General Discussion

General DiscussionBeating invoker mid?

Beating invoker mid? in General Discussion

    I'm a 3k noob (newb), and have no idea what I'm doing vs this hero. Usually I'd try learning the hero, but this feels like a massive commitment given the skill cap.

    So, without needing to learn the hero, how does one outplay him? When are his powerspikes, when is he weak?

    When I'm playing passive he can contest ck without too much bother. On occasions were I have been winning the lane, I try to go for a kill, and he is able to burst me down. Also, I have a general feel for his spells, but I don't really understand which he has available at early levels (all of them?)

    Sorry, I'm sure this is a basic question


      Cancerlancer to rule them all, 4k invokers are trash anyway


        Invoker spells early cost too much for him to spam. Other than his 1 million base damage outlaning him isn't too difficult.

        Harass with a spell to make him back up, once he backs up draw creep aggro by right clicking him. Then you back up last hits are now easier with creeps closer to you. Rinse and repeat.

          Morph is my go to, but might just be my bracket.

          /e: But then again he's my go to against everyone. I go shift and adaptive with a value point in wave in case I get ganked or I want to go in for the kill.


            Or a fast hero that can contribute to killing him a lot early, even under his tower like qop. Qop alone isnt particularly good vs invoker but with +1 invoker dies every time.
            Invoker is one of the more abusable mids, just run at him. He cant do anything against that early on his own.
            My favorite is qop + spirit breaker.
            You should pretty much never just try to trade cs with him unless you are sf or ta or whoever has really high dmg to out cs him. Invoker gets so high dmg after lvl 3, it becomes almost impossible to trade cs with him hence killing him is the way to go.
            At lvl 1 invoker is really weak. He has 1 armor, 280 movement speed, dogshit attack speed and his rightclick dmg is average for a mid. Almost anyone can trade well with him at lvl 1.


              Use sf and zone him with raze combos


                u counter invoker with a pos 4 who can just murder his lane
                as a mid the best option is ta, but she is also pretty hard

                100% WINRATE MASTER

                  morphling is so easy to instakill using invoker. had the most fun whenever theres a morph.

                  Palmen aus Plastik

                    just pick DK. You literally can't die if you keep levelling skill 3 and you will also beat him in cs with soul ring skill 1 spam. when you're 6, zone him out completely. You can even backdoor mid tower, if you know how to play aggressive. Invoker is absolute useless against DK in lane.


                      sniper, OD, it depends on the bracket and what type of invoker you are against with... i can even sustain invoker as lycan (high regen) and clinkz (high damage) but then its all about laning and what bracket... i can do it on my bracket at this moment, but pretty sure not in upper bracket someday.


                        Y Lycan, Clinkz might be good to trade cs as well.

                        Lruce Bee

                          Most invoker early game will do the cold snap forge spirit sunstrike to kill you. Otherwise it's not that easy for him to kill you. It's not that easy for him to be aggressive on you as you can just walk away usually then dodge sunstrike. So he usually gets kills by punishing over aggression. That said, invoker doesn't mind just trading cs. Yes try to kill him but don't end up dying because of it.

                          100% WINRATE MASTER

                            during laning just act noob and bait them to u. works every single time. humans are greedy afterall


                              Or be the greatest alpha ever and break his soul


                                80% of the midlaners should be able to outlane invoker, but my go-to pick if someone snatches invoker from me - is TA or WR


                                  invoker is a shitty laner early on. play agressive. hit his face. even if you cant kill him, you can force him to shuttle clarities and salves permanently ez, and that will hurt him more than any other midlaner

                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                    Just kill him 4:huh:


                                      @lex, lycan can sustain the harrass due to high hp regen, decent damage for last hit, 3rd level wolves will zone him out. once i get hotd, i get the big mama bird and cast tornado following him, at level 6 i can kill him with ult, need to bring dust as he can ghost walk. this works to me from herald to archon bracket. not sure if still does in legend, let see if i reach there 😅

                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                        pick soulstealer


                                          Invoker has a couple kill options beyond forges and sunstrike but they all involve cold snap, which means Abaddon can purge it off meaning he is the best invoker counter ((((Kappa)))

                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                            s o u l s t e a L e R


                                              go for bloodseeker out farm him denied all creep

                                              O.C.T. - Life After Death

                                                Brood eats invoker once you get a couple spiders, you can basically remove him from mid if you do it well.

                                                Machado98 #xatubaking

                                                  I try to delay his lvl 3 as much as possible, at lvl 1 he has avrg dmg and lvl 2 still not great, try to get as much denies as possible, specially if you have more damage, then there is no excuse
                                                  After his lvl3 he is a cs monster, even brain damaged kids don't miss a single cs with 80+ ranged damage with fast animation, at this point I just clean up with spells and go jungle and back in lane etc etc
                                                  Ganks are good only early, after a few levels he already has tornado, ghost walk, ice wall and quas regen, even retards can manage to survive

                                                  TLDR: deny as much as you can in early levels, delay his lvl 3 then just clean wave and jungle, specially if you are melee

                                                  New Freezer

                                                    You can click on him and you can see what 2 spells he has chosen at that moment.

                                                    Most invokers level up Quas and Exort early for cold snap, forge spirit summons, sunstrike, and around lvl 3 or higher they may choose to get a point in Wex which allows them to give him self Alacrity which boosts his damage and attack speed, as well as chaos meteor and EMP and tornado. (the last three spells arent a huge threat to you, unless he lands a chaos meteor right in your face)

                                                    There are heroes who do well against him in lane.

                                                    Phantom Lancer: PL has an escape spell and a dispel with his W skill. This allows him to not only escape to safety, but also dispel spells like cold snap, which removes you from a lot of danger. He also has good harass with his Q spell. The trick is that you need regen so keep bringing yourself tangos / salve / clarity / mango or even get a bottle. Dont over do the regen obviously cause you need to buy items obviously so you can fight well in team fights.

                                                    Zues is good because he can farm safely with his arc lightning, and offer some reliable burst damage with his W. The only draw back is that zues is slow and squishy, so you need to be careful.

                                                    Templar Assassin is solid because you can harrass him with psi blades by angling your attacks so they spill off the creep and onto invoker, and if he tries to kill you, you can use refraction or your W that makes you go invis.

                                                    Honestly, a hero who shits on invoker mid is Razor. You can just steal all his damage which leads to you getting all the denies and last hits, and also harassing him with that stolen damage. It means he'll be under leveled and also in threat of dying. If he gets too close, you right click him down with your massive stolen damage, if he gets to far, your Q does a lot of damage, so it makes lane hard for him.

                                                    You just need to be careful not to get combo'd and to have enough regen to not be low hp and risk dying.

                                                    Sniper is pretty good against invoker but keep in mind you are slow and squishy so be very careful not to get combo'd.

                                                    Honestly Dota 2 is not an easy game. You need to study match ups if you want to be successful, you're not going to be successful by accident unless your opponent invoker is garbage.

                                                    Watch pro players play invoker or play against invoker. And you'll earn his strengths and weaknesses.

                                                    You can also just play invoker in bot mode vs unfair bots just to get familiar with what he can do, so you know how to counter it.

                                                    It's mainly about positioning, winning lane, having BKB, not letting him get too many items, ETC

                                                    Story Time

                                                      beating your meat?

                                                      Maris Golding

                                                        You can troll invoker ez with enchantress mid. Literally you can just facetank him since your heal and slow attack passive are op early game.


                                                          idk im just pick kunkka and wreck him at mid lmao 280ms ez torrent tidebringer deals 25% as long you can reach lv6 first invoker cant do shit


                                                            500 gold boots make invoker slower i think(works 4k below)
