General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to lose a lane?

How to lose a lane? in General Discussion
👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

    Hey guys, just wanted to hear your thoughts and tips

    Winning the lane, easier said than done, sure it would be the best outcome of the lane
    But for every hero who win a lane, there's a hero on the enemy team who lose it

    So let's say I'm now in unfavorable lane, I got out-csed quiet badly, I'm a level or two behind the enemies and I get zoned out
    What can I do now, to make the lost lane into as less of disadvantage as possible?

    Suck my tiny curry dick

      You quit the game

      Red Rocket

        i tihnk you have to get assistance from teammates for a gank in your lane or you should go to other lanes and gank theirs. Either way your team has to contribute to help you.


          Just keep on playing the game. You have to know exactly what your hero does and when/why does he do it. What is his powerspike and how to expliot it.

          Let's say you're playing an offlane nyx and enemy have lifestealer as their carry. With a little bit of help from supports lifestealer is good to go and can basically shit on you alone from 3 minutes onwards while both of his supports are pressuring your mid/safelane. Your job in that lane is to create as much chaos as you can. Keep pulling the creep aggro towards yourself so you can can cs without getting harrassed by naix. Keep pulling the enemy wave or stack the big camp and pull your wave into it, make sure you get bounties take a level or even 2 in mana burn and spam it on naix to make it harder for him to tp if his mid or offlane are getting dived or to kill you with open wounds/rage. Get your lvl 6/7 and start roaming around the map. Scout, provide vision, secure map control and set up pickoffs and teamfight.

          I'll give you another example as well. Let's say you're playing SF mid and you got destroyed in your lane because the enemy had a Qop who got a lot of help from her roaming earth spirit. She's 2 levels above you cand can easily solo kill you. What are you going to do is get lvl 5 and start razing the enemy creepwave and go to the jungle to farm/stack and repeat. Stack up on clarities/raindrops to keep your regen going and farm for some time. The thing is that you need to judge when its the right time for you to start fighting and is the rest of your team ready to do that. As Shadow fiend your most important powerspikes are the timing between ~15-25 minutes when both your magical and your rightclick damage are significant no matter what build you went for and the other big powerspike is the BKB timing. You have to try and force the fight around those as well as avoid the fights when you think enemy cores have just hit a powerspike.


            Imagine SF vs Invoker, SF can definitely win lane vs invoker easily with superior damage but mid to late after a few levels invoker can catch sf and kill him with his team.


              start the game and you'll already lose one.

              Lruce Bee

                Pick a jungler and you'll instantly know what to do when you've lost a lane.


                  Abnormal question.

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    Oh wow I just now noticed Umbranox answer

                    That's awesome insight mate, thank you :)

                    ur parents r siblings

                      what's the best and worst matchup for timber?