General Discussion

General Discussionnew calibration

new calibration in General Discussion

    OK gusy one question about new calibration, I saw that all pro players have now Divine 5 star, that ther is no more mmr and now is everthing about medals. But i don`t get what other norlam players do with that.
    First every pro player has lower mmr than he has, and allmost all of my firend who play dota got lower mmr, i don` t know anyone with higher mmr that he has.
    SO i wanted to try pick my old profile who has 1.4mmr and ger thte sam emedal, (i don` twan to say tha ti try to get anything) ok fine next fired ask me to got his cause he paly cs go not dota, he got 2000mmr(i got that) and finsih as crusaider 3 stars.
    AND aftetr all of that i foudn pass for my first account from 2014, mmr i don`t remember. havent watch, just enter calibration star with harlod. And finish as harlod 5 star. xD
    On first 2 i played everthing from 1 to 5 possition sckor4-6 and 5-5 but with harlod sckor was 8-2 and every game was 600gpm+ xpm was 700+ only mid and hard carry.
    Ok. So ??? HOW?? HOw these calibration worck anyhow??? You got one player 3 diferent mmr.
    after firs ttwo i was liek ok, my skil around 1800 in midle from that play, i don` t care, but after lasst one i don` tget so new calibration i lie, jsu tput your old mmr.
    OK afet all jus questio doe anyone get new mmr with has bigger diferecne that his olld one?
    sorry for bad english as some tipo.
    P.S. if you wan tto say "you suck!" i don` t care.


      if you read -25 IQ


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