General Discussion

General DiscussionOk after a few tests... pangolier build

Ok after a few tests... pangolier build in General Discussion

    As boring as if may seem. This hero just wont scale with right click and building for that isnt maximizing his kit. I posted another article last night about experimenting against those “ranked matchmaking AI bots” so I can actually pick the guy and tinker around without ruining others games and I think he should be played as sort of brewmaster 2.0 And let me explain...

    This personally is how i think he should be played now. I see people complaining hes too weak and maybe if you compare him to a monkey king when he got out who can solo kill anybody. But mk cant blink into an enemy team, nuke,get crazy damage reduction, dash out to safety while applying bash (and/or lightnings) then roll around spell immune while (potentially) stunning everybody.

    But pangolier can... if hes built like so:

    6slotted build
    -vanguard into abyssal ( bash procs on swashbuckle )
    - your split push item of choice: Rad or mjolnir. Rad is more constant damage while mjolnir’s active deters them from attacking you, which is kinda important for this build
    - Blink, the centerpiece, get in the middle and get those sweet stacks of damage reduction. Then dash out and apply your slows and stuns while being pretty fucking
    hard to kill.
    - phase into travels, hes a split push machine, and hard to kill when he gets his blink, he basically has 3 mobility spells, one with onobstructed pathing and one with spell immunity, and a hop to get to places enemies cant.
    -Armor, you’re in the middle of fights a lot and youre gonna want either a.) shivas for right click melee cores or b.) blademail for glass cannons or spellcasters.
    -last spot is a utility/survivability item on a game to game basis: Bkb if youre getting bodied, linkens for strong single target, halberd for svens and PAs or other manfighters. Or any of the items above that you want to get those as well. He doesent need to be 6 slotted to do his thing. Kinda like an axe in that sense. And i see flexibility in his build

    This is prety easy to build up to, and it has good split push and survivability and teamfight presence, and a pretty early power surge. However it lacks building damage and hero damage after your combo. But if you want that constant damage, go for the radiance so you dont have to rightclick.

    Thoughts? Any items that you gentlemen (and ladies) thought of? Or think are good? Call me a retard if you must but I see potential in this hero, hes not gonna kill you crazy fast like a PA, but hes gonna be a pain in the ass in a different way.

    I still dont know what lane to put him in though... he may not survive in an offlane and hes not as good a roamer as people think.


      Just top of my head, he feels like a League character, with his Q resembling the dash thing that most LoL characters have in their kit.

      From my one game with him on my 2nd account, I feel he could definitely be a "Mjollnir carry", a melee version of Drow(w Aghs) or Sniper. Just stack AS items and proc maelstrom/mjollnir forever. Or you could use him like a pseudo-PA, with the 3rd skill removing their armor, deso vlads to amplify it and just melt the opponents quickly. Either one. people keep saying they can't see him as a damage dealing core, I can't see him being anything but.


        idk, maybe assault to get that minus armor, armor and AS? Hes still new and i wont go and say this is the correct way to build, but it makes use of his w to really become this annoying pink rolling tank innitiator that he can be


          I think he's a pure frontliner to keep enemies attention while sniper/tinker dealing dmg from distance. Imo Shiva should be a core item on this hero for cc, which he lacks as an offlaner. But then why not pick Bristleback ?

          I dunno this hero comparing to the other new support seems very weak. He's not a flash farmer so getting all that stuff you mentioned above would be very hard.
