General Discussion

General DiscussionSpamming support : Vengeful Spirit

Spamming support : Vengeful Spirit in General Discussion
Jonas Kahnwald

    Hi guys, I was used to be core player, but no more. Really I love playing support role, since patch 7.07 especial Vengeful Spirit. That must be damn good support hero of this meta, in my perspective.

    Let’s summarize why we all love the support job and encourage more people to play support role .
    - I love getting first blood on the solo offlaner. At 4k in 80% of the games you will have a jungler/rotating hero in your team, but the enemy team will also have a jungler/rotating hero which allows you to blow up their offlaner.
    - I love to set the wards in places where I think it is useful to have vision. When I play core, I always find the warding spots of my support so weak and obvious. In most games the enemy supports fail to deward our obvious ward spots though tbh.
    - I love to counter-engage any ganks at offlane/mid-lane. As a solo support you will most likely not be able to gank mid and your jungle teammate will not gank your safelane, but afk jungle; but I still buy a tp after 3-5 mins in the game, just to kick asses if enemy team overextend/dive.
    - I love to be not bounded to that safelane. If my mid gets ganked and I tp in for help and mid still got killed because I was too slow on tp, I can stay mid for 30 secs for solo xp.
    - I love to stack a camp at 53 and get the rune at 00 because at 4k no one pays attention to the rune timing. In my 1600 games I stacked 4000+ camps yet – cool that this number is shown in my profile 
    - I love to have so many different tasks: buying, placing and dewarding wards, courier management, harassing offlaner, ganking/counter-engaging, stacking camps, checking teammates inventories and communicate that we do not need a 2nd/3rd urn on team. So much better than right-clicking creeps or enemy heros.
    One more thing and my world would be perfect: My teammates could recommend me more often. Still: Supporting rocks. What do you - love about supporting?


      Nothing,i only play it when i feel lazy.Carry is so much more fun.Support=bored.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        LEL He's back


          Interesting insight. As a core player myself, may I inquire what are your thoughts to whether should a core define a tempo or should the supports set one and the cores to follow, at least in the laning phase?

          By defining I meant lane priorities like which lane should have help to get ahead first. Also, when transitioning to mid game where pushes and team clashes starts occuring more often what is your train of thoughts that sets up for a potential fight/push, or do you more often let the cores take over in the planning.

          Jonas Kahnwald

            @ 暗い空 : Most of setup for teamfight, pushing, ganking is depend on vision (ward spot). We confirm that only pos 5 (me) put ward, because most of ward pos 4 do, I find them so weak, and helpless vision for team. No, I understand what you think, but support must be the one setting fight/push, not core. Because support is the one who read map, and read situation in the game. I can say one thing : Your game win or lose, depends on support.



              vengeful spirit is better as core though isnt it?

              KGBlue Lives Matter

                Honestly my favorite thig about supporting is when you put on the big boy pants and carry your team despite being the Pos 4/5.


                  Welcome to the club! I also love supporting. I find it challenging and more fun compared to those carries farming non-stop until they get their items.

                  Although i prefer CM as my go to support.