General Discussion

General DiscussionTurbo Mode

Turbo Mode in General Discussion

    nope, this is bcz, dota 2 will lose if still with long game, mobile moba is more fun nowadays

    for survive dota do this, and this is good

    Last Hit

      I like it, but valve need to touch it up a bit.

      First of, i would change the hero selection to single draft. If they are trying to get new people to get into the game, this will help it a bit. With things are going, people will just go with viper and axe all the time.

      They have to try it out though.
      And i agree about making low priority a turbo mode. Its less gruelling.

      But one thing i would like to suggest. They should mute toxic player that insults noobs for a week If anybody got 3 communication abuse. Even when they are out of the low prio. These son of bitches just dont learn. Watching other people mistakes while they are not farming, supporting or pushing.

      If you stop their chat/talk, you inherently push them to play. And the words noobs, bobo, tang ina whatever should be banned.

      Thats the only way to get new players to play.

      Supreme Leader of Katsap'...

        A few more tweaks and Turbo is the future of Dota.

        For the same reasons people aren't able to sit through a 1.5 hour movie anymore (I am looking at you Netflix and HBO), no average teen will be able to play a game for more than 30 minutes in the future. By 2024, a typical Dota match will be 13 minutes long and be played while flicking through 9gag, Snapchat, Pornhub and Amazon Prime in the back of a self driving Uber car.


          its great, apart from toxic retards who take it way to seriously and start reporting you.

          best thing is most of those fools have fresh new accounts just for turbo and are taking the mode seriously 'why make such pick, why you afk farm, why this why that... Fuck off'

          they should remove reports from that mode


            Guys I have one question. Does turbo mode also leveling up your Dota profile?

            Dire Wolf

              "By 2024, a typical Dota match will be 13 minutes long and be played while flicking through 9gag, Snapchat, Pornhub and Amazon Prime in the back of a self driving Uber car"

              sounds awesome

              Actually it's great aside from guys like you coach. That's why they need a ranked turbo. Tired of people fucking around so I lose 5 turbo games in a row cus they felt like building carry cm or some shit.


                By 2024 we will play DOTA2 on our iPhone


                  If they just removed the global shop it'd be fun.


                    I hate turbo mode. I play dota to get fed af and go around getting as many kills as possible. I drag the game on to do this and only join fights when the enemy is weak and my team dead, usually as clinx or BS. In turbo u get more farm but so does everyone else. I usually suck in this mode tbh.


                      Ll turbo mode gets counted like normal games ??

                      Mute All

                        server quality sucks on turbo mode , idk why

                        Patrick Bateman

                          Why does some people don't want to count turbo matches on the win rate system? I don't understand.


                            It isn't an accurate representation of player's skill compared to the players they are matched with. Turbo games are frankly a mess, and the team with the harder carry will almost always win (from what I've seen at least).

                            I'm able to be even more proud of my 55% winrate because I earned it through REAL DotA, not this Turbo, Chaos Knight and Spectre shit.


                              It's really great for people to play while waiting for their friends to finish their normal matches so that they can party.