General Discussion

General DiscussionITT post random facts that are not well known

ITT post random facts that are not well known in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I always love topics like these because I feel if everybody says one thing at least a lot of people will learn new things. Almost every hero in the game has weird tricks or mechanics or exceptions I feel like. I will go first because this one really upsets me when I do not see other players doing it...

    Fountain healing is an aura that stays with you for a second or two even after you teleport. If you are a mid player teleporting to a lane and the carry or support are low in health or mana, you have time to give them 2 maybe 3 sips of your bottle and it will auto refill to three charges because you still have the fountain aura. Like I said I am really surprised that I do not see this more. You can use this fountain aura for a lot of other things too like spamming spells when you come back to lane for harass or flash farm.

    And while we are talking about bottles, when you pick up an invis rune you have time to take a sip from bottle. You actually have time for two I think but it is pointless. Low in health and just picked up an invis rune? Sip your bottle really quick before the invis activates.

    And just because I am sure there is at least one person here who does not know, you can share sips from your bottle...please share with your team before picking up a rune when you have a full bottle.


      i thought these were common knowledge lol

      Chao Vritra

        They should be common knowledge but I still see people not sharing bottle or not abusing fountain regen in 3k so I imagine there are tons of players who do not. And those were just examples more or less. some of the hero based ones are not as well known to the general public but to the people that spam those heroes imo.


          if u win games u gain mmr
          but if u lose games u lose mmr


            Remember blink backpack? Did they remove that? When you take blink out of your backpack and after cd you can use it even when taking damage.

            quup poout

              i dont play wr but I know you can always hit a long shackle with blink dagger. just cast shackle and blink so that the enemy is in between you and a tree or other unit. It does not matter where you are when you cast it just where you are when it hits

              Chao Vritra

                -you can avalanche with tiny and throw the enemy into avalanche to cause avalanche to reset its damage essentially doubling it

                -if you turn rot on and activate soul ring with pudge it is almost always an instant deny. no timing with enemy hits

                주 롄양

                  "you can avalanche with tiny and throw the enemy into avalanche to cause avalanche to reset its damage essentially doubling it"

                  its written everywhere that "ava cause double damage against tossed units"

                  "if you turn rot on and activate soul ring with pudge it is almost always an instant deny. no timing with enemy hits"

                  pretty common sense


                    for the 3 people not knowing that:
                    attack your own creep to swap aggro from towers or other creeps

                    attack an enemie to get aggro from creeps(good for axe and LC or for taking damage away from a teammate)

                    a fair amount of people might not know this one tho:
                    using shift after an action and commanding the unit to do the other action will make that unit do multiple actions in a row
                    that works for heroes and non-hero units

                    I use it mostly when picking up a runes and I have to running right away to not stop for that short period or when channeling a spell
                    bane ulty at a unit and shift + w on that unit will sap right after the duration of the ulty ends

                    also, one that isn't known by like 90% of people:
                    if you flame your teammates they will never play better than before you started flaming them
                    the best thing that could happen is that they play the same, there is no value to be gained other than boosting your personal ego which won't lead you to a win

                    Chao Vritra

                      to everyone that keeps saying this stuff is common sense/common knowledge...Yes, it should be common knowldge but anyone who plays this game knows that your average player does not have common sense . So no, this stuff sadly is not common knowledge like it should be. The poitn of this topic is if everybody contributes something, more than likely you will learn something.

                      Chao Vritra

                        also shift queueing actions is really strong. I am shocked at how many players still do not do this. It is especailly important for eating a tango while retreating without stopping your hero.

                        On the subject of shift queueing...If you start casting your nuke as KOTL, and shift queue his chakra, he will cast chakra during the end animation of his nuke. Saves a lot of time because he does not even do the chakra animation he just instantly casts chakra after the blast goes.

                        Also can not talk about shift queueing without talking about using sandking ult perfectly out of dagger...Can't honestly say you see most sandkings do this unless you are a high MMR player. even then i know there are dummies there too.


                          You can know which skill enemy learn by hovering your mouse at enemy skills . If it show cast range thats mean they took that skill .


                            I Hanter I is the best Pudge player.


                              U can burrow strike through kinetic field
                              U can blink towards a hero by hovering over his portrait top of the screen then pressing blink
                              U can trap a hero between disruption illusions and another hero if u stand at the right angle
                              U can manta dodge rupture damage
                              aa (w) cm (q) sd (e)grant vision in a small aoe
                              Arcwarden players should fucking die
                              Tossing a hero removes cold feet debuff
                              u can go invis in pangoliers ult and idk why ppl arent buying shadowblade
                              U can eat pangolier with ls aghs during his ult and perma stun enemy heroes by just walking into them
                              make sure u shift queue force after blink when queuing orders during sk ult to avoid forcing in the wrong direction
                              U can almost always channel sk ult by burrowing behind enemy heroes
                              U cant fucking tread switch during tp
                              u can glimmer during tp

                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                if you use infest, you lose many buffs like clarity, DD, haste, bloodlust, empower, urn etc. also, while you are infested, your status is "hidden" so you dont get "assist gold" for kills (gold you get for just being there).


                                  While being under rupture's effect, you can blink and immediately use cyclone to avoid the damage.
                                  Can someone confirm this? Been a long time since the last time I did this...

                                  зачем я начал поиск

                                    1. Spin Web can be cast globally, once there's a preexisting web near your casting point.
                                    2. Brewmaster's AOE dispel deals 1000 damage to summoned units upon cast.
                                    3. Beastmaster boar MS/AS slow pierces spell immunity, if it was applied before target used BKB/got Repel.
                                    4. If you're dead (Aegis/Reincarnation), Euled or banished, you can instantly Blink out (meaning no way to stop you from doing so), if you shift queue Blink in the direction you were looking before you died/got banished/Euled.
                                    You can even Blink out of Chronosphere that way.
                                    5. I think maximum number of creep stacks mechanically possible is 7.
                                    6. If you have Radiance, you can shift queue attack for illusions on multiple creep spawns (preferably enemy jungle spawns) and get huge gold income.

                                    Though last one is more like a tip/hint.


                                      Mischief will prevent monkey king from drawing agro from towers and even fountain and he wont show on minimap


                                        If u get Hooked in bladefury tp doesn't cancel?


                                          hooking a rune as pudge refreshes your mana
                                          you can use ice armor/bloodlust on towers

                                          Chao Vritra

                                            -you can hook your team mates TPing to a tower or back to fountain and hook them back to you :0 you have to time it just right though you can not just hook them it does not cancel. You need to hook the split second before their teleport is done and because of hook mechanics he will be pulled back to you once it ends. It is pretty cool if you are trolling a friend or BMing in a game or low prio lol.

                                            You used to be able to do this to cancel enemies that are magic immune and teleporting as it used to only pull. But sadly due to the changes I think hook just goes through magic immune targets now. But this is good information still in case they change this back.

                                            edit: i guess I did not know about the aegis blink trick I always just spammed blink dagger in hopes I would escape. But that makes sense if you shift queue and your hero does not have to turn at all.


                                              IO fact:
                                              If you time it perfectly, you can TP back to base as you returning from "Relocate."
                                              Though this puts your TP scroll on a Cool Down (which may be vital), it can save your own life if you Relocated your carry out of a 5 man gank.


                                                You can take roshan super fast with an Underlord in your team because the fire storm deals damage based on HP percentage and rosh gets fucking rekt.