General Discussion

General DiscussionIs picking pos1 carry and going offlane a thing now?

Is picking pos1 carry and going offlane a thing now? in General Discussion

    Am I living in a cage and doesn't know the current meta or valve us giving me carry who goes offlane ended up feeding


      why is supporting hard? yeah right it's easy but hard to win games


        oh guess what i started another game but fck it electricity went out for a minute and another lose asgdfjsadjf


          picking pos 1 and going offlane is a 1k-2k thingy


            also very common in 3k unranked


              can work out vs bad supports if its a solid laner or flash farmer who can comeback with just exp


                i think that would only work if your team have really good coordination.


                  I beg for offlaner to pick an actual offlaner at least once every other draft lmao. Sea players still think lanes are 212 and omni is only a support and a lane has enough farm for 2 carries and you only need one support to gank/ward/countergank. I try picking roamers and say I’ll “semi supp” and “help ward” as these people call it cause they don’t know about positions at all sometimes. I’m a support player and it’s hard enough securing the early game, it’s even harder when an offlane phantom assasin is bitching about why she has no lane partner.


                    It's all about the matchup. Sometimes it's better to go to whichever lane you know is easier. So there's really no strict rule sayin pos 1 has to be in safelNe.

                    I got my
                    Lane jacked by an antimage so I just went offlane with my supports and whooped their void. Easy. Left that sob am picker to suffer in the "safe" lane against a tough offlaner


                      when i see enemy firstpicking spectre and lets say a disruptor cm support combo, theres no reason to not play offlane jug honestly.
                      also i would not mind to see a safelane timber dealing with offlane wr asking me to move my carry as to the offlane and take the supports with me

                      when i get duolaned as carry and my supports cant manage to zone the enemy i will probably just swap the lane aswell, thats a different story tho


                        How the hell do u play offlane jugg against that.


                          i buy raindrop and 10+ tangos, abuse creepaggro and press Q when the supports press buttons

                          5k players would probably kill me over and over again. i dont play vs 5k's usually.


                            Yeah actually but I agree. I went offlane MK once because I was against a jungler and melee carry and support so it was an easy lane. But people don’t know that sometimes. Their train of thought is “I wanna play blank” and they play it

                            Story Time

                              sounds like most people think that offlane is a solo lane... lol


                                sounds like most people think that offlane is a solo lane... lol

                                lol indeed


                                  lmao, if your carry can easily fuck up their carry, why not place ur carry in the offlane in matchups like tb vs am, mk vs any melee carry etc.


                                    You tell me. I main TA, but back when I really loved to get her to other lanes too, especially offlane when it seemed like the correct call. There are a lot of offlaners who are insanely good solo vs most, but can literally not do anything vs a TA (tidehunter being one of them). But ever since "everyone got so good at knowing how the meta flows" I can not go there if playing solo, or game disrupting flamewar would surely follow.


                                      This would get crushed in any competent bracket where supports know wtf they're doing (or if I'm playing support)


                                        Just pick centaur and win,rather than picking retard carry on offlane

                                        easy enough right?

                                        Mode : TOPSON

                                          well with that easy pulling creep jungle i didnt suprise if some pro team will place their carry in offlane.
                                          i mean im tge only who having hard time to pull creep to hard camp in safelane???

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            The amout of razor offlane in my games makes me want to kill myself


                                              Take an unconventional offlaner and win the offlAne is very satisfying and a good reason to play am in the offlane. Rofl.

                                              Ok maybe not am. But I used to like going offlane ursa against like a jugg or something


                                                Had a PA go offlane in one of my games once. He actually managed to finish his phase into desolator rush by 25 minutes just before we lost.


                                                  Pa is a garbage offlaner.

                                                  Cheesy Wenis

                                                    If they hard counter your pos 1 in the mid then they need to rotate lanes. It's not ideal, but at least they won't get hard countered.


                                                      As i've said, its all part of the strategy to outsmart your opponents.

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        Offlane jug with talon used to be disturbingly effective many moons ago


                                                          I'm really not against pos1 heroes on offlane but when your team says "I'm solo" then he started on feeding and I'm here as a good support trying to help him over the lane he just gonna say to me "stop leeching xp" asdjgfaskjdfgahdf triggers me