly), (Hex, Dagon, Butterfly)?
    2. If your clone's midas has 20 sec of CD left and you get a kill opportunity, should you use your clone, get the kill and not use midas for 60 seconds (until the clone's cd is off again)
    3. Is the 30% lifesteal talent better or the +spark wraith damage?


      1. neither, butterfly on arc XD
      2. kill>midas, because basic math and game control.
      3. lifesteal, obviously.

      I play for fun

        maelstrom bloodthrone hex


          SeemsGood Thanks Cookie! SeemsGood


            1. what
            2. kill
            3. depends on the game, if I am silly far ahead I get spark wraith damage


              1. There is no such thing as one universal build for AW. All builds you mentioned are viable. Even rushing Necrobook sometimes could be good. It all depends on the game. I think Butterfly is really situational, I would rather get MKB/Diffusal/Skadi. Blademail is really underrated, it's a great item on Arc.
              2. Kill.
              3. I don't think spark's dmg matter that much in the late game. Lifesteal ftw.


                Better questions about the item build are - Pike or Silver Edge? Phase or Travels?


                  se better for fighting early, very agressive
                  phase into a later travels is best.

                  combo early phase into midas > mael + sb then later SE/diff and you can become very agressvie early, waaaay stronger than bots + mjolnir

                  once you have your other items like mjolnir + diff + se, you can get bots. You can get it earlier if you can't fight as good in the late midgame.

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    Thoughts about MoM for a cheap DPS boost, maybe after mjolnir BoT?

                    Bill Cutting

                      Cookie is getting orchid before completing mjolnir bad?

                      So phase,Midas,sb then orchid

                      Bill Cutting

                        ^maelstrom after Midas


                          i almost never get orchid anymore

                          i switched to diff + hex for more dps and more reliable cc.

                          meteor hammer

                            blyatthorn has more defensive potential than diffusal :V