General Discussion

General DiscussionI did it. I finally hit 4k. :)

I did it. I finally hit 4k. :) in General Discussion

    I told myself I'd do it, and here I am.

    I set goals at 3k, 3.2k, 3.4k, 3.7k, then 4k. I reached those milestones slowly but surely.

    Reached 4k before all of my friends. FeelsGoodMan.

    I can give tips and tricks to 1k-3k players (saying this because I know how they play, as I have firsthand experience with them).

    Friendly player

      What to do when enemy mid is fed?
      What is the job of offlaner, safelaner and mid?
      How to gank efficiently?
      What items in 2k are overpowered?


        Wtd as NP if your mid lose badly against enemy mid
        0-3 at 4 min Mark
        A.try to gank and fail
        B.teleport to enemy fountain


          high skill bracket 4k ... how


            Because sub 3.7k average game?
            Anyway congrats


              i finally did it too, i hit 5 games of low priority


                Yea that's weird why am I seeing so many 3.7 and above playing in high skill bracket. There's something weird about matchmaking

                Cheap Laugh Guy


                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    rip 4k with new ranked coming out in 5 days

                    Palmen aus Plastik

                      How aggressive can you be in lane with no vision? (I buy a HG ward as a mid, but thats it). I am afraid to make 'plays' because I live in paranoia that a support is camping mid just waiting for me to go. Pudge and Mirana are my living hell.

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Game sense and abusing TP cooldowns




                            bye 4k @nov 22 xD

                            Justin Weaver

                              @Maurous.TI7Miracle you are 4.6 and I can still see normal skill games and high skill games in your dotabuff, how?


                                Grats. The ranked system is changing soon tho, so enjoy while it lasts. I set a goal of 4K last year, from 2.2K, highest i got was 3.5, hovering 3.1 now.

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  venz is 4k only because he hits roshan


                                    4k no longer very high skill bracket it seems


                                      @I sold my Aegis I play party normal match and rank match if you will see.. basically im playing with my 1k friends


                                        Forgot about this thread but I'll still answer the questions!

                                        @Friendly player -
                                        1. gather your team and tell them to not lose their cool. Avoid team fights and never let the enemy team feel stronger (mental game). Let your carry dictate when he wants to fight.
                                        2. From what I do, offlane is the setter and builds utility items. Also try to deny farm of enemy carry as much as possible. Mid should be able to handle the mid-late game, but can function good without as much farm as the carry. The carry should just farm and only join teamfights beneficial for his team. It takes practice to determine when to do this.
                                        3. Don't waste TPs, utilize the smoke, gank at night, and tell your safe/off/mid to creep control so it pushes towards his tower. It makes ganking easier. Also make use of fog.
                                        4. I dunno man. Kaya's pretty overpowered everywhere now. I guess there are a lot of heroes that are OP in 2k since they don't know how to handle them. Tide, Clinkz, etc. Basically any hero that would require any form of adjustment by the enemy team. Most 2ks are too stubborn to adapt.

                                        @A - C. Either group up and fight as a team or just farm and avoid team fights. Get farmed and take a fight when you hit powerspikes. That negative mentality will bring you nowhere my friend.

                                        @Bourgeosie - pretty aggressive, but don't go beyond their T1 tower. I guess my playstyle is pretty different, since I'm not usually the aggressive kind in the mid lane. I like to make my enemy think that he can take me then I style on him with skills and items. But in terms of being aggressive, your bracket won't have too many supports responding anyway. Just make sure to calculate your health as well as cooldowns of your skills, and enemy support TP CDs.

                                        Yeah, I actually posted about that too bc my solo games are around 3.9k avg - 4k avg but it only says high skill. FeelsBadMan.