General Discussion

General DiscussionLoL vs Dota 2

LoL vs Dota 2 in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Alright i think LoL is way better than dota. It requires way more skill than dota 2. Who needs denying when you can kill the enemy carry with ~5 attacks and level one spell. HAHA change to lol asap. And btw people have their lives ruined by having dota addiction. Its time to stop. just change to LOL.

    Story Time


      Pale Mannie



          7ot of 7augh


            lol and dota is similar still if they go for LoL their lives will still be ruined :)

            Potato PC

              Dota 2? But it's dota 4 now (some people even say it's dota 5 now)


                lol nothing changes tho its the same, just a lil stuff been added and improved.
                Stop being negative to the update cause every developer hopes a good outcome of their game :)

                Vem Comigo

                  LoL u dont have carries or supports, u have tanks and spell casters, spell casters can nuke anyone other than tanks, that can just walk around. LoL is centered aroud Skill spam, u,literally doesnt attack enemy heroes, unless your hero needs for skill combos.

                  I dont know why people compare the 2 games, they are completely differently in gameplay.


                    I'd switch to LOL too if i was 2k mmr

                    Friendly player



                        that has to be the lowest quality trolling I have seen in days

                        instead of focusing on shitposting and trolling, why don't you improve in dota, or lol for that sake?


                          last hitting in league is the sixth circle of hell


                            This guy is mad AM got nerfed LUL


                              Play LoL? first pvp game, you'll see kids, first ranked game you'll see insta lock mid, what? People can choose their roles before getting matched? they dont even follow that.


                                Yes lol is so much more fun and also so much more competitive. I like that hero that spin and necro ulti, what's his name?


                                  2kmmr lul

                                  Friendly player

                                    ^ hope after calibrate you will drop to 1k.

                                    Btw 4k lul.


                                      ^ still twice your mmr

                                      Friendly player

                                        Still he had 2x matches than me. Reffering on calculations theres no difference, so saying that im bad is saying that you are bad as well.

                                        Justin Weaver

                                          Turn 7.07 upside down ,you will get LO.L xD


                                            League of Lesbians


                                              Dota 2<LOL<HOTS<HON


                                                Fuck you all, mobile legends is the best moba game


                                                  I've played LOL for a while and it just a bad version of dota , i could say hots is way more better and it's have its unique style
                                                  but dota is still very good and very hard than LOL


                                                    Dude I think there is strong correlation between your mmr and your iq get help

                                                    Harry hamburgerryg

                                                      726 party mmr. How the fuck... Ive always seen it this way, dota is far more advanced than lol is. We don't even need to discuss that.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        LoL definitely better :)


                                                          LoL requires way more skill. Dota game for 12y old noobs. Comparing those games is a shame for LoL.


                                                            In LoL I can't get out of Silver. Even after 7k games played. In Dota getting 5k is sooo ez. LoL is way superior & requires 10x skill. Not to mention streamers are more sexy.

                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                              instead of shitposting and trolling, why don't you learn how to do it properly first?*


                                                                What low effort bait is this


                                                                  I really dislike LoL, but for some reason I like HOTS (besides Dota), even though I think LoL and HOTS are very similiar.

                                                                  Friendly player

                                                                    b goat "how to do it properly first"? what do you mean??
                                                                    I just shared my experience on this forum and i got harassed because of my 726 party mmr which for some reason seems fucking incredible for some people, OMG this guy has 700party mmr, i wish i had that much because im an idiot who think its something more than a number in a game.


                                                                      ^He mans that your bait aka shitpost is low quality.

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        Try better


                                                                          LoL is way superior & requires 10x skill.

                                                                          The laning phase alone in dota is way more complex and takes a lot more skill than the laning phase in lol.


                                                                            The dota player said league was shit the league player couldn't deny it

                                                                            Fuka suginai o nīchan

                                                                              I played LoL for 6 years, changed to Dota2 7 months ago, and i have to say... WHY THE FUCK DID I WASTE MY FUCKING TIME PLAYING THAT SHIT GAME LOL.
                                                                              Dota2 has way more mechanics to master and gives you many capabilities to outplay your enemys.
                                                                              LoL feels static and monotonous... To be honest most LoL heros are harder to master than Dota2 Heros (Cause LoL has more Skillshot based Heros) but overall is Dota2 tougher.


                                                                                League is easily superior to Dota 2. Every league player i know is at least like 5k in Dota if they would play.


                                                                                  *baited* lmfao


                                                                                    I think it goes like this:

                                                                                    Bronze - below 5k mmr
                                                                                    Silver - 5-6k mmr
                                                                                    Gold - 6-7k mmr
                                                                                    Platinum - 7-8k
                                                                                    Diamond - 8k+

                                                                                    Not a single Dota player is better than Diamond in LoL. LoL is just much harder, Dota is for kids or noobs (I'm a noob that's why I play Dota & here I can have easily around 5.5k, in LoL Gold for me is impossible).

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      Imprecis, you have a long way to go m8, your trolling has to be a lot more subtle for people to appreciate it. I made mistakes such as your own back when I first started shitposting, but you can improve, just try to write things that are more vague and just a tad bit less retarded, someone will think you are serious and hilarity will ensue.


                                                                                        Amount of sarcazm in this thread has reached its maximum so its time to stop and Im closing this one. Its Time to stop!


                                                                                          Yeah its so fucking hard to play LoL, my 1k mmr friend is diamond in LoL


                                                                                            Ummm.... yall are a bunch of fucking losers. Who play's Dota or Lol? HOTS it's where its at. You can play as Genji and Hanzo. So much more difficult than both LOL and Dota combined. There is no contest. Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a horrible person. Bunch of fucking dumbasses.


                                                                                              well, i have 1k mmr, time to switch tolol

                                                                                              Please Tower> Kills

                                                                                                @Imprecis, I am just 3.7k mmr in dota while i acheived gold within a month in LOL