General Discussion

General Discussionis getting 6k+ all about grinding ?

is getting 6k+ all about grinding ? in General Discussion

    As a 6k player myself,i feel like getting high mmr after you reach 6k,is all about grinding.I see some players with 51% winrate yet 8k,7k.Even pro players have 52-51% winrate.I play like 5 games per day,and if i wasnt toxic when playing ranked i would be 7k for sure and it doesnt take to be special or something.Thoughts?

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      Isn't your winrate on the top right irrelevant though?
      What matters is the ranked winrate.


        I don't know to be honest, but something I hate to see is a profile from a 7k+ player with barely 51% winrate or a few less, like 50.80% winrate, and 9000 games, I don't see those kind of guys a legit 7k, even if they are.

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          You can have ~51% winrate, because you didn't care about your early unranked matches/because they're primarily LP games/whatever.
          That winrate on the top right is an aggregate value, not depictive of your ranked performance directly.
          Ranked-specific winrate is the one you should look at.

          Idc about the main question of your topic though.


            I was talking about ranked winrate,who cares about unranked.

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              I don't know then.
              Probably you're right and it's just grind.


                not everyone will, there's a limit to how much a person can improve. there's 100x more players with a shit ton of matches and 1-5k mmr than 7-9k mmr

                Story Time

                  but why to grind to 6k if already at 4.5 you get quality games? Or you wanna go pro on that one?

                  Riguma Borusu

                    it also depends on what you mean by grinding

                    some people play thousands of matches with really low effort to even win games, let alone improve

                    some people are very competitive and willing to learn naturally so they will "grind up" by becoming better and better

                    even if it is grinding it doesn't mean it isn't skill based, but that people who get MMR so high are so far removed from what it necessarily means to be skilled at the game, because it had become their second nature - 6k+ people have the opposite spectrum of Dunning Kruger, where they beleive dota is too easy and everyone can do it, Dunning Kruger isn't just "I am too bad so I think I am too good" it is also "I am too good so I think everyone can be like this and I am average"


                      "4.5k quality games" LUL

                      casual gamer

                        I know 7k smurf with 1k games


                          ^9k smurf with 1k games DEBIL

                          4.5 K quiality games oh yea i miss those times best games ever for me

                          Story Time

                            oh come on, you all know what i mean by quality games: "no leavers or feeders, plus supports and some cooperation". I do not claim that the game is anyhow similar to professional or even high-skilled scene

                            Player 153433446

                              Some work, some play.


                                Im agree with Story time, I consider 4.5k+ games a quality game because of those things he mentioned above. If you dont consider a 4.5k avg as a quality game, 6k avg is not a quality game either, because we're in 2017 and there're a lot of players with 8k+


                                  if ur so good how come u make boasting threads every time u meet some pro player in unranked

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    getting 6k is all about loving ur mom, op

                                    Player 153433446

                                      Only 2% of dota players are above 5kmmr.
                                      Below 5k is shit


                                        If high mmr players play a Lot their winrate is lower cuz they play vs other high mmr players.
                                        If high mmr players play less their winrate is higher cuz they win much more on lower mmr to even get to their real mmr. For me this is some simple logic shit.


                                          there's nothing wrong with a 7k player who played thousands of games.

                                          everyone knows what they're doing in 5k+ games, so the games are decided a lot by coordination and teamwork than solely individual skill. Hence the low win rates (even for pro players).

                                          The last five times I saw Sumail play, he lost.

                                          You can have your 90% win rates in dumb 2k 3k brackets. But you can't maintain that win rate as games get harder, no matter who you are.


                                            you can play ten thousand games and end up stuck at 3k. if you win games at the 6k bracket, you deserve to go up. thats about it i think. so no need to be salty



                                              arguably one of the best players in the world. 8,000 matches. 52% win rate.

                                              зачем я начал поиск

                                                I think most people get stuck at 2-4k, because they don't put enough effort in it, not because there's some magical limit.
                                                Most people reach 4k/5k and just cease playing ranked or go in, but repeat all the same shit they did, without thinking through what they actually do.
                                                I think any human, given you are seriously interested and invested in it, could get 6k or so.

                                                I know it may sound too pretentious and dumb, if an actual 6k would read this, but I sincerely think so.
                                                Your blue star and high self-esteem are rightfully achieved, but in no way unreachable by any other human.
                                                You're not THAT unique and unmatchable. Even remotely.

                                                Getting in top of the leaderboards, playing in tier-1 pro team - these are actual unique things, I'd say.

                                                i have 5 reports to use

                                                  I hate it when retards like you look at overall ranked win rate. You should be looking at winrate in sections and stfu. people with overall 50% can have 70% winrate in sections that's how they get their peaks from what I see and if they do indeed have 70% win rate due to some changes they did they deserved it and probably even more mmr.

                                                  Historical data too far back means nothing and if you can't even comprehend that you have low iq period and thus will never reach 7k.


                                                    ^ were you raped as a child? why so angry?


                                                      Hi dot can I party with you? I can be support position every game I'm a beginner level


                                                        I read that if you are maintaining a 50-51% winrate in ranked, you aren't really getting better - even if your MMR is raising. Your MMR is only increasing because of MMR inflation.


                                                          Honestly most of what determines if you win on not (for me) is if you are lucky enough to play a game where everyone on your team is happy with their role. When 3 of us are fighting for mid I already know its gonna be hard, but if everyone is content with their position and can play it well you are pretty set.

                                                          Shit some games I wish I could play with the same people again because we did so well together but unless you are on a team its tough shit lol. Hard to win every game with randoms. I remember back in wc3 dota I used to play with 3 others and we would smash almost every game


                                                            Most of my unrealistic DotA 2 winrate is because of playing as a party XD
                                                            Or going long periods of time where I am practicing in normal mm and practice lobbies, then go hit on a 300 mmr spree.


                                                              is getting mmr all about winning?


                                                                Grinding at 51% winrate and more its ok, that's really shows that someone is getting better, but see a guy with 8000+ games in ranked and 50.40 % winrate with 7k+ to me those guys are not getting better, are getting carried.