General Discussion

General Discussiontell me why normal skill

tell me why normal skill in General Discussion
The man with reasons!

    i got my match with the fucking people, no brain and retarded but look my gameplay. sorry for my english

    Bad Intentions

      What is your nationality and region preference?


        You're playing offlane Invoker and Lina, why wouldn't you be in normal skill?

        👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

          emm, you played 60 games

          I played 186, and thats nothing. I am still very inexperience, despite also analyzing my games and watching high level games, as well as being invested in the professional scene. my level of play is mostly being limited by my lack of experience and the ability to predict things

          why do you think that after 62 games you would be experienced enough for HS skill level games?

          The man with reasons!

            indonesian, i played in asian,

            The man with reasons!

              because fucking people won't pick support, i always picking mid first. but this is sea if u know

              👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                so why wont you pick support?

                also you seem to get persistent 50% winrate. with very average stats

                so it seem to me like you are perfectly fine in your bracket. if you would play with HS you would underperform and constatnly lose


                  Are you trying to get (((VERY HIGH SKILL)) by smurfing?

                  👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                    how is he smurfing with 50% wonrate and those stats?

                    The man with reasons!

                      when i played support my core is bad, i'm so unlucky

                      The man with reasons!

                        maybe i want got bracket vhs but just until hs, my winrate down not because my mistake. u can see my match


                          you won't improve with that mindset,and what do you mean look at your gameplay? if you think youre better than the others in those games that you played you would've won those games,only way to win is to constantly improving yourself and not blaming your team for the games that you lose


                            Hey guys, how can I climb up to high skills and very high skills? or the only way to reach that is to play like HS or VHS?
                            I spammed some heroes and confidently better with those heroes, but still fall into normal skill bracket..
                            Most of the times I thought I really need to improve my gameplay and try other heroes specifically midlane heroes like invoker, SF, QOP, OD, tinker, according to most suggested tips is to try these mid heroes to get in HS or VHS..

                            I know that sometimes I play like a noob, I admit it.. moving forward we normal skill bracket players needs your advice..
                            to all high ranked players please help us give us piece of advice.. there's a lot of players looking for this tips as well..


                              those times that I lose match, I blame myself.. no one but myself, what could I've done better to make that match a won match..

                              to all high ranked players please help us give us piece of advice.. there's a lot of players looking for this tips as well..


                                bcs you are retard too


                                  Yeah another "im good than everyone else so it must be my teammates holding me back"

                                  If it wasnt your mistake and you think you're better than those people and belongs to the higher bracket, then you shouldve stomp your games easily.


                                    Remember dota is designed to be played by 10 players so there is a chance the opponents have few retards as well, so being tilted for getting bad teammates wont help. Just focus to get objectives and improve your own gameplay in the match


                                      And fix your fecking attitude, no wonder indos are compared to pinoys in the same level of toxicity


                                        Git gud bois

                                        The man with reasons!

                                          dude, look my new recent match is not my mistake :( see when i played storm. this pudge picking mid first and second time i pick off with storm. but third pick fucking sf picking mid and stay in mid and taraaaaa pudge doing feed
                                          if not play like that this two of fucking retard i sure will win


                                            ^ if i was you i will adjust those 'retards', its you wont swallowing your pride and makes you one of them. Thats the problem.


                                              high lvl players and vhigh lvl players know how to adjust their game and you dont. everyone wants to pick mid/carry on the team? play support and help the team win the game. ward and deward; gain map control and choke the enemy team of map vision. make the carries play better. you arent going to go far with the "me mid always" mentality.


                                                You know storm isnt designed as offlaner but you were still picking him anyway cuz you want to since mid already taken and not pick a real offlane hero instead

                                                The man with reasons!

                                                  i try how if storm offlane xD

                                                  Lruce Bee

                                                    Because that's where you belong duh. You are normal skill player with that 48% wr.


                                                      If you are really good then 1st pick that hero and place ur pic on mid. Then just rekt the enemy midlaner and carry ur team alone to victory.

                                                      I played in Indonesia too btw.

                                                      The man with reasons!

                                                        sir, i have very tired. u can see my last match. why my teammates like a fucker. i'm try play the good but my core like a shit also my mid, im 4th picker wk because when i want pick invo mid. that tinker always picking. that why im so sad play this bracket

                                                        Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                          Give me your account and I can boost you to 1mmr.

                                                          The man with reasons!

                                                            fuck u normal skill poeople

                                                            Story Time

                                                              If you are really good then 1st pick that hero and place ur pic on mid. Then just rekt the enemy midlaner and carry ur team alone to victory.

                                                              thanks to you, every retard is doing it now :D


                                                                The number of trolls in this forum is increasing

                                                                bRaindead players

                                                                  git gud?


                                                                    fuck u normal skill poeople

                                                                    lloooll ironic


                                                                      Simple explanation to that is “YOUR NOOB” .

                                                                      Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                          Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient??

                                                                          The man with reasons!

                                                                            hey dude BuMe- how can u got vhs match with that winrate

                                                                            The man with reasons!

                                                                              sometime's i'm play like a rtz, and no one when i playing mid

                                                                              Brown Bear

                                                                       Add me I need your account. Its VHS which might suit your needs