General Discussion

General DiscussionCoop bot

Coop bot in General Discussion

    Smurfing question: (dont make this a gitgud/u suck/play more thread, please.)

    If I play in a new account and achieved VHS bracket in between 10-20 games, can I play co-op bot to reach level 20 and will those coop bot matches affect my bracket if im in VHS at the 10-20games?


      you wont reach vhs smurfing, so it's a waste of time. Anyways, I will answer your question, nope, coop match will not affect your match history in real matches, so the system would consider only your first 10-20 games.


        You still have to play the 10 calibration games. So if you are in VHS and dont belong there you will drop out of it anyway.
        And if you belong there, then why mess around with co-op?