General Discussion

General Discussionwhats with aquila on am

whats with aquila on am in General Discussion
General Asim Muneer

    seen some pros doing it lately... it was never picked before.. what changed?


      I actually don't understand it at all, seems like a meme build. This patch I have gone in the complete opposite direction and been rushing bfury with just brown boots or even no boots at all. The main thing is after you have bfury I always get a second qb which takes up the extra slot that people are dedicating aquila to. Seeing as they give basically the same damage for the slot while qb is 1/5 the price idk what pros are thinking. I am getting wand every game I assume pros are doing this as well, maybe they are just committing to the earlygame with treads+wand+aquila?

      Story Time

        aquila is the best item for agility carries in early games.


          Maybe they do it instead of occasional clarities, while farming with W spam


            I thik they go aquila to skip treads before bf


              wait qblade stacks with BF?when did that happen

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                wait qblade stacks with BF?when did that happen

                since forever


                  qb gives a total amount fo dmg to creeps, bf gives %
                  imo that should stack.
                  they just removed multiple qb's and qb+talon
                  also rip talon, i hope you burn in hell. next to them junglers. but thats a fdifferent story.

                  pros like to do early smoke rotations with their carry to get him a kill or 2, imo thats why. if you just hit creeps skip it.


                    It may have to do with am wanting the offlane tower early, so they get Aquila to take it down fast if they've zoned out the offlaner?
                    Not rlly sure just a thought