General Discussion

General DiscussionGame sense

Game sense in General Discussion

    So yesterday I had a game where everybody on the team was legend or above and we had an archon (2) player.
    Now the player went mid and lost which I figured would happen. This isn’t a thread blaming because it happens sometimes, but I noticed how lacking people are when it comes to game sense.
    Multiple times, me and a few teammates would tell him to leave from the lane he was pushing, or get out of our jungle because we knew what was about to happen without needing wards, the player thought he was fine and told us let him play, but then he would get ganked.
    This happened about 5-6 times in the game, now the reason for this thread is I am mid 3k and feel I have decent game sense, but for a 5-6k player or (Devine) do you guys say the same about lower mmr players when you watch them play?
    I am positive that there is a lot I lack in the game sense department, but it is just crazy to me how we knew something would happen multiple times and the player never thought it would happen. So now I’m wondering on how often I don’t think about things and end up feeding because of it.


      well, one thing i realised about divine players is that they will notice when someone on their team is showing on the map, and what that means.

      if that isn't next level game sense, i dont know what that is.

      i cant even remember who was last showing (On the enemy team) on the map most of the time, or what it means.


        Most of the time I look at the map and I'm like, I'm probably going to get ganked, and then I stick around to long and die.


          from 4k onwards it's mostly all about game sense, decision making, teamplay and map awareness


            playing vs people below 5k=slow motion,i feel like in the matrix,i know their every move and just fool and tease with them.Game sense is for 5k+,4ks are braindead


              I'm by no means a good player either but I have occasionally been matched with players significantly worse than me and its actually amazing how much more aware of things I am than them. Things that are obvious to me, they are completely oblivious about. Things like gamesense, knowing how strong one hero is compared to another, map awareness, etc are just on completely different levels.

              And I'm sure its the same when comparing me to a higher skill player. To them I'm probably a blind monkey playing with my toes. It just goes to show how high the skillcap of this game really is, that a mediocre player can be massively better than bad players.

              casual gamer

                idk if this is consistent in lower mmrs but if im in lower mmr it feels like the game pace is slower and its easier to see what people are doing

                in higher mmr people are in weird fuckign places and the game goes really fast, not in terms of game ending fast but people move around without losing efficiency much more quickly. i had a 7.5k semi pro lesh break trees in different spots with stomp and kill me as tinker 7 times in one game, where he had no hg ward. very tilting

                the people in discord just got to hear me say "why is he heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere" and die over and over

                Chao Vritra

                  i have been playing for years and feel i am just developing mine. Like you can just sense when the enemy team is about to arrive and it is time to leave. Or you can sense when the enemy is doing roshan. (it is funny what pyrion flax said about it back when he was still funny, about how you will think about how they are doing rosh right as they kill rosh and eventually that will get better and better lol funny and true)


                    One thing I've noticed is the "dying to save a teammate" syndrome

                    you break T3 and suddenly by backs come flying out, your pos 3 or 4 gets caught out by some sort of lockdown and the heros that just BB are tping in 1 second and will kill that pos 3 or 4.

                    Rather then just backing up and letting that hero be the lamb to the slaughter, half health heros turn around and try to fight and save that dying hero, resulting in a wipe. If anything, send in that Pos 5 to be the second one and save the rest of them for that incomign high ground push.

                    But seriously unless you start screaming in the mic " Leave him alone, someone has to die, get back don't save him " repeatedly your monkey teammates go running back to a losing fight.

                    That happens way way to often in 4k or legend dota.


                      I did not have any intention to troll or something and Don't take my comment as personal issue. Don't judge anyone Either You Have 6k+ Or 2 year of dota experience or Your <Experience Trophy> Level over 200xp+. Each And Every Game the thing i see from my allies is 'im mid' no matter what his other teammate are good or bad, and around 70/80% of match i saw they are going to die for the 1st ruin, no matter he will got killed for that, its true midland get level 6 and initial item to fight, like they will stick at mid for about 10min then go to jungle no matter his top or bot tower getting fallen, and most of the percipient of this discussion agree, these go for solo get kill and say no ward like he cant effort to get 1 ward for safety or carry an dust? And Play Support Does not mean just buy and upgrade courier, The Only People i respect is Who Roam/Check ruin, help his supports to get some ward or etc and have and commonsense on the mini-map in game happens. Before Judge Other people should judge himself on the game contribution to win. No matter How Many [MMR] K you have End of the day Win is the matter, no matter you either 1k/2k or no k MMR People . :)


                        I believe most players are doing fine mechanically on the heroes they play, maybe aside from more complicated ones. They know how to play their hero, but what distinguishes higher tier players from the majority are knowledge of the game and the ability to adapt and react. In other words, reading the game.

                        It starts from drafting, knowing when to play certain heroes and when not to, all the way to anticipating and adapting to the flow of the game. And that is why mere scrubs like me can't even scrape ancient. Solo queueing is still team dotes, and can be frustrating when the team isn't on the same chapter let alone same page.

                        casual gamer

                          Chain feeding actually is the worst habit u can have in dota I bet

                          casual gamer

                            Gotta save my pos 4 when he’s ganked alone in fog!! What could go wrong?


                              ^^^ another one sees the light!!!

                              Exactly what I said, chain feeding trying to save the one person whos gotta die. accept hes dead, minimize the loss to the team and run away. Do not tie your lifeline to that ship thats already sinking.


                                One of the things that has brought me up from 2k to 3.5k is game sense. Mechanical skills were already in place (CS'ing, tread switching, all the tiny things), but when I started to play with 4k players, I realized what I was lacking before: map awareness. About 2 months after playing with them, I jumped from 2.6k mmr to 3.3 (QUICKLY, like in 2 weeks). I'm slowly improving, and its becoming much more obvious when I'm getting ganked (or a teammate), and when Rosh is being taken.

                                What is really upsetting is when I know something is going on, and my team is oblivious. Pings, chat wont help (too slow). Things like when you have a GREAT chance to turn on a fight and re-engage because their AM decided to blink out ahead of his team to hit a wave of creeps, or if your TEAM knew that they were Roshing, you could have countered but because you had to "CONVINCE" them, you couldn't. That is where the real frustration is at, especially as a pos 4-5 player.


                                  i think in lower mmrs people play dota like a first person game.

                                  they watch their hero 90% of the time.
                                  instead they should watch the map 90% of the time. just tunnelvision

                                  they dont think about what the enemy team might do next or where they are and where they move


                                    Yea you know that sixth sense u get when u see your team making a play in the wrong part of the map and it just feels totally wron and they get wiped ? Yea I don't know how to explain that at all


                                      I am mid 3k and feel I have decent game sense, but for a 5-6k player or (Devine) do you guys say the same about lower mmr players when you watch them play?

                                      I finished at 5182 MMR before the new badge reset. I've joined my friend a few times who is 3k on a smurf account so we could play together and the answer is yes. Watching 3k players makes me feel like I am watching bots.

                                      I also think that 6k+ players would probably watch me and question my decision making. It's all learning and there is a LOT to learn.

                                      Still yet to callibrate my solo, enjoying the party mmr for now, Legend Life.


                                        Played an LC game on my 1.5k smurf the other day. Was able to afk in jungle the whole time until I had treads and blink. Got both bounty runes (right side or left side), the enemy and my team mates didn’t even bother going for them until about 15 minutes once they started moving about the map. No sentries or dust bought against an enemy Riki except for me of course (on my main it’s guaranteed at least 2 people on the enemy team will carry detection at all times if you have a single invis hero on your team). At one point after I placed a sentry I was fighting the Riki while the bloodseeker on my team was farming/pushing a creep wave right next to me and didn’t realise and join the fight for about 5 seconds until I started mass pinging, actually fucking blind.

                                        Since I haven’t been playing much recently I’ve noticed that I’ve also been checking the minimap less, been not checking enemy items less etc (lost a game because I didn’t realise a Luna had BKB so we took a fight against her and lost 3 heroes while they were pushing a tier 2 and the game went downhill from there).