General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm speechless.

I'm speechless. in General Discussion

    This time I'm done for real with Dota. I don't know what the fuck's going on but this time they fucked up too much.

    I played 6 calibrating games with NORMAL BEHAVIOR SCORE and I got literally 5 RUINERS IN 6 GAMES.

    Not just the slightly bad teammate, literally people trolling, going in vs 4 people and dying repeatedly on purpose, going afk, destroying their items, abusing abilities and going afk with shadow amulet.

    Is it because I had 70% winrate in solo ranked in fucking november? I didn't flame, I didn't took people's roles, I did nothing. I just decided to stop being toxic as much as possible and give my 100%. And what am I rewarded with, with fucking ruiners.

    Now I'm in a game where my midder went 0-4 in the first 8-9 minutes, the Mag I was offlaning with also died 4 times and the score is 2-17.

    The only game I won I did because I carried my entire team and even missed a rampage.

    Why the fuck did Valve have to do this, I understand punishing toxic people, but why this now. I was so fucking happy about that winrate and the fact that I was closer and closer to my first milestone, 5k, and now all is gone. Yes this is another rant, skip it if it's annoying, but this time this is too much. I don't know what to say. There's no fucking logical explaination to it.

    fear is the mind killer

      What is 5 game in a thousand ? :thinking:


        It's not just 5 games, it's calibration games. I was counting so much on them, I supported and when I couldn't I adapted to the draft and went mid or carried. Did my best to just see people ruin for no reason. And trust me on this otherwise I wouldn't say it, NO REASON.


          Matchmaking is imperfect. Shock, horror. Just played my first calibrating game and got a fourth pick qop (after necro marked mid and picked), a BB who somehow fed 13 times (how do you even die 13 times in a game as BB) and an MK who spent the whole game on top of a tree.


            so you afk and write a rant story on dotabuff becaus your midlaner died 4 times and another dude died 2 times...

            yeeeeh buddy sure as hell you didnt flame, stop kidding us.
            you flamed the living hell out of everyone in these games until they decided to run down mid/ruin your game.


              Yes, one game is acceptable. There's always a chance to get bad people, and a very small chance to get intentional ruiners in normal behavior scores while calibrating. BUT 5 GAMES OUT OF 6?


                No I didn't fucking flame anyone, these fucktards started trolling from the beginning of the game. Why the fuck would I lie or open a fucking thread on dotabuff if it was my fault.


                  Imba spirit:
                  50 min games as luna, 3k tower damage and 2nd lowest hero damage...

                  ITS STARTING

                  delusional dunning kruger kids finally drop mmr and start crying

                  fear is the mind killer

                    You'll have a new season soon to recalibrate. Wait 6 months

                    Cheap Laugh Guy

                      ^Yea bruh everyone gets a chance to get their well deserved MMR GabeN


                        What finally drop and start crying you fucking idiot, I just said I had 70% winrate in fucking 4k, 60% in the last 3 months and while still in the hidden pool for 2 months. You're the fucktard that goes from thread to thread offending people for no fucking reason. Idk if you think you're funny, edgy or anything but you're a complete retard.

                        Nah I'm not gonna wait for shit, this is so unfair. I payed the price of flaming enough, why make me pay when I behave and am nice. All I wanted to do was enjoy this trash for once since I like it, but apparently it's impossible.


                          I had 70% wr in november too, i went from 3k to 3k8 where i stopped playing in 3 weeks
                          3 calibration games, 3 fucking horrible games

                          fear is the mind killer

                            There is no such thing as hidden pool btw, only mindset


                              ^Man I'm not gonna go into this again, but yes unfortunately, there is.

                              Bad Intentions

                                Gaben want you to carry plebs to the next level. Be grateful!

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Does hidden pool put the toxic guys in the same game or only the same team?

                                  fear is the mind killer

                                    Why valve would implement that? The whole hidden pool thing is so stupid.. it's what I call excuses tbh

                                    fear is the mind killer

                                      So you think winning 70% of your 50 games in October is legit but losing 5 games out of 6 it's totally not okay?

                                      Use your brain. And don't forget that when you win a lot games are harder so you tend to focus more on the retards since the regular games aren't free win anymore.


                                        play support, do 10k roaming and make the enemy mid and safelane die 4 times instead :laugh2:


                                          @Soeeasy to punish toxic people and leavers. The community is too toxic and Valve decided to take action. Which is fine and pretty fair, not complaining. What has alwasy triggered is, I didn't get there 'cause I was intentionally toxic but 'cause I got tons of abandons due to bad internet connection. Then after 2 years with flamers, ragers and troll I started to become toxic myself. One month ago I decided to stop for my own sake, 'cause I really wanna enjoy this game and I don't even like to ruin people's games, and thanks to turbo games I got finally to normal behavior score. And now this happens.


                                            tiny in my last game kept cour on his backpack to teach us that the cour cd is 600 mins


                                              Harder? Lmao man there's no difference between 4k flat and 4.3k, I had literally no problem climbing. No, losing 5 calibrating games out of 6 'cause of INTENTIONAL RUINERS is not okay at all. Especially in a bracket I have 60% winrate in. It's beyond illogical and ridiculous. And unfair most of all. I'm not complaining about struggling in 6k, but about having games intentionally ruined in a bracket I basically stomped.


                                                It’s guaranteed that anyone who comes onto a forum to whine about their teammates is a toxic fool who ruins every game they are in.


                                                  It isn't since that's not the case.


                                                    So.... what's your theory on the association of behaviour score and feeders and why u can't win again ?

                                                    fear is the mind killer

                                                      I will never lose my lane against a flat 4k yet I'm only 4k6.

                                                      Also what you are saying does not make any sense


                                                        I just got matched with a slark
                                                        anonymous on dotabuff
                                                        he picked slark vs axe sky sniper and sven
                                                        he had to left his lane lv 4
                                                        gg -25

                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                          You can't make stats out of 6 games. That's beyond logical and ridiculous


                                                            Ok I didn't look at your games. But I highly suspect, given my understanding of how delusional and retardedly illogical you are, that what you term as intentional Ruiners are just normal people having bad games.


                                                              Soeeasy mate. op is well known to dotsbuff to be a hysterical illogical whiny maniacal little bitch who believes in al sorts of conspiracies and thinks he's smart but actually employs zero critical thinking esp when assessing his own games


                                                                I mean it's obvious SLQ has no understanding of statistics at all or variance and can't handle losses or normal phenomena not conforming to his expectations, having the emotional fortitude of a banana, pulling conspiracies out of his ass to explain every random pattern.


                                                                  ^I'm done wasting my time with a sick psychopath 'cause you're honestly hopeless, you can go back to stalking me now.

                                                                  "You can't make stats out of 6 games. That's beyond logical and ridiculous" what do you mean?

                                                                  Mlada i Luda

                                                                    to much talking for a speechless :p lul


                                                                      Haha Ikr, but if I calibrate lower than the ex 4k this is gonna be the last rant, for my and the forum's sake.

                                                                      Story Time

                                                                        i bet those loses did not affect your new mmr significantly

                                                                        fear is the mind killer

                                                                          This is my last post on this thread.

                                                                          What i mean is you basicly complain that your 70% winrate became a 16% percent winrate. (1W/5L)

                                                                          PLAY MORE and you will have your winrate back if you realy deserve it, losing (because of retards, let's assume) is a normal phenomena.


                                                                            @YOLO sir everyone have a bad day even a pro player sometimes lost badly, i feel u kinda tilted after that losing streak, i dont know why u still play rank after the losing streak, believe or not losing streak effect our mood alot .maybe u can try some method like people who post it at here etc 1 day only 4 games he play if two match he suffered lost he stop playing rank, the max he play is 4 ranked match each day just my 2 cent..


                                                                              Ik dude but I decided to go, well, yolo and play the calibration games all at once. I usually stop after I see I'm losing, but tbh after seeing that shit in the first 3 games I just went from yolo to kamikaze 'cause this joke is too much to handle for me. For example now I'm playing the last game and I'm vs a Herald 4 ?????? I went from 70% in 4k to what, 1-2k? I can't even.


                                                                                calibration means jack shit, if a legit 2k player calibrates 4k he will get it down to 2k again. thats why it doesnt matter, if you calibrate too low you will just gravitate towards your real mmr as you keep playing ranked games. however why even do it if you dont enjoy the process? Based off your attitude you seem to treat this like a job so you probably should quit.


                                                                                  YOLO, continue your calibration. If you do calibrate a 2k from this calibration, it’s a worthy case study to fight. 2k and 4K are too different in mechanical skills and knowledge. I don’t think you’ll calibrate at 2k. I think a high 3k or low 4K is more likely due to the MMR deflation.


                                                                                    I just checked your past 9 calibration games. They’re all VHS. I hope that’s an assurance to you! Good luck!


                                                                                      3 calibration games 2 W 1 L so far .... see skill bracket is high skill only zzz ...
                                                                                      game is quit balance for me where no too noob or too pro in my game but idk their mmr ...
                                                                                      my previous mmr ard 4k only ... any1 can share calibration result n previous mmr ... how does the system work


                                                                                        Where is this 70% winrate? Last 3 months, you got 48% winrate. If there was a whole month there with 70% winrate, 3 months would not be under 50%... Same time frame, Ranked match making, winrate 45%... Normal match making 48%... Where is this 70% winrate?

                                                                                        But more to my point, new ranking system probably brings out all the creepers from their hiding spots, so people who have had breaks from Dota are around a lot probably now. So you may have just ran into people who are just getting back from extended breaks etc. The fact that there is no MMR decay in the old system is not really fair. If the people have not played any 7.07 they are mostly lost with the heroes and with the new map etc. A lot has changed. I had a really rough week after 7.07 came out, but it has normalized since then. I know I'm shit tier and don't know anything. Or it could be that you see "smurf accounts" going back to their roots (as in coming to shit tier to bother people like me).


                                                                                          From what I’ve gathered from various posts, it seems like everyone above a certain mmr will lose some mmr due to deflation. The higher mmr you have, the more you’ll lose. A 3.5k will lose about 100+ to 200 mmr and 4K will lose about 400mmr. Sumail lost about 2k from the calibration. They’re bringing everyone’s mmr closer. That just mean the difference between two players with 100 mmr just got bigger in terms of skill level.

                                                                                          Check this out guys. This is useful.



                                                                                            @Metsis it's there if you search for my SOLO ranked games and leave my wonderful 32% party ranked winrate aside lmao. Anyway no, like I said they weren't people who made mistakes, we all do and I learnt to deal with that I can assure you, the last thing I want is to go back to low behavior score games, but these were straight out trolls or even account buyers, basically everything outside of normality.

                                                                                            @Right Flipper Left Flipper thanks for the info dude.

                                                                                            Just calibrated Ancient (?) and my solo is 4215. I mean I lost 8 games and I got the same mmr, I lost 125. How, after a certain point I literally stopped playing to reply here. I even got muted lmao. I don't understand, I played every game with 5k people and high 4k so now I'm assuming I would have calibrated at 5k or high 4k if it had gone better. This or this calibration thing is one giant bullshit and no matter how good or bad you play you'll basically get the same mmr.


                                                                                              Dota received 2 new heroes, tweaks to game balance, and a new ranked system. Old players are reintroduced to the game, including the spicy ones. My first new ranked game was against a smurfing meepo who was happy narcissist. So what?

                                                                                              This game is not to praise you for your kindness. The truth is, people would much rather not play with you in particular. I would say that you should either get used to it, or work with what you have to use leadership skills to keep the team in a functional state. There are no forced winrate, just your average individual performance and random factors mixed in. Someone has to feel extremely miserable for another to have the best day of their life. At least in Dota.


                                                                                                don't worry man, it could be worse, you could have my mmr.


                                                                                                  ^Lol I thought I'd get something like that as mmr at some point, for how bad the games went.

                                                                                                  But is there anyone who actually gained mmr, besides very low mmrs? Or did we all lose it? I'm still wondering why I got matched with 5ks and high 4ks and why I lost only 125 mmr after losing 7 games and having trash stats in 8 of them. I have the feeling Volvo thought "you were climbing fast, come take your close-to-5k-mmr and stop annoying people on dotabuff" but all went wrong, Idk.

                                                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                    dman man you cant even keep your word, you made this thread 12 hours ago but you have played 3 more games since then, so just fuck off, you are just seeking for attention


                                                                                                      Are you high? I played the 3 remaining calibration games and, I don't know how that's even possible, I lost only 125 mmr.
                                                                                                      There are people who started from my same mmr, won more games and still got legend 4 or something, others said you lose up to 400 mmr if you were 4k before, and after seeing how bad my calibration went (and most of all WHY it went so bad) I had all the reasons to tilt and think of the worst scenario. People open threads complaining about how they can't get to hs with a 40% winrate and I can't open a fucking thread 'cause after climbing so easily I had my calibration ruined by people who abandoned, fed and went afk in the enemy base to destroy their items or abused abilities trying to kill their own teammates?


                                                                                                        Sam are you new to OPs bitching or what. Lol. This is the guy who celebrates when they found a correlation between mmr and intelligence (no idea why he would celebrate when he is both dumb and Low mmr). And celebrated when valve suggested they use behaviour score in mm because it justified his horrible toxic gameplay
